Spotting/Bleeding in early pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AlphaBeta, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    I'm pregnant, I think. The twins were IVF, we weren't supposed to be able to conceive on our own. I had a miscarriage last year, that we thought would be ectopic, but wasn't.

    I've had 2 ultrasounds now that show a sac, the last, yesterday, measuring about 5 wks. No heartbeat. My period has been so crazy we can't tack on to a LMP nor am I sure just when we had intercourse, so I've no idea what I should be measuring. On Wednesday late afternoon, I noticed a pink discharge. It's gotten a little heavier into a watery red discharge/bleeding. No clots. I have minor cramps that started yesterday afternoon, but seem to me to be getting a little worse each hour (I'm hoping it's just stress). I'm waiting to hear from the doctor on the HCG test he had run yesterday. If only to compare to the ones run a few weeks ago, just prior to memorial day. I'll have another blood test Monday and another ultrasound Thursday next week if nothing changes.

    The ultrasound did not show any bleeding from the placenta or separation from the lining there of. He said it was just unused uterine lining that was letting go since it wasn't yet involved in the placenta. He put me on Prometrium, even tho my progesterone levels a few weeks ago were OK.

    They thought this one would be ectopic since there was a large dark mass on my only ovary, but then we saw the sac in the uterus. We've gone from despair to hope and back again.

    I've done too much research online. I'm so tired of the stress and just want some answers that no one can give me, only time will tell.

    I know there's not much I can do, but if you've had something similar, or just words of wisdom, please share. Thanks for listening.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :hug99: s, it must be so hard waiting. Let us know what the doc says.
  3. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    sorry you're having to deal with the stress. from what I understand - 5 weeks is a bit too early to reliably see a heartbeat. I think at least 6 weeks is the earliest. Hopefully the prometrium will help with the bleeding.
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I hope you get back good results. Please keep us informed.
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I haven't had fertility issues...but I can tell you what I've experienced this pregnancy.... Got my hpt + at 4 weeks....then at five weeks I started bleeding and cramping... passing clots...totally thought i was miscarrying. Went in for u/s the next day...saw a sac, gestationally appropriate, but the tech was very quiet and even i could see that there was not even a measurable fetal pole in there let alone a heartbeat.... Went in two weeks later after yet another bleed...once again thought I was totally miscarrying... I had been really, really crampy the whole time. This time we saw the a big subchorionic hemorrhage going on. The u/s tech was really cautioning me to realize things could go either way. Fast forward to 11 weeks.. I had a major bleed, gushing blood, went through 4 pads in two hours..once again thought I was miscarrying.... but got a good u/s showing a baby that was growing well. I am now 15 weeks... I've had 8 u/s already, and I'm still not 100% secure in this pregnancy. I'm looking for a good report that my placenta isn't bleeding any more.

    Two things for you to know...
    1. Anytime there is blood in there, new or old, you WILL's not always a sign of impending miscarriage... I had tons of cramping every day from week 5 until week 12....

    2. They really cannot see the condition of the placenta or where blood is coming from until closer to 12 weeks gestation... just a little you might be bleeding a bit from the placenta and if that blood isn't really accumulating in there in any significance they won't be able to see it... For instance, the night of my huge gush I had two u/s...the first u/s showed a huge pool of fresh blood behind 1/4 of my placenta... two hours later in L&D they did another u/s... I had soaked through two more pads at this point... well, at this second u/s they saw absolutely nothing behind the placenta...and so they stated that "the blood is not coming from behind the placenta...maybe it's a vein..." Well, I knew that was a bunch of bunk b/c of what we saw at the earlier u/s... just shows you that unless they catch some of these bleeds "in action" they really won't know exactly where it's coming from.

    3. I suggest that as much as possible you drink lots of water and rest.. try to avoid heavy lifting...and dare I say..if you aren't already...avoid intercourse.... at least until you get a good report... I wasn't always this good, but when my doctors finally stepped in and said, "modified bedrest" and gave me a detailed list I have been feeling so much better.... activity always increased my do try to rest...even if it doesn't prevent a miscarriage it will make you feel better that you did what you could do... hope everything turns out well...
  7. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if my experience is similar to yours but I'll share anyways. I got my BFP at 4 weeks the day my period was due. I had spotting at 6 weeks and that was when I found out we were having twins. No cramping for me however. We found the heartbeats then but I heard that's the earliest time to hear the heartbeats, so we were lucky. We didn't do IVF.

    Then I had a major bleeding episode at 12 weeks and I was rushed to the ER. They called it threatened miscarriage but we never really found out the cause of the bleeding to this day. Most likely the placentas rubbing against each other since my twins have fused placentas. I carried my twins to 37 weeks with no NICU time whatsoever.

    :hug99: I know it's hard to wait for answers and I've been there myself. Good luck!
  8. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I know that the waiting game is awful!!

    I had a + at 5 weeks and spotting right after...was told to rest and had an ultra sound scheduled...found out we were having twins...a few days later had more spotting and cramping...another U/S and things were still fine...bedrest for 1 week. Tried to work but the spotting increased (work in a hospital with heavy lifting and on my feet alot). Had another U/S at 8 weeks...things were still good, unknown reason as to why I was spotting...instructed to rest as much as possible, no lifting, no intercourse, no baths, and to drink LOTS!

    For me the resting helped alot, as long as I would take it easy the spotting slowed right down, when more active the spotting would increase. I spotted upto about 10-11 weeks. I am now at 21 weeks

    I know waiting for results can be so stressful, but hang in there. Keep us posted :hug99:
  9. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    Thanks all for giving me your stories. I'm still spotting, more heavily in the morning when I get up and almost stopping by evening. The cramping has gotten worse, but is manageable with tyelnol. The HCG test result from Thursday was 2089. Two weeks prior it was 859. So that's not great news either. I go back today for a follow up HCG, but no new US until Thursday. It's been a long weekend, trying to take it easy with the kids getting antsy. I'll post back when I know more, and thanks again for caring!
  10. Amberzas

    Amberzas Active Member

    I've had several bleeding and spotting episodes this pregnancy early on. They never could find a reason, but everything is still fine.
  11. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    I miscarried. Went in for the HCG today, and talked to the doc, he decided to go ahead and do another US today and the sac was gone. I'm having a D&C tomorrow.

    Thanks again for talking to me. It's always good to hear positive stories, I wish mine had become one.
  12. campsix

    campsix Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm Sorry.
  13. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm so sorry. I just found this. I've been out of town for over a week. I'm sooo very sorry. You have my email if you need to talk.

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