Standing in tub....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Let me start by saying I am not good in the discipline department! Right now Nicholas is in the bathtub with Anthony and dh is giving them a bath. Nicholas was told to sit by dh-nicely-and he does NOT like it. He's screaming. He LOVES bathtime! Well-I do think he is tired at this point, but still...

    What do you do for bath safety? If they don't sit-take them out? I sometimes look forward to bathtime during the day as it helps break it up for me-and them! Anyone else have this problem?

    Oh, and btw...he never used to stand until I got this little basketball hoop for the bathtub! I could just take it out...but also looking for how you discipline on proper bathtime safety! Thanks! :)
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Definately take out the basketball hoop. :good: Unless you could put it down where they could get to it without standing up? We just told them they either sit or get out. BUT you have to follow through each and every time. It took a while but they got it and stopped standing up. Good luck.
  3. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    No advice, mine still use bath seats, fortunately. I just wanted to say HAPPY 16mo BIRTHDAY! :clapping:
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Feb 18 2009, 06:26 PM) [snapback]1195590[/snapback]
    No advice, mine still use bath seats, fortunately. I just wanted to say HAPPY 16mo BIRTHDAY! :clapping:

    Thanks! Same to you! Can you believe it?!?! Where in the world did the time go??

    I think I am having a harder time believing we are having another one in four short months! :eek:
  5. Marya

    Marya Well-Known Member

    Mine stand up but I am in the tub with them and so I just keep putting them back down. Not sure what I will do as they get older.
  6. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could tell him to sit or else you'll take out the hoop? My girls had been in bath seats until one of them got to big for it about 3-4 weeks ago. I just tell her to sit and that she's not supposed to stand in the tub and make her sit down every time she stands up. It's getting better, once she starts to get it, I'll take the other out of the bath seat and work on teaching her not to stand.
  7. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    We tell them if they stand that they will be taken out. They understand what we are saying and most of the time they listen now. However, we still have our moments. As long as they love bathtime - this discipline tactic will work. My second child hated baths at this age - so it did not work with her, but it has worked with everybody else.
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls do NOT stand in the tub - if they stand in the tub, they get out. I don't care if they haven't been cleaned yet or what is going on. Standing in the tub is very unsafe and therefore unacceptable, if someone stands in the tub then she is out of the tub. This is the one thing I really think my girls have learned - they still "test the waters" all day long, but not when it comes to the bath tub, we have no problem there.
  9. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    We went through this phase right after they turned 1, it was terrible. I would just without emotion firmly say 'we don't stand in the tub, we SIT' and physically sit them back down. If it happened too much I would cut bath time short and get them out of the tub. After repeating that same phrase 10,000 times every single bath they eventually got it. Now if they even start to stand or get up on their knees all I have to say is 'sit' (in a very monotone voice with no emotion) and they sit right back down.

    Good luck!
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Call me crazy but I let my girls stand in the tub! It's just not a battle I choose to fight. The funny thing is because they are allowed to do it, they really don't do it all that much. I made sure my tub was safe by getting one of these Tub Bumpers, and a bath mat that covered the entire bottom of the tub (to prevent them from slipping). It has worked like a charm, and my girls have never fallen in the tub once. I give them baths by myself almost every night and have never had a problem.
  11. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I do not let them stand in the tub. When they began this little venture of standing at first I would tell them we do not stand in the tub, we sit and them sit them back down and I would do this over and over and over. I would keep telling them to sit on their bums every time. Now they know but they still try to push the boundaries. I now have been giving them until the count of 3 to sit or they come out. They usually are sitting by number two. I do this a total of three times if need be and then that is it, bath time is over.

    Now with counting to three they have learned to count to three on their fingers and do it every time I count to three for their warning... :lol:
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Kyrstyn @ Feb 18 2009, 09:09 PM) [snapback]1195809[/snapback]
    Call me crazy but I let my girls stand in the tub! It's just not a battle I choose to fight. The funny thing is because they are allowed to do it, they really don't do it all that much. I made sure my tub was safe by getting one of these Tub Bumpers, and a bath mat that covered the entire bottom of the tub (to prevent them from slipping). It has worked like a charm, and my girls have never fallen in the tub once. I give them baths by myself almost every night and have never had a problem.

    I'm with crazy. And for the most part they don't care to stand up in the tub now. It's more of a "I'm ready to get out" type of thing than a stand up and play. I put in a bath mat and a spout cover.
  13. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    If mine stand in the tub, bathtime is over with. No exceptions to this rule. They love bathtime and are upset when it is cut short and quickly figured out why it as getting cut short when they stood up.
  14. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    They did that after turning 1, I tell them that when you get in the tub, no standing. They don't do it anymore because they learned a lesson a little slip that cause them not to do it anymore. They do stand to let me know that they want are done playing in the tub. It is just a phase but you have to be consistent with saying, No standing in the tub or get them out. They'll get it eventually.....patience is what I learned! Who does?! LOL

  15. IdenticalBoysNewMom

    IdenticalBoysNewMom Well-Known Member

    I don't remember ever having this battle...but I would say to be firm and do follow through with whatever you decide. If it's to remove- then do it right away. I see nothing wrong with a light swat on the thigh or hiny- a little discomfort is something that will help them remember the rule. I know a lot of people are against this, and if so, then you could sit her back down and firmly say "no standing- we sit in the bathtub" and if that doesn't work, then just remove her.
    I know my boys went through a funny phase where they would really freak out if I sat them down. I just let them stand; we never had any issues- our tub is not that slippery. They got over it, and now I battle with them at times to get them to stand so I can wash them.
  16. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Kyrstyn @ Feb 19 2009, 02:09 AM) [snapback]1195809[/snapback]
    Call me crazy but I let my girls stand in the tub! It's just not a battle I choose to fight. The funny thing is because they are allowed to do it, they really don't do it all that much. I made sure my tub was safe by getting one of these Tub Bumpers, and a bath mat that covered the entire bottom of the tub (to prevent them from slipping). It has worked like a charm, and my girls have never fallen in the tub once. I give them baths by myself almost every night and have never had a problem.

    Ditto this. I let mine stand in the tub too. We have a long bath mat and, at the age yours are, I was always sat right next to the bath. No-one ever fell or hurt themselves and they spend 99% of the time sitting anyway.

    I'd just let them stand but if you want to stop them I'd go with the following advice:
    I would just without emotion firmly say 'we don't stand in the tub, we SIT' and physically sit them back down. If it happened too much I would cut bath time short and get them out of the tub. After repeating that same phrase 10,000 times every single bath they eventually got it. Now if they even start to stand or get up on their knees all I have to say is 'sit' (in a very monotone voice with no emotion) and they sit right back down.
  17. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    Mine stand as well. It just became too much of an unhappy battle. I fought it when they were younger and unsteady but as they got older I don't even bother with it.... they sit or they swim... I never leave them, I'm by the tub the whole time.
  18. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    Im with crazy too. I fight battles all day with all my kids and I choose to let it slide. We end up letting them all take showers by 5 anyway. We have made the tub as safe as we can and we are right there.
  19. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Give them a warning that they must sit down or bath is over. If they don't or if they stand up again, bath is over. Works like a charm.
  20. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I haven't read any of the other replies. I just firmly took them by the arms and sat them down and said "Standing is dangerous, sit down." in my Mom Voice ™. After about 3-4 times they give up and decide to "swim".
  21. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    I was having this problem a few months ago which made me HATE bath time! Then I started bathing them seperatly b/c I couldn't take it anymore. I would do one and DH did the other. Then they were angles and it wasn't H***.
    Just a few weeks ago I started bathing them together again and it was fun for about two they pull the plug every two seconds!!! <_<
    It never ends...
  22. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    I have to admit I'm in with Crazy too. I was taking kids out of the tub night after night after night for standing up. I spent the entire bathtime saying "Sit down". "We sit in the bath tub" over and over and over again. I would sit them down myself and they would make their legs stiff and get right back up.
    Since I gave up we actually have very little standing in the tub. Willam will get upset when I rinse his hair and tries to stand up which makes it worse for all of us. I just wipe his face and sit him back down when the rinsing is finished. There is a very stable mat that covers the entire length of the tub to prevent slipping, there is also a spout cover. I never go farther than the sink about 3 feet away and that's just to get a cup for rinsing if I forgot to get it beforehand (don't tell DH I use our toothbrushing cup - he freaks!).

    The one thing I have zero tolerance for in the bath is farting since that always preceeds a poo. One fart and you're out in my house!
  23. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~butterflytwins~ @ Feb 19 2009, 02:24 AM) [snapback]1195823[/snapback]
    I do not let them stand in the tub. When they began this little venture of standing at first I would tell them we do not stand in the tub, we sit and them sit them back down and I would do this over and over and over. I would keep telling them to sit on their bums every time. Now they know but they still try to push the boundaries. I now have been giving them until the count of 3 to sit or they come out. They usually are sitting by number two. I do this a total of three times if need be and then that is it, bath time is over.

    Now with counting to three they have learned to count to three on their fingers and do it every time I count to three for their warning... :lol:

    Ditto this post - we do pretty much the exact same things with the exact same results...even down to them throwing their fingers in the air and counting!

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