Sounds rather than talking?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Eyler07, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    So rather than saying some words, the boys are going "egh, egh" and pointing. They'll also scream "eeeee" when they see soemthing or want you to see it. The "eeee" could be "see" but the noises and stuff that they make rather than talking are really making me wonder if we're goign to start having a problem here. They said a list of words....mommy, daddy, Baby P, Landon, kitty, two, three, car, jeep......but other than taht, i know they can say these words but at times, they wont and they just scream and screech. Brenden thinks his name is landon and i feel like we're just going downhill lwith the speech. Is anyone else having this problem with kids this age? They were only a month early.

  2. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    If its something pretty recent and they still say some words then I wouldn't worry. I know my dd will still say "uh, uh" for most things, but if I prompt her she will say what it is ("you want an apple? Can you say apple?")
    I think thier brains are going a million miles and hour and it can be frustrating at times to them.
  3. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    You're not alone ! My twins hardly said ANY words, or even sounds at that age. They DID require speeth therapy but not until they were 18 months old. Just continue to work with them and listen to the sounds they DO make. They'll get there .. but I know how frustrating it can be.

    btw .. my ds Jayden was born with a chd called tetrolgy of fallot with absent pulminary valve .. so I see we have ALOT in common !
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    The March '08 issue of Parents Magazine (I just received it in the mail yesterday) has an article called "Does your child have a speech delay" here are a summary of three that I think would apply to a toddler the other were Dysfluency (stuttering), Auditory Processing Disorder (autism,ADHD), Dysarthria (neurological disorder slurred or mumbled speech) and Receptive Disorders (doesn't listen when spoken to, inability to follow directions, gives inappropriate responses to questions) Yours are still young so I wouldn't worry too much yet, my boys language exploded when they turned 2 anyway, Hope this Helps.....

    APRAXIA-affects child's ability to plan, execute.
    RED FLAGS: limited babbling as an infant, few or no first words and communticates by pointing or grunting, first word approximations don't develop into understandable words by 2, usually unable to imitate sounds, understands much more than they can express, makes inconsistaent mistakes with vowels and consonants/

    ARTICULATION DISORDERS-difficulty with physical production and pronunciation of individual speech sounds.
    RED FLAGS: Omitting sounds("bu" for "bus"), substituting sounds("wamb" for "lamb"), distortin sounds, such as with a lisp, adding extra sounds("animamal" instead of "animal")

    EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE DISORDERS-difficulty choosing and combining words appropriately.
    RED FLAGS: Delays in babbling and first words, no 2 word phrases by 24-26 months, trouble naming objects, uses general words like "stuff" and "thing", difficulty with verb tenses and prepositions, trouble retelling stories at 3 or 4 years old.
  5. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Mine had expressive language delay and apraxia. They hardly used any form of communication before 2 yrs old and barely used their mouths for anything but eating (and crying of course).
    We still have issues with speech .. they dont use words correctly and omit certain sounds .. for instance they say "geen" instead of "green". They'll be 4 in July.
    One of their favorite sayigs is "my cant wanna do that" or "my cant wanna like that".
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Amanda, if you are concerned, and it sounds like you are, I would go ahead and call EI for an eval. It is a win-win situation, in that if they have no problems, you have the peace of mind of having checked, and if there is a problem, they can start speech therapy. Jonathan was first evaled at 21 months, at that time he needed to score 14 months or lower to qualify, he scored 15 months! He seemed to be doing better, so I didn't follow up. At 3, he had his tonsils out, and seemed to be doing some weird articulation things, so I had him evaled again. Turns out he has a pretty severe expressive language delay. He ended up qualifiying for the preschool disabled program--which was 5 days a week of FREE preschool! It was the best thing we ever did! People who hadn't seen him in a few months were remarking on what a different boy he was, speech and behavior wise! BTW, it had nothing to do with his intelligence, he is currently one of 2 kids in the entire morning Kindergarten who go to the Gifted class--he went from preschool disabled to Gifted in 6 months!
  7. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Mine say exactly the same kind of stuff as your two . The occasionly come out with a random word and dont say it again for ages. They just babble all the time dab a dee is Sophie favourite at the moment! Jack likes to come up and grab your face and say ba da ba da dab a dee!! To him it must sound like something serious but i have no clue what the are talking about!! I just talk to them all the time and when the screech for something i say show me what you want then try and get them to say the word. Describing everything will help them. Im not worried about my two i think they will learn in their own time. If you are still worried make an appoinment to put your mind at rest x
  8. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    I'm not extremely worried but it was just on my mind. I guess that it takes time so we'll give it a little bit. Their ped. doesnt seem to be worried but we'll see at their next apt.

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