sores on areola

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by KeriU, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. KeriU

    KeriU Well-Known Member

    Two weeks ago my kiddos (18 months) got a virus similar to Hand, foot, mouth, but a lot worse. They had what looked like cold sores all over the mouths, lips, tongue. It was absolutely horrible. Now, I have had sores on my areola since a few days after they came down with the virus. I am wondering if I got the herpes virus on my nipple and is that even possible? My son bit me right before all this happened and I had a cut from it and I guess I just don't know what to think maybe it got infected then. I know it hurts horribly. I hand expressed on that side for a few days and it started getting a little better, but I started nursing again on that side because I was so scared I would lose my supply. I know they are 18 mo. old and would be fine without breastfeeding, but I didn't really want to just stop cold turkey especially when they didn't feel the greatest. I am now just pumping on the very sore side and nursing on the other. My DS got so sick with the virus he couldn't eat or drink and now I think he could just take or leave the BFing. My DD on the other hand wants to nurse more than ever so I let her on the good side. I really just want it to heal so I can go back to nursing and of course, not being in so much pain from it. I am also afraid of losing supply. My DD will not take any other form of milk whatsoever as I have tried. Yeah I would go to a dr. to have her check it out, but I don't have insurance and I assume there isn't much that can be done. I guess I am just looking for advice or suggestions or anyone been there done that type of thing.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My first thought is that it's quite possible that the damage is from a poor latch. Hand, foot, and mouth is obviously quite painful for the LOs too so with sore mouths I bet their latches were crap while they were sick. Have you taken a good look at their latches since they were sick? Evaluate their latches again like you would a newborn & also make sure you're in a good nursing position as well & see if that makes any difference.
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Its quite likely that you have the same virus on your breast as they had. How long did it take for theirs to run its course? Were they treated with anything? Are any of the areas crusting over? oozing? Have you had any fever yourself? I think pumping on the painful breast for a few days is a good idea-- unless there is a position they can nurse in that doesnt aggravate the sores.
  4. KeriU

    KeriU Well-Known Member

    It took about 10 days for the virus to run it's course and I do think it may be the same thing. I had issues with poor latch before and this isn't anything like that. They are big, deep sores that oozed for a few days. They are starting to crust over, but when I pump or shower or anything that they get moist I have to let them dry out forever otherwise it just gets worse. The milk I pump is it good or should I discard it? The milk doesn't touch the sores much, but I don't want to respread it to the babies even though the Dr. said they will now have lifetime immunity to it.
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    The milk should be fine. If I were going to apply anything to the sores I would vote for either Coconut Oil (it has an antibacterial property to it) or something like hydrocortizone cream. Im so sorry you're going through this!! I hope you start feeling better soon. Also be prepared for your supply to possibly take a dip on that side with the pumping alone, but once you are healed and nursing again it should rebound fairly quickly.
  6. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    It definitely sounds like they had a herpes infection. Hand foot and mouth won't affect the lips and is spread like a cold (respiratory) not by contact. I definitely think the milk is still safe to use. I agree with hydrocortisone or some sort of barrier ointment. Keep a close eye on it and if it doesn't seem to be crusting over well or if it starts to get red or oozy again I would use something like bacitracin or neosporin on it. It is easy for sores like these to get a secondary infection from skin bacteria (like impetigo). Hope it feels better soon!
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    That is the worst. My 4 year old daughter has had it, twice. She's a thumb sucker.
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