Speech and 2 year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Seacon05, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Seacon05

    Seacon05 Well-Known Member

    My twins JUST turned 2. They dont speak in sentences yet. The speak words (some only I can understnad)...but I have met other 2 year olds that speal so well!!!! Do I not work with them enough?? Most of the kids Ive seen have older sibs or are in daycare. Niether of mine are or have older sibs. Is there something I should be doing?? Things they say..

    Mommy, Daddy, Doggie, Brother (or something like it), Apple, Hi, bye, nanny, pop pop, juice, no, yes, kitty, nice, snow, cars, nemo, milk, more ( only one says it), bath time, night night, cup, Mickey (as in mouse), ball, red, book, and Im sure I am forgetting some... I guess the say from 30-50 words??

    They are not corrected either. I also think they try and say more but I dont understand them. They TALK alot!!! Just a lot of things I dont understand...

    My one son has a short fenalum (the skin under the tougue) and that has hurt it a little, but he says as much as connor..he also has done everything late...does it when hes ready.

    Any thoughts, and am I the only one? I am going to get some flash cards, and start working with them more.
  2. twopinkpeanuts

    twopinkpeanuts Well-Known Member

    I really don't think you need to be worried. Every child develops at a different speed. The fact that they are babbling all the time is a precursor (at least in my experienece) to talking. My gilrs babbled A LOT...and now, within the last month, BOOM! Five and six word sentences. I'm so amazed at the process.

    Don't worry so much. It will happen soon enough! [​IMG]

  3. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Although we are not yet to the two year mark, I understand what you are saying. Our oldest son was talking up a storm by now, but Brady and Tyler are only using one word at a time, and now rarely two words together. All kids are different. Our boys seem to talk in their own little language to eachother (and they can hold quite a conversation too)I think that just reading books and pointing out things that interest them is the best thing to do. Have fun with it. One thing that a mom I know did that drove me nuts was that when her son would just point to something or motion to show what he wanted she wouldnt say anything she would just know what he wanted and give it to him. He was very slow to learn to talk. She probably should have said something like "oh you want the cup" or "you ant more milk" etc. Just communicate with them alot in short sentencs that they can grasp onto and they will catch on. I am not to worried about my boys being slower to talk (they say about 20 or so words) because in a way I dont want them to stop being babies [​IMG]
    Good luck and enjoy them!!!
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like your kids are well beyond where mine are at, and we just turned two. They are very interactive, and I would like to think that I provide a language-rich environment for them. But I am not too concerned yet. Each child develops at his/her own rate. As long as their receptive language is strong, and they attempt communicating with you, I would not worry. But that is just my personal take on it!
  5. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Joey just turned 2 and I think your boys have about the same number of words as she does. I was worried enough to get her evaluated (her older sister had sentences by this time). They found her receptive lang (what she understands) was fine, but her expressive lang (what she can say) was slightly delayed...so slightly that someone comes out only every other month. But I feel better knowing she is being watched. And she has improved since the fall when we started, probably just from the passage of time, not because of any help she's getting.

    Her word list..mama, daddy, Jo-Jo, Annie, Ellie, Papa, Noni,up, down,hot,in, cup, juice,more, night,mine,me, uh-oh, come on, too (when she wants something the other girls have), Manny (Handy Manny on Disney), this, no, yes/yeah, Elmo,baby/babies, Barbie, night, bye-bye,hello, apple,
  6. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Kids just develop language at VERY different rates. The girls are not in daycare and don't have any siblings or older cousins they see regularly.

    My girls get the same input, stimulation, reading environment, etc. Amanda is out there with her language, imo. She's talking in small sentences and will try and usually successfully repeat most words or phrases you ask her to. Casey however has probably about 20 words. I need to sit down and make a list because I do plan to discuss it with the pedi at their 2yr WBV on the 20th. I just want to make sure that if she needs some help, she gets it. Though I suspect she's within the VERY wide normal range for her age.

    Maybe discuss it with your pedi, just for the sake of peace of mind?
  7. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do flash cards --just lots and lots of books. Richard Scarry ones are really good for vocabulary, and there's another series I can't remember--but they have a lot of photographs of vehicles and boys usually eat that up. Starts with a 'p,' it's going to come to me....

    Anyway, you can also try narrating everything you do, make up songs about their toys (use a tune like "Twinkle, Twinkle," so you don't have to think to much or try later to remember it!),and try to sneak in extra face time with them one-on-one (I know that's a hard one!).

    I just read an article, I think in _Parenting_, that said babies are move likely to learn the words for things they find exciting --hence all the truck, ball, doggie, etc., you hear from little one.
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