Spit up.. YUCK!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, May 8, 2009.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Okay so my ds has always had reflux but when he was on the bottle (with bm or formula) we put cereal in it and it went away. So we just figured it was a very mild case... He's been off the bottle for 3 months now and he's now showing signs of reflux again. He hates being laid down, sleeps on his tummy mostly. He also is spitting up again, and doing a lot of nasty smelling burps! Poor guy! So the ped put him on prevacid.. how long does it take to work? He's been on it 3 days and I see no difference. Also we have the dissolving tabs, how in the world do you give them to them? I can't give it to him in a sippy cup cause he rarely finishes it and he shares it with his sister (who doesn't have reflux). So I'm lost.
    Am I the only one going through this at this age?? I thought we were done with the spit-up :grr:
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    One of my DDs continued to spit up occassionally after turning 1, but not as much as in the first year. We were off reflux meds by then because the spit up didn't bother her. I ended up transitioning them to milk more slowly and eventually she stopped. But even now she sometimes urps and a little comes up (gross- she swallows it back down).

    Did the pedi tell you the prevacid would help the spitting up? IME we continued to have a lot of spit up issues even after going on reflux meds. I hope that isn't the case for you though. As for the solutabs, I dissolved them in a little water and then used a syringe to administer, but that was when they were babies so I'd ask your pedi or pharmacist for suggestions. GL!
  3. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Ask your ped for the capsules. My DS has it too, has since 3 mo, yes when we took him off it he spit up again:( His gastro says it doesn't typically disappear until age 18mo:(
    But you can open the capsule, take the little pellets out, put in a spoon of applesauce and done deal!
    We had the same problem with the other stuff.
  4. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    My DS stopped the prevacid when he was 1 but still has the occasional spit up. I actually dissolved the tablet in water and put it in a syringe and squirted it his mouth. I used to mix it in a shot glass. It actually tasted sweet so he should like it. GL! I hate reflux!
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Prevacid worked pretty quickly for my son, Jacob. Within a couple of days for sure. He started it around 3 months of age and wasn't on it for very long, though. His spitting up seemed to get worse when he was teething. That was really the only time he would spit up (after 1 year of age). He is much better now, though. :) Good luck!!
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Brigette, did they give you the prevacid solutabs? We used to just break them in half and put them directly into their mouths. It dissolves super quickly! My girls were on prevacid from 3-15 months. If I remember correctly it worked right away. If he is still not getting any relief and seems uncomfortable, you might see about getting him in to see a pediatric GI Dr. GL!!
  7. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    We also put it right in their mouths. At this age it should be no problem and they seem to like the taste.
  8. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Just a couple of thoughts for you... if you're seeing increased spitting or pain since you transitioned away from bottles, does this also coincide with the switch to whole milk? For some children with milk sensitivities, the first (and most major) symptom is reflux. Your son may not be having problems with the consistency, it might be that the milk is aggravating his reflux in ways that formula or breastmilk didn't. My daughter Piper was on reflux meds from 3 weeks - 18 months old, and we considered putting her back on a few months ago because she was fussy at night, hiccuped a lot, had bad breath, and lots of reflux sounding burps/coughs. She also told us her tummy hurt frequently. I had been reading about reflux and decided to try to eliminate dairy first, and it worked. She now drinks hemp or rice milk (but can handle some cow's milk cheese) and has no more signs of reflux. So if the Prevacid doesn't work as well as you'd like it to, you might talk to your pedi about dairy.
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