Speaking of 'lovies'

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jordari, May 23, 2008.

  1. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I, too, have tried in vein to help my girls attach them to something to help them sleep or in general soothe themselves...mostly to no avail.

    However, they have both recently decided that the love the Gund duck blankie thing (I picked up for a song at a sale and washed to death!)....of course they say 'duck duck duck' whenever they see it (one of our few words)

    Well, my sister and mother have been looking for dolls for them (for the record, they also play with trucks, says this second generation feminist mother!), but all the ones i've seen have been either too big, or too creepy looking (am i the only one who gets creeped out by some of the dolls on the market? And i'm not even talking about the likes of the Bratz....).

    My sister and i were in Toys R US the other day (the ONLY place in addition to BRU that i can get diaper doublers - if anyone else knows of an online source please let me know!)...and they had TWIN dolls; with velcro so they can hug each other.

    They were the right size, with sweet faces, and the right price. Yesterday I was playing with danielle (tessa was off figuring out how to open the clips of the new monkey harness), and i showed D how to hold the baby and rock it. Well, she just grabbed the twin and held it to her chest with the sweetest smile. It made me smile inside - my big girls growing up!
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    am i the only one who gets creeped out by some of the dolls on the market?

    No, you're not alone! Some of the dolls out there seriously creep me out. I thought I was the only one.

    That's really sweet about your DD catching right on to the dolls! I had a similar thing happen with Ivy. We hadn't bought her any dolls, but there was an ancient Fisher Price doll (semi-creepy, but not bad enough to give me nightmares :lol: ) in a box of toys I'd had as a baby, and she just fell in love with it. Learned to say the word "doll" in about 2.5 seconds, and started hugging and snuggling it.

    Andrew, OTOH, couldn't care less. And I am as anti-gender-stereotypes as they come! But he keeps on being a boy, and she keeps on being a girly girl. Shrug.

    Have you ever seen these dolls? I think they're adorable!
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    still having problems with dolls over here. They really seemed to like stuffed animals better. We have a "mr green frog" that gets a lot of attention. Every time I go looking for a doll I can never find anything that is right...the whole creepy thing gets me as well. I really like the dolls Holly linked to though - they are perfect! I love the look they get on their faces when they cuddle with the stuffed animals and their little gund blankets with the animal heads on them. My fav. is when they press their cheeks against the dolls while laying on the ground!
  4. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    I must be doing something wrong :( My girls hate dolls. They love shoes. They'll see our shoe rack and run up and grab them and hug them and cuddle up with them. Eww.
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    My girls hate dolls. They love shoes.

    Better start saving up for the Manolo Blahniks now, then! :lol:
  6. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Oh how sweet with the hugging and rocking. They are so adorable. My kids have the same blankie they had since they were babies. Although they are only allowed to have them at nite nite time or long trips in the car. They are 4.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

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