Starting Cereal

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tcap, May 20, 2009.

  1. tcap

    tcap Well-Known Member

    Our girls' doctor told us at their 4 month appointment that we could start "solids" anytime. We started cereal with the girls last week (they'll be 5 months real age this week). One of our daughters does really well with the cereal - she'll eat her whole serving. Our other daughter doesn't want anything to do with it - I'm not pushing her to eat it but am going to try again next week with her. Then I started thinking that their adjusted age is only 3 months... did we start too soon?

    I've read the poll about when everyone started cereal, but what were your babies' adjusted ages when you started?
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Our adjusted age was 4.5 months. I'm so glad I waited as it's really only practice for the first month. We had enough trouble getting them to drink enough formula and it really complicated things adding the solids. We also took solids very slowly. We introduced a new food every week instead of every 2-3 days. It worked for us but I don't think there is any "right" way to do it.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We started cereal on a spoon at 4.5 months (2.5 months adjusted). But they were already getting cereal in their bottles for reflux. But they really didnt get it until about 5.5 months (3.5 months adjusted). I didnt do it everyday, I just kept trying until they both got it. You can just keep offering it or you can stop for a couple of weeks and try again.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We waited until they were 6 months chronological age, but they were 5 weeks early, so I guess that would be 4 months, 3 weeks adjusted. The doc said we could start at 4 months real age, but I wanted to wait to let them develop a little bit more. Nate took to solids really well, but Jack was a lot more reluctant (he was our IUGR baby), so I'm glad we held off.

    It's only been in the last couple of weeks that Jack has really started eating solids as well as Nate.

    If your reluctant daughter doesn't seem to want solids, just try in a week or so. It's just for practice right now.

    My mother started me on rice cereal at 10 days old (!) so "too early" is really relative!! :lol:
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My kids were right at the 4 month mark, I didn't adjust, and they were born at 37 weeks. I think if they are doing well with it, go for it.
  6. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    My pedi said the same thing at their 4 month appointment and then wondered why we hadn't started cereal at their 6 month appointment. I thought it should be based on their adjusted age, but she said to go ahead and start. So we started cereal at 3.5 months adjusted age. Kate, my eater, took to it very quickly and we never looked back. Hannah, on the other hand, took about a month to get the hang of eating it. So after "fighting" with her to eat, I just tried it and then waited a week if she wasn't ready. One day she just started opening up her mouth when she saw the spoon and she's been eating well since. Hope that helps!
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it depends more on whether they are ready or not, as opposed to their age. If she's struggling with it then I think it's a good idea to hold off a few days to a week, and try again. But if they are no longer "tongue thrusting" the food back out, and seems to be learning how to eat well, then they are ready :)

    My first son was born at 36 wks and I didn't start him on cereal until about 6 months. But only because I really didn't realize we could start, I was enjoying just bf'ing him. But his reflux was so bad they recommended (finally) I start him on some cereal before nursing.

    My dd I had to start before 4 months of age because she was already eating too much formula.

    I'm looking forward to starting the twins, but I'll follow their cues as to when they are ready! :D
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