
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mom2gc, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    My son (2 years 7 months) started to stammer literally overnight. He repeats words at the beginning of some sentences. There was no trigger to this that I am aware of. Is this just part of language development for some children or must I have his speech evaluated? We don’t make a fuss about it and I try and make a special effort of listening to him. He started to talk very late, but now has a huge vocabulary and speaks in quite long sentences

    Advice please! Thanks in advance.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Stammering/stuttering is common at this age. I know both of my kids went through it around 2-3 and it was because it seemed like they were trying to say so much and so fast, they would just stutter. We would just tell them to take breath and slow down. Eventually it went away. If you are worried and feel he needs an evaluation then I would always recommend calling.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of mine did and sometimes do this. I try very hard not to say anything about it. I try to patiently wait for them to finish their thought. I don't want them to be self-conscious about it and thus far they aren't. I think someone- perhaps TwinNanny? Has experience in this?
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I agreed with pp. my son did it for a while (maybe from 2-2.5). I wondered about it too. But their nanny told me its normal for kids. And he outgrew it as well. I think when they started talking a lot. They got so excited and tried so hard to talk and it happened.

    Now look back... I was so silly back then. I was always stressed out over their lauguage developments. I counted how many words, compared my kids to my friends kids,.. Lol. It wasn't necessary. Kids develop on their own paces. Now, I can't count how many words/sentences my kids speak everyday. I even ask them to stop talking. We do have a lauguage problem now. Its arguement. They argue and negotiate and try to reason with me all day long. Ugh. And like your son, my kids started talking very late.

    However, I would use your mommy instinct. If you feel something weird, it wouldn't hurt to make an appt. gl!
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    That sounds totally normal. Often, they just have so much to say and so little practice using language that things get jumbled up.
  6. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Sounds normal to me, too. I was worried about just such an issue at one point, and our pediatrician said it was common and would go away eventually for most kids. She said it has to do with different rates of development in different parts of the brain (speech, processing, etc.)
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    One of my boys stutters a lot.. usually when he has something really important to tell me and he really wants to get it right. I :wub: it, and I am pretty sure it will go away as his language skills mature.
  8. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all the replies. My mind is more at ease now. I will keep an eye on it and if need be rather have him evaluated.
  9. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Thank you to the original poster for starting this thread. My kids will be 2 and 7 months next week and I noticed this week that my son is doing the same thing - I noticed it 2-3 times maybe. He started to talk late also, and during the last 2-3 weeks we noticed a language explosion with both of them, they say more and more things each day. The last time I noticed this I was wondering if I should worry about it, now I know it's normal from reading this :).

    ETA: I also noticed a small lisp at times with Max, is that normal also? It's not all the time, but at times when he says words that end in S there's a small lisp - I hope this is somewhat normal as well.
  10. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I think it's totally normal. He will correct it himself later. Just speak clearly and correctly, he will learn. I remember one night we all watched their leapfrog animal. They could name all the animals. But when the fox showed up. Nolan said "f*ck" he couldn't said the "x" At the end. We tried to make him stop but he kept saying it over and over again lol. But he corrected it himself. They need time to improve. That's all.
  11. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Yep, also normal. One of my boys has a slight lisp. Their pedi said it is considered normal until I think age 5 (maybe even age 6, can't remember exactly).
  12. ilovemykids

    ilovemykids Well-Known Member

    is this normal at almost 4? one of my LO's has begun doing this as well.
  13. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I'm a speech pathologist and I always tell parents to err on the side of a speech/language eval if in doubt, but from what you are saying it sounds developmentally appropriate. Here is a link for The Stuttering Foundation that gives info/facts related to preschool aged stuttering:
  14. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much. I took him for an evaluation yesterday and have peace of mind now. At this stage it seems to be developmental, but I received valuable information and it was worth it. Thanks for the link.
  15. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear all seems to be normal with your son. I just wanted to reply as Michelle had mentioned me. I did have one of my twins (Alyssa) have a stammer. She had to have some speech therapy, although mostly we just worked with her at home. :) But stammering (as has already been said) is a very normal thing with this age. Eleanor and Ethan both stammer on occasion still, most often when rushing to say something. I never tell them to take a breath or slow down I just wait for them to finish.

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