spotting/bleeding into 2nd trimester?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Krisheet, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Krisheet

    Krisheet Active Member

    I have been spotting/bleeding since 5 weeks and am almost 18 weeks now. I just wondered if anyone else has had this and went on to have a healthy pregnancy & twins? I have an appointment tomorrow morning for my first peri appt and a level II u/s. I just hate going to the bathroom anymore because I hate seeing the red on the toiletpaper! My doctors don't say much of anything, except the only reason I am going to the peri is because one of the twins is about a week behind the other, so they are doing the dopler flow study. Any information would be appreciated.
  2. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    I don't have personal experience with spotting this long- but I know someone with a single pregnancy that had plancenta previa, where their placenta was lying over their cervix, and they had a lot of bleeding, but ended up with an over 8 pound baby :rolleyes:
  3. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I bled from 14 weeks to 21 weeks and continued to carry my boys until 34w6d :) It was a rough and bumpy ride and in the end, the bleeding was the smallest of worries, but it sure didn't feel that way at the time. I know what you mean when you say you hate seeing the red. It gets so discouraging!!! Has your doctor seen any reason for the bleed on u/s?

    Wishing you the best at your peri appt :hug99: You're doing great!
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I've had a bit of bleeding in all my pgs....with the twins one big episode at 15 weeks where I passed a huge clot which they thought was part of baby A's low lying placenta. This time around I had 3 big bleeding issues at week 5, 7 and 11...the last one was a fairly significant bleed where they actually checked my iron levels to make sure I hadn't lost too much blood. There are a variety of reasons you can bleed during pg and still be healthy...mine is subchorionic hematoma...where the placenta bleeds out and then will form a clot in the uterus... For some women they can bleed b/c a vein or veins rupture in the uterus... some women get spotting constantly b/c of an irritated cervix. And for others it can be a low lying placenta that bleeds out b/c it's partially covering the cervix. For many women the docs can't really say for sure why it's happening...unless they catch it in "action" on an u/ for me at 11 weeks they u/s tech actually saw exactly where the blood was coming from behind the placenta. But an u/s later that night revealed nothing b/c the blood had all drained out... so if they had simply looked at that second u/s they would have shrugged as to the reason why I bled so much.

    Your doctors should be monitoring you with frequent u/s if you are having continual bleeding where you must wear a pad. If it's just enough to show up on the toilet paper every time you wipe, then it's not as significant. the good thing with twins is that they normally do growth scans anyway to make sure the placenta(s) are functioning well... even without twins they will do this for me b/c of the possibility that my placenta was compromised by all the bleeding in the first trimester. Peri's tend to be much more I think you can feel good about getting solid advice and information when you go into your peri appointment.
  5. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

    I never spotted in my first (singleton) pregnancy. But i spotted throughout my second (twin) pregnancy. It was more frequent in the first and first half of the second trimesters. I did spot a couple of times in the 3rd trimester. My dr's were aware. My spotting was brownish and/ or pink in tinge and so I was told it was "old" blood. I never really understood that and was still very nervous about it even though they were re- assuring. They said if it was bright red it was more concerning because that was "new" blood. Is yours bright red? Pink? Brownish? I would make sure the dr. understood the situation, and always listen to your instinct. What do you mean when you say he didnt say much of anything? What did he say? If you feel something is wrong, follow up asap.
  6. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    I had quite a lot of bleeding with my pregnancy, it didn't start until well into my 2nd trimester. It freaked me out, but my dr was great about seeing me and even doing an ultrasound when I had a lot of bleeding one day. What helped was for me to stay off my feet, I climbed the stairs at home as little as possible and worked from home whenever I could. Everything was fine, I did go on bedrest at 30 weeks, but that was due to one of the twins ruptuing her sac so I was leaking fluid. They were born at 34w 1d by c-section perfectly healthy.
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