Speech, or lack there of, VENT....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdandson, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    So my boys are 17 months old and don't "speak", I never really noticed until my niece, who is 2 months older, was over last night and was running circles around them with words! I know this is "normal" but my boys don't even say Mama!
    I guess i am just frustrated because my older son spoke VERY early and these 2 speak their own little language to each other, and i feel left out :( .
  2. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    My girls are 18 months old and don't say mama yet either - they were 2 monhts early so maybe the just arnen't ready. I try not to compare with other but it is hard. Mine and yours will be talking soon. I remember praying that my son would talk, now he is 4 and I pray for silence for 5 mintues!
  3. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    We have our 15 month appt on Wednesday and I am terrified! Neither of the girls really have any words. Emma says "hi" and every part of your body is "eye" but Mia really doesn't say anything. They both babble all day but...mama, dada and what ever bobby is don't seem to be directed at anyone in particular.
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Just back from the pedi. on another issue, but he asked how the one I took in was doing with talking. He asks that about every time now, mainly (I think) because he wants to reinforce that he expects they will be late talkers since they are twins and will tend to talk to each other more than the rest of the world first. They have both said a number of words, but like to babble with each other a lot, too.

    And count me in on the praying for silence comment - 3.5 year old girl. No wonder the twins don't say much to us - they can NOT get a word in!
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, they will talk. My girls only had 3-5 words at 18 months, and then they had a language explosion. I had an eval set up for them and everything, but by the time of the eval (19 months), Ainsley had about 50 words and Bea 90.
  6. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    I wouldent worry. My ds was not saying any words at that point and now I can never get him to shut up! :lol :) Just keep talking to them constantly and ask them alot of questions. Our Speech Therapist told me to make them ask for something instead of just giving it to them (like milk in the morning). It made a difference. Show them their sippy cups and say things like "Would you like some milk? Say yes I would like some milk, please!" The therapist says that I was always anticipating their needs instead of letting them tell me. Seems obvious but I never looked at it that way.
  7. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    You know what, Evy's speech didn't really explode until 18 months. My ODD was like that too. Barely said a word before but at 18 months just took off!

    If your worried, you can always get an EI eval.
  8. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    My son had only 3-5 words by 18 mos so we did do an eval through the Birth to Three program, at the recommendation of our pedi. He did qualify to receive speech services and he's still seeing his ST every other week. I'm willing to bet they'll have a language explosion anytime soon, most kids do, but then again I also think having an evaluation done probably wouldn't hurt. In the long run it can only help them and the sooner you start, the sooner they start to show improvement!!
  9. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I agree that it is way too early tobe worried! Mine literally had no words before 18 months, then they each had 12 words by their 18mo appointment (at about 18.5 months due to being on vacation at the beginning of the month), then there was just a major explosion. Now it seems like they learn about 20 new words a day! Last week Natalie was in the hospital for 3 days and all the docs and nurses on the pediatric ward was raving about how advanced her speech is, same when we went to the pediatrician for the follow-up last week. I had Rita with us, and all of the doctors and nurses were bragging on their speech. And I am definitely starting to get into the "STFU already!" camp with them, LOL!!!
  10. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jdandson+2 @ Oct 15 2007, 12:20 PM) [snapback]451116[/snapback]
    So my boys are 17 months old and don't "speak", I never really noticed until my niece, who is 2 months older, was over last night and was running circles around them with words! I know this is "normal" but my boys don't even say Mama!
    I guess i am just frustrated because my older son spoke VERY early and these 2 speak their own little language to each other, and i feel left out :( .

    Do they have any words yet? One of my boys used to babble a lot but he didn't have any words. He understood EVERYTHING! We got the boys evaluated and this one had poor muscle tone in both his hands and face. Who would've guessed? He gets speech therapy and occupational therapy. My other son also qualified for services.
  11. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    It sounds as if you are concerned. I would get a referral from your doctor to get an early intervention screening (EI). Before three it should be free along with any services. I wish I would have started sooner. My kids' cousin is 4.5 months older than them and she talks VERY well, above average admittantly. Everyone is different. We are going through EI now. I would say it's never too early to start. IF there is nothing wrong, then no problem, but at least you checked.
  12. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(NatalieK @ Oct 15 2007, 05:20 PM) [snapback]451214[/snapback]
    I wouldent worry. My ds was not saying any words at that point and now I can never get him to shut up! :lol :) Just keep talking to them constantly and ask them alot of questions. Our Speech Therapist told me to make them ask for something instead of just giving it to them (like milk in the morning). It made a difference. Show them their sippy cups and say things like "Would you like some milk? Say yes I would like some milk, please!" The therapist says that I was always anticipating their needs instead of letting them tell me. Seems obvious but I never looked at it that way.

    I was JUST thinking this yesterday, because mine aren't talkers. I was objectively evaluating my interactions with them and I wondered if I was having a negative impact on them. I said the same thing to myself - "They don't have to ask for anything because I anticipate their needs too well". So, today when they would throw a book at me I would give it right back and say "Give the book to Mommy". Normally I would have taken the book and said "Oh, you want Mommy to read". Even when I think I'm encouraging them to speak, I don't really ask them to do anything or "force" them to communicate with me. I'm going to change that behavior ASAP and see what happens.
  13. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    I am on the verge of being worried, but only when i am around other children their age. I guess what i don't see, doesn't hurt!!
    They do not have any words, my daycare provider swears Braeden says 'i did it', after turning on the dishwasher, but i haven't heard it yet.
    They do have an appt in november so i may mention an EI eval, my pedi did recommend saying 2 word phrases when giving them things, like 'juice please', 'up please', etc.
    Thanks for the stories and advice, i have always worked with children and have seen all types of advances and delays, i think because of that i have VERY high expectations of my own babies.
  14. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Good luck, and try not to worry too much. I know that is easier said than done... It sounds like you have a good plan.
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