Speech delays and PTing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Nancy C, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Both my twins have some expressive speech delay, I don't think there are issues with receptive language.
    Wondering if anyone has had experience with potty training. They have each told me they had to poop before they did so I thought that was a good sign and it may be worth a try. However, I don't want to frustrate them if they don't have the language skills yet.

    Thanks for any advice
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Mine were very late talkers but somewhat early potty trainers (2 for my DD and 2 1/2 for my DS). So I don't know if there is a correlation or not. But it was a breeze in this house.
  3. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    I'm curious to see what the experts here have to say about this also. C&C are in speech therapy also and DD is wondering if delays have an impact on the ability to PT..
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    If their receptive language is good, I don't think you'll need to hold off on potty training -- especially if they can communicate that they need to go!

    My older DD was a late talker, but she was fully trained by 26 or 27 months.

    Karina is having her language explosion now -- she's maybe a wee bit behind, but nothing worrisome. I'm debating whether to train this summer before preschool starts, or wait until winter break.

    Kevan has a severe speech delay/disorder, so in his case, I think I probably will hold off on potty training.
  5. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I had your same exact concern about 6 mo. ago. My DS has excellent receptive but is delayed in expressive. Shortly before he turned 2 he showed more interest in PT'ing but wouldn't be consistent so I didn't attempt, other than we just had the potty sitting out and if he wanted to go he could. Well at 27 mo. he once again showed interest and since then has gone on the potty. I instantly put him in the the thick gerber training pants and he did have some accidents the first few days but has done great since. I would suggest that you explain to them as like you said you don't think they have any receptive issues. Take them atleast every few hours at first to get them used to it. You'd be amazed, if they are showing signs of being ready speech shouldn't be that much of an issue. I'm living proof. GOOD LUCK!
  6. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angeez @ Jun 16 2009, 09:00 PM) [snapback]1357391[/snapback]
    I had your same exact concern about 6 mo. ago. My DS has excellent receptive but is delayed in expressive. Shortly before he turned 2 he showed more interest in PT'ing but wouldn't be consistent so I didn't attempt, other than we just had the potty sitting out and if he wanted to go he could. Well at 27 mo. he once again showed interest and since then has gone on the potty. I instantly put him in the the thick gerber training pants and he did have some accidents the first few days but has done great since. I would suggest that you explain to them as like you said you don't think they have any receptive issues. Take them atleast every few hours at first to get them used to it. You'd be amazed, if they are showing signs of being ready speech shouldn't be that much of an issue. I'm living proof. GOOD LUCK!

    Forgot to add, now that I've been thru it I strongly believe when they're are ready they're ready. It was a breeze, I didn't have to do hardly anything except remind him every once in awhile.
  7. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    My now 6 year old has trouble with speech and he potty trained at 26 months. He followed his brother in and would come to me and give me his diaper to put back on. So he kind of potty trained himself. We used a few signs (from ASL) for potty training but the universal sign for a boy....holding his penis....is pretty easy to see and understand. I donot think speech should hold them back potty training.

  8. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    My son, Justin has been in ST since 18 months old. He is making some progress with his speech delay but he is not potty trained yet. He can understand that the chair is for potty but he refused to sit and go. I don't think he understand fully what it is really for 'the chair' or the 'ring' on the toliet. He has no desire watching anyone going potty either because I do babysit another set of twins' (boys) on Fridays. My daughter get curious and come in the bathroom. That is when she decided she wanted to try it out. We have been putting on video for them to watch.

    Anyway, the EI hasn't rule out what the issue with Justin yet. He will be undergoing serious of testing next month on his final assessment with EI. And they'll make a decision. In fact, I am going to a special preschool tour this Friday to understand how it is going to work if he get qualified for preschool.

    He has a bit of combined with language, behavior, and speech delay.
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