Speech at 16 months

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cajuntwinmom, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I am a little concerned that my kids are not up to speed or where they should be at this age with speech.

    They say a few audible things like mama, dada, bye-bye-, something that sounds like dog while they point at the dog, this morning Madison was saying something that resembled cookie and pointing at the cookie jar.

    But they are not putting anything together. When they want something they just usually point and whine or whimper.

    So what are other 16 month olds doing/saying?
  2. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I am a little concerned that my kids are not up to speed or where they should be at this age with speech.

    They say a few audible things like mama, dada, bye-bye-, something that sounds like dog while they point at the dog, this morning Madison was saying something that resembled cookie and pointing at the cookie jar.

    But they are not putting anything together. When they want something they just usually point and whine or whimper.

    So what are other 16 month olds doing/saying?
  3. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    That sounds about like what my boys were doing at that age. Around 19 months, give or take, Lane had his speech "explosion" but Dustin has yet to have it. He is starting speech next week, they are 2 1/2.
  4. berebunch31

    berebunch31 Well-Known Member

    That sounds like how my girls were doing at that age.
  5. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    They sound right where they should be to me. They are at that age where everything is going to explode rapidly in the language department. Grace and Anthony add several new words weekly and are starting to put two and three words together. If it sounds like a word and they are pointing to an object then it constitutes a word as far as development goes. At our 18 month check the pedi asked if they said between 7-20 words. That's a pretty broad spectrum.

  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    That's about where we are. Bea will try to repeat things, but doesn't really use them in context. They both say "cat, that, and hi" and Bea also says bye and shoes. They have several signs though, so that helps with communication. I actually just posted about my speech concerns, it might be on Page 2 now.
  7. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    That's about where we are. Bea will try to repeat things, but doesn't really use them in context. They both say "cat, that, and hi" and Bea also says bye and shoes. They have several signs though, so that helps with communication. I actually just posted about my speech concerns, it might be on Page 2 now.

    I believe I replied to yout post, can't remember though. That is about where mine were at that age and Lane had his "expolsion" of words after that. At 2 1/2 Dustin has maybe 15 words, that is with me being generous. I just cross my fingers it will make a difference but he is so shy and attached to me I don't know how well he will do.
  8. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    Don't mind me, just repeated what I wrote above, I've officiall lost it [​IMG]
  9. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    Ahh, I remember your post about speech!! I guess when I see your ticket and see that they are 17 + months, I don't even realize that we are not that far behind you!!!!!! I guess I'm in denial that they are already 16 months!

    Thanks for letting me know we are normal. I just know that my friend says her daughter is putting together phrases and is only 3 weeks older than the twins and I'm thinking holy cow are we behind!!!
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine are adding new words on a regular basis and while their annunciation is rough, it is clear what they are trying to say. The word for today is "tickle" and believe me, if you didn't see the fingers going, you would have no clue what they were trying to say. We don't have any two-word strings going yet either even though they are getting a pretty impressive single-word vocabulary. I'm not worried at all.
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