Spinoff from Bedtimes toys + routines

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by minnieinafrica, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    So right now J and M sleep in the same room. We do the usual bed time routine, then say night-night and shut the door. There is not light on in the room of any kind. Is there a point when they will be become scared of the dark and want light? Does this normally happen when they can verbalize their needs and fears more? Or because they have always slept in the dark, they won't care?
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Not sure about this one but I have just the opposite issue. We've always had a little nightlight on so we could go in and check on them, do diaper changes, etc without turning on a light. I wonder if I'm making them "dependent" on the nightlight.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I can only say what we did with our girls. We never had a light on in their room either (my son doesn't either) and they never had a problem with no lights. My Katrina has had some nights where she did want some light (like during storms) but I wouldn't allow it because the few times I have they just fooled around in the room. My son hasn't had a problem yet either for no light in his room. If we want to check on either of them (which I do every night before I go to bed) I turn on our bathroom light and that gives me enough light to see in their room but not to much to wake them up. I would say it's just something they get used to, just like if they always had a light they might need one (but am not sure since mine never had one).
  4. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    mine at 2.5 want the door open.. i just say ok.. and still close the door..
    i listen to them the way they listen to me.. lol..
    but they still stay in.. and go right to sleep..
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We had a night light when they were infants and still waking at night. They currently do not have a night light and they sleep with the doors closed in their own rooms and we have no issues with fear of the dark.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are 27 months and they haven't gotten scared of the dark yet. There is a tiny nightlight in their room, but it's still dark enough that if DH and I want to check on them, we have to turn the hall light on.
  7. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Mine have never had a night light.

    Neither has ever expressed a fear of
    the dark.....so it seems like it is
    just something they are used to.
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