Standing for a long time, presure down there.

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Chrissy2010, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    After walking or standing for awhile I get this pressure down there that hurts, I need to sit. It feels like my vagina is going to fall out!!! I never had this with my other pregnancies. Im just about 19 weeks pregnant. Heres a little TMI but even sitting on the toilet I get it sometimes. Anyone else with this?
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I do have that problem. But it started like when i was 26ws (29w5d today). I dont have pain though. My belly just gets hard and sometimes I got pressure down there but not that often. Guess what I cervix thinned out fast.From 24w to now, my babies have been growing 2x every month. I guess its the reason my cervix thins out fast. My doc doesnt put me on best rest yet. I had ffn test last week and it came back negative. But I will have the test and cervical check weekly now. So you should tell your doc about your symptom. And you should ask your doc to check your cervix when you start 20w. I did have vervical check every 2 weeks until now. Good luck!
  3. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    That happens to me sometimes too but I've never had any cervical issues. They checked it last week and it was still over 4 cm (at 34 weeks). But...Baby A is *right* up against my cervix so I think it's the fact that she's really low down that is causing the pressure. One of my friends had a singleton baby who was also in the same position and she said she felt the same way.
    One obvious solution--don't stand up for too long. :) But seriously, it does help to rest more and you'll get used to the pressure and it won't bother you as much anymore. But ask your OB about it as well and they definitely should be checking your cervix, just in case.
  4. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I had that all the time too. I was convinced everytime I went to the doctors that they would tell me the babies were falling out-hahah. Never happened, just so much extra weight and pressure because of 2. Just try and stay off your feet as much as possible, easier said than done I know.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I was like that through most of my pregnancy (and it started fairly early). When I read your post I winced because I remember that discomfort. :hug:
  6. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I am also just starting to get that pain too. My cervix has still stayed the same so far, but they check it via ultrasound at each visit (which so far has been monthly). I told my OB the same thing this past week...that I thought it felt like they are about to "fall out"...she told me to try a maternity belt. I went to the Motherhood store and bought the fancy $40 one. It really has helped me. It has a under belly pull up support and a back support that wraps around. I really like it so far. I don't know how much it will help when I am humongous (I am measuring 29wks at the moment but am only 24), but for now, it is working!! Good luck!!
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Google "symphis pubis" (I believe that is correct spelling). I met a woman who go it very very early in her pg. It is the softening of the pubis area and it feels like someone took a sledge hammer to your private parts. She found a good chiropractor but while I LOVE LoVe a good chiropractor, there are many awful ones too. If you go the chiro route, make sure they can fully treat you the first day -- some do this HUGE assesment then X-rays and then you come back later to see the x-rays because there is something wrong with them.... There are courses for chiros so they can "extend" their practice. I just went through that.

    Oh mine was about 2 months and then went away. Everyone is different. I didn't do anything but Tylenol with Codeine when it was just too much sometimes.

  8. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    YES! I remember feeling that way and it was awful. I always felt "full" or "swollen". I was convinced a head was hanging out! It was uncomfortable but I never dialated until I was 33 weeks. Good luck, try to sit with your feet up a lot, that always helped.

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