Spider Bite ?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Last night we were outside and Kaylee was eating and watching cartoons in the garage. She came out and I noticed a red bite. I thought it is another mosquito bite. Well today she has been itching it, so it is oozing, it is red, hot, and hard. The hardness is about the size of a 1/2 of a dollar bill.

    What do you guys think?
  2. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I think abscess. I would call the doc and get her seen to make sure and for some antibiotics. I hope it heals quickly.

    Editted to add: I am an ER nurse. 95% of the time, anyone coming in describing a "spider bite" has an abscess. This is especially true with the description you gave. It is almost like reading it from a text book. Obviously, I can't see it so who knows. But I would definately give her pedi a call and have it looked at by someone.
  3. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    I don't know anything about spider bites or if this is one, but I would call the doc too. Better safe than sorry, right? Good luck, hope she gets better soon.
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I to would call the dr. My Son is allergice to Mosquito Bites so what you are describing is how my son reacts to a bite, Minus it being hot.

    Hope everything is ok.
  5. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Well we had 3 dr's look at it today at the peds center. Her knee was 2x's the size of the other. They said cellulites. They think she got a bite and she scratched it and it got infected. She got put on an antibotic and I have to give her benadryl around the clock. The were scared about giving her steroids because it is right on a joint. If she gets any worse she will admitted to the hospital. Who would have thought that a mosquito bite could cause such problems. We had to do a knee x-ray to see how much fluid was on her knee.

    So hopefully the swelling goes down. They were all impressed with how she was taking it. They said she should be in pain. I said this is the kid that had a double ear infection and strep throat and didn't complain once. So I am glad it is her and not him..or I wish it was neither of them for that matter!!

    Thanks for all of your input.
  6. Mommyof3in05

    Mommyof3in05 Well-Known Member

    I hope she heals fast.
  7. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you had it looked at. My oldest daughter had a spider bite a few years ago... we didn't know that was was at the time, so it was days before she saw a doctor. Her knee was very swollen and it took several rounds of antibiotic and a lancing by the dermatolagist before it healed. She has three small scars from it, but otherwise perfect. They had drawn a circle around it and said to watch and see if it got bigger... it was out of the circle within an hour.
    I would suggest this to you... if it isn't getting better right away, don't be shy about going back and asking for something else.
    Good luck!
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