Spotting-6wks-trying not to panic (TMI)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Specky, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Hi guys...

    Trying really hard not to panic.
    Started having some brown spotting last night (just when I wiped) sorry for the TMI. I'm also having cramping, but have been all along. I called my nurse, she said it's the abnormal side of normal. HUH???

    I know that if I were going to miscarry at this early stage (6wks) nothing could be done about it....

    anyone have any kind of experience with this?? I have an ultrasound on Monday to see heartbeats...hopefully...any advice would be greatly appreciated! THANK YOU!
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a lot of brown spotting, at around 6 weeks. I was told as long as it was brown it was fine. I even had bright red spotting so bad that my doctor got me in for an ultrasound right away.
    Try and relax and take it easy.
  3. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    i had the same spotting at 5 weeks. i called my ob and she said to go to l&d. They told me it was a threatened miscarriage. at this point i didnt know it was twins and that this was implantation blood. so they did an u/s and saw an empty sack. but since it was so early they couldnt say much. then they did blood work and this is when the insanity began. the levels were super high - twins, duh! but the attending told me that the levels were so high that there should be a heartbeat and the the pregnancy wasnt progressing normally - can you belive it! so i was like - ok it wasnt meant to be, but weeks went by and no miscarrage. at my first ob appt at 8wks i requested an u/s in the office and the doc who was seeing me couldnt find anything and sent us off to the high res u/s to check for viability after giving us the talk about having a d/c and trying again after a few months. so we are both crying waiting for the u/s people to call us in and then two seconds after starting the u/s, the tech says "do you have twins in your family?" the moral of the story - its probably implantation blood and dont trust abdominal u/s so early on. you need a transvaginal. and unfortunately if you are going to miscarry there is nothing you can do about it - and you wouldnt want to because m/c are usually due to lethal chromosomal abnormalities.
    my friend had spotting and cramping for weeks and the had a healthy baby boy. my other froend was bleeding for the first 12 weeks. there is no normal.
    good luck and try not to stress.
  4. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    I had some spotting early on too. Just think positive and pray about it.
  5. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    Hugs - spotting is scary. I had a ton of bright red bleeding at 5w3d. My RE did an u/s the next day and couldn't see where it was coming from. We did see 2 beautiful HBs. I continued to bleed red, brown, rust you name it until week 13. It turned out to be a subchorionic hematoma which my RE monitored weekly. Most of the time when this happens, there is no problem. I hope you see 2 lovely HBs at your next u/s.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had some brown spotting early on too. :hug99:
  7. sk8rjen

    sk8rjen Well-Known Member

    Spotting's what got me to the doctor at 5 weeks, again at 7 weeks (1st u/s then confirmed twins w/hb's!), again at 8 wks and 10 weeks. My next appt is next week at 13 weeks and if i make that one, it will be the first *scheduled* appt. I'll have made yet!! My first spotting was brown, but i've had dark red, bright red and all sorts of abnormally thick, colored discharge that has looked like baby stuff since week 5. It's been totally unnerving, so I know how you must feel!! Each time (so far) i've seen 2 healthy beans measuring correctly with great hb's... My doctor did say that spotting seems to be more prevalent in multiple pg's, for what it's worth.... I hope everything turns out ok and you get to see 2 little heartbeats next monday!
  8. PJ

    PJ Well-Known Member

    Spotting is always scary!

    I spotted a bunch in my first pregnancy and then twice in my twin pregnancy too. With my twins I spotted at 8 and 9 wks. I know that spotting is much more common with twins and even more common if you have done IVF. (I took a look at your blog and see you did do IVF.). It's impossible not to worry but also know it's very common. I hope it stops soon.
  9. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    Ugh- hugs to you. It is very scary and emotional to have spotting. I spotted off and on for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy. Never figured out why and things turned out just fine. Try to relax (I know- that is hard) and rest. Good luck to you!
  10. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Hi Rebecca, first just wanted to say I am ckreh from the ovusoft boards that mentioned this site. I had bleeding at 7 weeks. I woke up at 1 am the day of my 1st US covered in pink blood. DH panicked and we went to the ER. We waited for 5 hours to be told I was miscarrying and just go home. Since they wouldn't do an US I demanded a physical exam. The doctor jammed the speculum in so hard and did a really rough exam and I bled dark red blood for 3 hours after. I was told my cervix was closed and go home because I was miscarrying.

    We called our RE when the office opened and they told me to lay down for a few hours and come in for my scheduled US in the afternoon. Imagine our surprise when they did the US and saw two heartbeats. We went from thinking we were miscarrying to being told it was twins. The RE saw a blood clot in my uterus, which he felt was from the 3rd embryo they transfered at my IVF that didn't take. I was sent home to be on bedrest for 2 weeks. The bleeding gradually slowed down over the next four days.

    I know it is hard to stay calm when you see spotting, but my RE said it is very common with multiples and IVF patients. He said you can spot from the placentas growing as well. Try to take it easy for the next week or so and follow any advice from your doctors.
  11. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I had a huge gush of blood at 6 weeks and I was rushing over to the RE to get an u/s and I was sure I was having a miscarriage. But to our surprise on the ultrasound...twins and 2 heartbeats. I spotted here and there throughout the first trimester due to something called a subchorionic hemmorage that was basically a blood clot around one of the placentas. It is apparently a bit more common to spot with twins I guess due to more hormones. :hug99: Try and stay off your feet a bit if you can.
  12. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I don't know if its twins again, but I started having some bleeding issues Monday. I'm 6.5 weeks. My OB says its normal and if its not bad and no cramping everything will be fine. Let your OB know about it though!
  13. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I had a lot of brown spotting and even some red around 6 weeks. It's pretty common w/ twins. Can they get you in for an u/s? I got to go in for an u/s and it really put my mind at ease!
  14. Twins08

    Twins08 Well-Known Member

    I had spotting at 11 weeks, and things are fine! I'm now 24 weeks! Try not to panic, I know it's easier said than done.
  15. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Wow! You guys are amazing!! thank you so much for your responses!! the spotting has seemed to stop. And honestly after reading your responses, I felt so much better!

    We have our next ultrasound on Monday to hopefully see heartbeats, I'll be 6wks and 5days.

    Again, thank you all soo much!!
  16. Melissa84

    Melissa84 Well-Known Member

    Well with my first pregnancy at 4wks 6 days, I came home and went to the restroom and wiped and saw lots of blood like a period... it wasn't spotting. Went to the ER and I had a miscarriage :(

    With this pregnancy, I was freaking out at around 5 weeks I went to the restroom and had brown spotting... and then I wiped and wiped again, scared of another miscarriage, and there was one red streak. But these babies are totally healthy.

    I pray that you get answers soon, keep your head up sweetheart!
  17. Audiogirl

    Audiogirl Member

    I had quite a bit of brown spotting/bleeding from 6 weeks until 12 weeks.

    I was totally shocked to find the pregnancy was viable at my 8 weeks ultrasound....I had two previous non viable pregnancies that year..... and the news we were carrying twins was no big deal......I was too shocked that we actually had heartbeats!!! They did another u/s at 10 weeks and told me not to worry about the spotting/bleeding.

    Me personally.....when I initially started to spot I took a day off work and vegged on the couch with junk food. Pampering yourself is the best medicine.
  18. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't have any spotting with the last pregnancy but just got some like you described this week with this pregnancy. I saw the baby w/ heartbeat last week and feel fine so I'm not worried about it. As you've seen, there has been tons of early 1st trimester spotting here on TS that has ended with two healthy babies. As long as it stays brown and there isn't too much you should be fine. :hug99: I'm so glad you have an u/s on Monday to help set your mind at rest!
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