standing in the crib when put for naps

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by abrinka, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My DS mastered to pull himself in the crib and stand. Now he is totally is doing that all the time. I am happy with this milestone, but the problem is that when it's time for a naps, he would get up in the crib and laugh and giggle, while his sister is trying to fall asleep.
    What I've done just lay him back and after maybe 20 minutes of wrestling with him he goes to sleep.
    Anyone is going through this, or has gone, please let me know this phase will pass.
    Oh, twins are 8 and 1/2 month old.
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would just put them in and walk away. I figured the more time I spent wrestling with them, the more stimulating it was for them. If they got bored, they would lie down and go to sleep.

    However, mine have always (since 6 months) napped in separate rooms, because as soon as they became aware of each other, I was afraid they'd play instead of napping.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I used to go in every five minutes and lay them back down saying sternly "It's naptime. Time to sleep." It usually only took 2-3 times and although they were really angry with me, they eventually went to sleep.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yep... it only gets worse... now mine are walking around the crib when its nap time! I just put them in there, and walk away, but that's what I've always done... they don't always fall alseep right away, I need to try to make sure that they are sleepier... today naptime took over an hour to get started... seems that one of the sleep books said to put them in the crib about 20 min. before you want them to be sleeping... and now, especially, when they are more active it takes them time to wind down.

    Ours nap in the same room, sometimes I wondered if they'd wake each other up, but really, when they are tired they will sleep through anything. I would try to trust yourself and them and see if they will fall asleep... I, personally, don't want to "have" to assist them to get to sleep... and with each new phase it does get more interesting!
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I never laid mine back down. If they want to stand more power to them but its nap time.
    We hung a bedsheet down the center of their room for quite some time. They could hear each other jibber jabber, but couldnt see one another. It worked fabulously. Now at almost 14 months we just took it down.

  6. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Mine do that now too! Gets frustrating at times. I put them down and leave.. they're fussy so I go back in and tuck em in again [w/o saying anything to them]. Then... after I tuck one in then go to the other.. that one is standing by the time I get the other tucked in [giggling of course]. At that point, yeah, it's useless. I just leave them and let em' fuss for a little while. If it gets real intense then I go back in there, otherwise, they're left to figure it out.
  7. snakegetterswife

    snakegetterswife Well-Known Member

    mine will interact with eachother for about 5 to 10 minutes and then they gone on to is almost like they are making sure the other one is there by standing up! our boys are in the same room but their cribs are not side by side!
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Just wait till they start jumping :D

    Mine would eventually lay down and go to sleep. I consider it just exploring a new skill and once they get tired, they will lay down. If my girls were taking a little longer than normal to fall asleep, sometimes I would go in and put them down, but most of the time they would lay down on their own.
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Totally a phase. It took mine about 2 weeks to stop reciting War and Peace to each other at the corner's of their crib (they were in an "L" shape) and then they finally gave up on the newness of it and starting napping well again. Hang in there.
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm a softie, but at least with Caleb right now I'm taking him down (he genuinely seems to be "stuck") and lying him back down a few times. It takes about three times, but then he will go to sleep. I don't remember what I did with A&B!
  11. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all the support. It is good to know that I am not the only one in this. I am done wrestling that's for sure!
  12. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My DS is doing this too. Ive always had mine in seperate rooms for naps but my LOs share a room at night. 2 nights ago, it took him an hour to settle due to this. In the end, I let him CIO for 5 mintutes then went in and laid him down and told him to sleep. He did. It´s a phase but Im not sure how long it will last for! Not long, I hope. Mine seem to have a radar and just know when Im alone with them and that´s when they refuse to nap, like today. *sigh*
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