spoons, spoons, spoons

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by seamusnicholas, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    When I give them soup, applesauce, mac and cheese (I cant let them feed themselves mac and cheese- I HATE big messes!), and yogurt they have started to grab the spoon but they cant use them yet on their own. I assume this is the step they take before using the spoon by themselves. I used to tell them to let go but now I hold it with them and we practice but they dont like my hand on the spoon and it turns into them becomming very upset!

    Is this a "phase"? Any thoughts on this issue?
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I doubt it's a phase, more of a I want to do it myself thing which will last forever. Sorry to tell you that but it's actually a good thing, they are developing just as they should be. Unfortunately, you will eventually have to let them try it themselves, it's the only way they will learn (I hate it too, the mess drives me nuts). Maybe start with the least messy things & give them a spoon so they can practice then move on to the messy stuff later. Sometimes it helps if you give them a spoon to hold while you feed them with another. Good luck!
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    You can thicken the applesauce with baby cereal so it drips less. You can thicken soups with pureed beans/lentils/peas. We do mac & cheese with forks. They have to learn and it will be messy no matter what you do so I'd suggest making peace with the idea, putting down a tablecloth, and letting them learn.
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Dec 22 2007, 05:58 PM) [snapback]544276[/snapback]
    You can thicken the applesauce with baby cereal so it drips less. You can thicken soups with pureed beans/lentils/peas. We do mac & cheese with forks. They have to learn and it will be messy no matter what you do so I'd suggest making peace with the idea, putting down a tablecloth, and letting them learn.

    I was hoping this was not the answer but you are right! Ah! It already takes forever to clean up after each meal! I never even thought to do mac and cheese with a fork- I always thought they would poke themselves!

    Next question. What kind of spoon did they use at 17 months. The babyspoons are too flat right so I assume a reg. teaspoon??
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(seamusnicholas @ Dec 22 2007, 05:01 PM) [snapback]544278[/snapback]
    I was hoping this was not the answer but you are right! Ah! It already takes forever to clean up after each meal! I never even thought to do mac and cheese with a fork- I always thought they would poke themselves!

    Next question. What kind of spoon did they use at 17 months. The babyspoons are too flat right so I assume a reg. teaspoon??

    As for the fork and spoon, I found some that have a short handle so it would be easier for them to handle. The fork is for toddlers, so it does not have really pointy ends. The spoon is a made just as deep as a regular spoon, just shorter, thicker handle. I got it at the grocery store, so I'm sure they are all over! Good luck...and if it makes you feel any better, we are going through that right now too. ;)
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(TwinLove @ Dec 22 2007, 02:14 PM) [snapback]544288[/snapback]
    As for the fork and spoon, I found some that have a short handle so it would be easier for them to handle. The fork is for toddlers, so it does not have really pointy ends. The spoon is a made just as deep as a regular spoon, just shorter, thicker handle. I got it at the grocery store, so I'm sure they are all over! Good luck...and if it makes you feel any better, we are going through that right now too. ;)

    Yep, sounds like what we have too. The fork that is with our set is more of a fork/spoon combo. They seem to be able to use it fairly well.
  7. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    My kids get spoons with dinner and even though I'm feeding them (which I don't usually) they hold their own spoon. Its the only way they are going to learn to eat!
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP that it is good they are showing they are ready to do it on their own. I too thicken some things with baby oatmeal. I know it makes a mess, I really hate the mess, but practice definitely makes it less messy. Mine are getting really good now.
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Sassy makes these really neat spoons that are pretty deep and have a looped handle for a toddler to hold on to - they are starting to show the independence and while its messy its a good sign (I've been known to strip and let them eat in a diaper rather than ruin the clothes)
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have these Gerber fun grips for Emilie and Trevor. They work great. I got them at Target, but have seen them at Walmart as well.

    I think your boys want to do it by themselves. This was hard for me to let go of the control with Emilie and Trevor, but I figured they would never learn themselves if I didn't let them do it and get messy. Honestly, they never made a big huge mess. They are better now since we've been using them for about 4 months now. They have a fork or spoon at every meal. Let your boys try it, they will improve with time.
  11. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I just skimmed responses, so if this is a repeat, sorry. When my boys first started doing this, I would use two spoons. I would put the food on the spoon for them and then let them feed themselves with it. Then have the next spoon ready to go for them. It saved alot of the mess (unfortunately not all of it). I totally understand what you're saying, I hate the mess, too. But, the mess doesn't end even when they learn to use the utensil. My 7 year old can still make a nice little mess around her eating area :p .
  12. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    You're lucky they LET you feed them with spoons. My girls turn their heads away now when they see the spoon/fork with food on it coming at them! I've resorted to finger foods while they hold a spoon. It can get tiresome because meal time is getting longer since they're spending so much time playing with their utensils.

    Oh, and I've made the mac and cheese thicker by making my own pasta and melting the cheese onto it. It's still messy, but not drippy. Very sticky. By the time it's cooled down enough for them to eat, though, it's so much less messier than the creamy mac and cheese.
  13. dmoden

    dmoden Well-Known Member

    I let them each hold their own spoon while i feed them with my own. I let them think and feel that they are feeding themselves, and it mostly works like a charm...i will let them dip their spoons/forks into the yogurt/mac n cheese, and say "good job, now put it in your mouth" and they feel so proud even though there's barely anything on it. At the same time, I put a heaping spoonful in their mouths so i'm the one feeding them the majority, but they are still learning, making a smaller mess, and enjoying their meal...
  14. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Ditto the rec for giving them each a spoon and using a third to feed them. I put a small bowl of whatever we're having in front of each of them and let them do their best. I do still sneak in an adult-fed bite when I can. I can always add more to the bowl if they eat it all and if they flip the bowl the clean up isnt' as bad.

    There really is no avoiding the mess..We were useless with utensils at 18m. Now at 21m they eat just about anything pretty well. We had cheerios with milk this morning and I didn't help them at all.

    My only other recommendation is to introduce plates at the same time. We did silverware first, and just in the last 2 months started using plates/bowls. Their appetite often gets lost in the novelty of "sorting" their dinner on the plate...off the plate...in section 1....in section2...you get the picture. :rolleyes: I wish I'd done all the introducing at once instead of drawing it out like this.
  15. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It's time to just deal with the mess and let them learn!!! Let them do it, sounds like they really want to. You can feed them bites in between their attemps! :hug99: I know it's hard, but toddlerhood is just messy business!!
  16. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ Dec 22 2007, 09:07 PM) [snapback]544439[/snapback]
    We have these Gerber fun grips for Emilie and Trevor. They work great. I got them at Target, but have seen them at Walmart as well.

    That's what we have! :good: I was just to lazy to find a link to it. :p
  17. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    I didnt have time to read all the replies but Walmart has a pack of 15 spoons/forks that are made for toddlers. Ours have been "practicing" since they were about a year old. Now we have it down and can eat cereal with a spoon and other stuff with forks. Teach them to poke things with the forks (food) and scoop with the spoons. Bowls with suction things work well too. Good luck and I hate the messes too. But...what can ya do?

  18. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I haven't read your responses yet, but one of the things I did at that stage was to give them their own spoons to hold on to while I feed them. If they wanted to try it themselves I would let them while I was feeding the other one.
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