My girls are 9 months old. I fed them spinach for the first time this week and they like it. But I am wondering if it is one of those gassy veggies, like brocolli? I feel like I should know this stuff, but I'm not sensitive to food so I have no idea. Thanks! Carly
Yes, gas producing. It is usually worse if raw. Cooked spinach may not be as bad. Also, its a great food, so if they like it and tolerate it well, I'd keep it in there diet.
I cook it first, but I think that might be adding to their fussiness (Along with teething). They do like it- they just don't like the normal things kids like, for example, applesause or most fruits! Hopefully that trend continues!
Spinach, while very good for you, can actually be quite difficult to digest & can cause gassiness. Cooking it is good, plus maybe since they like it, you could mix small amounts of it into other foods so they still get the nutrition but smaller amounts of the spinach.