Soothies pacifier question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Jello717, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    If you used the teal newborn Soothies pacifiers, did you switch to the 3 month (either blue or pink) pacifiers when they got older? The 3 month and up ones are thicker and not as flexible. My husband is afraid they are going to shove the whole newborn one in their mouth (they like to chew on it) and choke. But they don't like the harder ones as much.

    Did you switch? Any tips on switching to the harder ones?
  2. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    If you used the teal newborn Soothies pacifiers, did you switch to the 3 month (either blue or pink) pacifiers when they got older? The 3 month and up ones are thicker and not as flexible. My husband is afraid they are going to shove the whole newborn one in their mouth (they like to chew on it) and choke. But they don't like the harder ones as much.

    Did you switch? Any tips on switching to the harder ones?
  3. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    We used them for my youngest son, and we never switched.
  4. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    We use the green ones. Thought about switching but they just seem too hard. The girls love these and have been doing fine with them. They also chew on all parts of it!
  5. greengirls

    greengirls Well-Known Member

    My daughter still likes the green ones.. We ended up buying a big tub of them online. We have to check them periodically for holes and into the trash they go..
  6. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    no we never switched. DS seems to like the green ones. Its funny because he does chew on it more than suck on it, but I don't think it is possible for him to put the whole thing in his mouth.

  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my son was just gnawing on his last night and I don't think he could get the entire thing in his mouth either...
  8. mmtva

    mmtva Well-Known Member

    I would recommend trying to switch them. My boys were able to put the whole thing (newborn) in their mouths around 10 months. They only had them at night and I caught them doing it at bedtime. I switched them right then (had a stash)

  9. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    I tried switching mine, but they didn't like them, they were to hard. They actually did like different brands of pacifiers though, so I switched them off the soothies altogether.
  10. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    We tried to switch to the pink ones but the girls didn't like them. They ended up giving up their pacifiers by themselves at about 5 months though, so it wasn't an issue for us for very long.
  11. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I have a couple of the blue ones that I throw in the mix sometimes, but they aren't as big of a hit as the green ones. DD likes to gnaw on it, but she doesn't suck it otherwise. DS sucks on it, but doesn't chew on it. I'll keep them around until they "abuse" them.
  12. jessben81

    jessben81 Well-Known Member

    My boys generally use the teal ones, but, when they are having a "bad" teething day they seem to like the blue ones better, probably because of the hardness factor. I never thought about them being able to shove the whole green one in their mouth, I will definately keep that in mind though. Thanks for bringing it up!
  13. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    my girls are 7 months and LOVE chewing on the teal ones. The thought has crossed my mind about them being able to shove the whole thing into their mouths....I have just watched them when I give them to them....they don't use them anymore as pacifiers - just as chew toys that I bring out with their other toys during playtime....
  14. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    my girls are newborns so of course we use the teal - I never thought
    about them putting the whole thing in their mouths - I am glad
    you posted this - they look so huge right now - I will have to keep an eye on that when the girls get bigger!!
  15. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    I bought some of the harder ones (>3mo) -- but my boys do not like them. they prefer the green ones. I think you have to stick with whatever your boys are used to. The blue ones are the same size as the green ones so I don't understand the "going to shove the whole newborn one in their mouth (they like to chew on it) and choke" issue.

    I'd save your money and stick with the ones you're already using.


  16. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    They are the same size, but the 3 month ones are not as flexible.
  17. Dragonfly76

    Dragonfly76 Well-Known Member

    We used Binkies - just as good, but much softer.
  18. jennjenn770

    jennjenn770 Well-Known Member

    I bought the pink ones too but my one DD prefers the green one. She will not take the pink one. My other DD uses the MAM kind.
  19. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My guys like to chew on the green ones and they still can't fit the whole thing in their mouths. I am not worried yet, I know people who used the 0-6 size the entire time they were using them (2 years!).
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