Speaking of Imaginations....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tinalb, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Daddy took L&L with him to Owen's hockey practice a few days ago. He dropped Owen at the arena & then took L&L to the playground for awhile before going back to watch Owen practice. When they got home, I was changing Lila into her jammies & was asking what she did while she was out. She said to me "Daddy dropped me at the arena all by myself and then he took Luke to the playground" :eek: So, I said, "He left you at the arena all alone?" And she said "Yes he did." So I asked her what she did there all by herself & she said "Watched Owen skating around." Honestly, she seemed so sincere if you didn't know better you would think it's the truth. She seems to be doing this more & more, just making stories up & telling them like they were the truth. I don't know what I'm going to do with her! :pardon:
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    :shok: What a little ....... Sorry, but I had to :laughing: a little bit. I remember my nieces doing this and can't wait :rolleyes: for the day my girls start. Eek!!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It makes stuff tough for getting the "true" story out of them!!

    I get stories from Preschool all the time and have to check with the teacher to find out what's real and what's not!

    Little stinkers! ;)
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Izzy went through a phase of doing that. And usually it was about things that just didn't matter...like "I had peanut butter and jelly for lunch today" when she had had noodles. It's a crazy stage, you don't know what is true or not. It did leave, eventually. I think I talked with someone about it, and what I was told was that she wanted that to have happened, so that's why she pretended it did. And she always seemed so sincere about it (exactly).

    Now, I have a friend with a little boy who told absolutely outragous stories, and that, too, was a phase. I imagine it was the same reason...he wanted it to be true, so he pretended it was. LOL...kids!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member


    Meara told our sitter that the booboo on her knee was because she got stuck in a cabinet... at the sitter's house so she knew it wasn't true. BTW, the booboo was from falling down outside and she skinned her knee.
  6. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    oh yeah my girls do this already!! I'm really goign to be in for it in a year or two!
  7. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    apparently it is very normal - they are exploring what is real and they mix up what they WANTED to have happen with what actually DID happen.
    i feel like i'm posting this in every thread . . . but i've been reading a book called "just tell me what to say" that talks about this as well as many issues - it has good advice on how to handle it!
  8. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Abbie tells me her dad hits her, and tells him I hit her, which is NOT true, nor does she SEE people hitting (other then her and her sister from time to time) I hardly think that is what she WANTS to happen, so I really don't know why she does it!
  9. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    Yes, my kids do this too!

    Quick story... A&A have been telling me that a boy at school, G, keeps hitting them. Every time they have a mark on them, G did it. When I ask how their day went, they always include G. I've spoken with the teachers on a regular basis and they've acknowledged that G can be a bit hyperactive at times and he has outbursts. They assured me that they'd watch him. I felt angry and told my kids to stay away from G. After a few weeks of complaining about G, one of the teachers told me about an incident where DS was playing with another boy and when the teacher asked who knocked something over, they both blamed G. Well... G wasn't there that day. Now, I have to figure out if G has done anything at all or if they're just blaming G so they don't get in trouble.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Lisa R @ Apr 23 2009, 11:25 AM) [snapback]1285728[/snapback]
    Yes, my kids do this too!

    Quick story... A&A have been telling me that a boy at school, G, keeps hitting them. Every time they have a mark on them, G did it. When I ask how their day went, they always include G. I've spoken with the teachers on a regular basis and they've acknowledged that G can be a bit hyperactive at times and he has outbursts. They assured me that they'd watch him. I felt angry and told my kids to stay away from G. After a few weeks of complaining about G, one of the teachers told me about an incident where DS was playing with another boy and when the teacher asked who knocked something over, they both blamed G. Well... G wasn't there that day. Now, I have to figure out if G has done anything at all or if they're just blaming G so they don't get in trouble.

    :laughing: Yep, mine have already figured out the blame game. "Luke did it" or "Lila did it" I hear both of those quite a bit, I never know who to believe anymore!
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