Spirited toddlers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy A, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Anyone else out there raising TWO spirited toddlers? It is sure exhausting . . . just wanted to know that someone else is in my boat - as all of my friends with twins don't have spirited toddlers.

    I have read raising your spirited child and it fits my boys exactly. Any other good books out there that you recommend??

  2. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Anyone else out there raising TWO spirited toddlers? It is sure exhausting . . . just wanted to know that someone else is in my boat - as all of my friends with twins don't have spirited toddlers.

    I have read raising your spirited child and it fits my boys exactly. Any other good books out there that you recommend??

  3. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Don't know of any books... Just wanted you to know you are not alone.. I take my girls to a music/movement class and I always get the comments.. "You sure have your hands full" They are so different from other kids.. My girls have always been very active, busy and all around boisterous. They walked early, talked early and tantrum daily.. I'm used to it now.. Maybe my next baby (in ten years) will be calm!!! Haha
  4. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    No books here. Of course, who has time to read. Both of mine are just as active as can be. Generally, going in different directions. It's both a challenge and a joy. We generally get "you have your hands full" and "I get tired just looking at him/her/them". Know that you are not alone...
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Me too!

    I feel like people judge me though, because they are so on the go. I don't want to be the mom who makes excuses for why her kids are maniacs, but they are not quite 2 and we are just getting to the point where they understand time out, etc. They are extremely active, they both speak in complete sentences and have for several months. I don't think other people understand that having 2 at the exact same age, same stage really is different. It isn't the same as even a year apart and add to that the fact that they are both "spirited" -........... Does anybody else feel this way?
  6. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    You are not alone! I too have some spirited toddlers and am always fielding the "boy, aren't you busy" and "how do you handle it" type questions/comments. On one hand I am so happy that my girls are busy, inquisitive explorers but as you know, going to storytime (or something like it) certainly is a challenge! I am envious sometimes of friends with the sit on your lap/stick close by kind of kids but this is what I got and I am embracing it! I am constantly exhausted, btw. [​IMG]
  7. that1gyrl

    that1gyrl Well-Known Member

    Spirited! I knew there was a word for it that sounded better than nicknaming them "Seek and Destroy."....

    Wow, do I know where you are coming from. Having three boys with the eldest newly three has been interesting. My eldest also still doesn't speak clearly but we understand him fine, and the docs all say that his comprehension is excellent just needs to improve on his annunciation.

    Back to the point... maybe I'm a little spirited. Yes I have friends that have the meek and mild kids that actually LISTEN. Those are not my kids. They are obedient they just need a little more face to fave attention. My guys, though are the most affectionate caring outgoing individuals in the world... even trade in my book.
  8. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    You are definitely not alone. Ours are definitely spirited. I swear sometimes they are like little wild animals! [​IMG]
  9. my2boys

    my2boys Well-Known Member

    Our boys are nicknamed hekyl and jekyl. Does that tell you anything abouat how they act?
  10. My2littledarlings

    My2littledarlings Well-Known Member

    And I thought my two were the only ones out there that were "high spirited"!. I get a lot of people commenting on how lively they are. But I don't want children that sit and don't say boo unless they are told to.

    They came at 27weeks and just go full steam as though they don't want to miss out on anything. Just have an enormous zest for life!

    It is exhausting and frustrating sometimes but their laughs, smiles and hugs make up for it all.

    Hugs from one exhausted mum to another.

    Brooke [​IMG]
  11. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Spirited. That is such a nice way to put it. HA. See my post about staying home until they are 3! Yikes. I get those comments all the time. No ideas on books either. I am hoping it gets better in the next year or so???

    I am in a rut though and need to get out with them again. Since they BOTH had pneu. in early December and I was too tired to play the put their coats and shoes on 10xs before getting out of the house = we have not been out at all. So thank god everyone is HEALTHY now so I need to get back to packing them up and out!

    Sorry no advice but more [​IMG] and commisseration???
  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think "spirited" is a beautiful word for those who seem to have born without an off switch (mine included).

    I knew I was in trouble when the nurses at the hospital told me repeatedly that I had the most "awake" newborns they had ever seen. They weren't fussy, just alert.

    We just went to the doctor's office today for their 15-month checkup and they were ALL OVER visiting the checkout window, looking at the Christmas tree, meeting everyone in the waiting room, etc. Everything except sitting quietly and playing with the toys like so many other children. They were not destructive or harrassing anyone but they are exceptionally bold. I mean, how many people's kids go up to a semi-stranger (their doctor) and tickle their foot because they wore shoes with a peek hole?
  13. Jennysnead

    Jennysnead Well-Known Member

    All of my kids are very active except for one. I kept wondering what was wrong with HER because she was so easy, quiet, would sit and play with a toy for a long time. I finally figured out that it was just her personality and now I know what my friends with the "easy" babies were talking about being able easily go out to dinner, go shopping, etc. with kids.
  14. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    Is there any other kind???? Just kidding. We call ours the Twin Tornados b/c they destroy all in their paths.....

    Mine are pretty good but they have their moments. I just run them until they drop. That is my trick. Constant activity so they nap and I get a break!

    Sounds like your boys are happy and healthy. You should be thankful (in your moments of calm and quiet!!!)

    We feel your pain (and joy)
  15. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    I have a friend w/ 7 yr old twin girls and she recommended "The Strong Willed Child" to me for my 1 yr old twins. I haven't gotten the book yet but daily I think that I need to! It does make you feel more normal knowing there are others in the world like you!

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