Sooo Ready To Be Done!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jroberts, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. jroberts

    jroberts Well-Known Member

    I've seen other ladies post subjects like this over the last few months and understood, but i am soooooo there! I was put on bedrest at a little over 26 weeks, and was on strict or modified until last week. We kept being told oh if you can make it to 32 weeks that will be good, 34 would be great, oh 36 perfect. OK 36 has come and gone! I know its best for the babies to stay where they are but this pregnancy has definitely taken a toll on me. I've been looking up pressure points and silly stuff to try to induce. When we found out we were having twins our goal was to have them tomorrow because its my dad's birthday and these will be the first boys born since him, i'm getting really nervous that tomorrow is going to come and go with no babies.

    Anyway i'm not one to complain i've been hanging in there pretty good the last few months i'm just ready to finally have them in my arms.
  2. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    Awww Im sorry :hug: Babies come when they are ready... I hope yours get ready in a HURRY!! Chin up Mama, you've done a GREAT job! Our fingers are crossed you will be done soon...
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hang in there. :hug:
  4. sk8rjen

    sk8rjen Well-Known Member

    I never thought I'd make it this far after going to the hospital at 26, 29 and 31 weeks, but here I am sitting at 35 weeks thinking "I can't possibly make it another week"!!! I feel your pain!! But hang in there -- you are SOOOOOO close to having them in your arms and you've done great to make it this far!!

  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    sorry you ar so uncomfortable. I understand. My cousin had her twins at 37W+ and one still needed NICU time. You just never know. you've done so great so far, just hang in there. You can do it.
  6. beillaboo

    beillaboo Well-Known Member

    I am sorry that you were on bedrest so much. Good for you making it that far!
  7. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    I understand your exasperation. My doctor told me early on I would be lucky to make it into October and now it's here. I guess it's the fact that I had it in my mind that I probably wouldn't be pregnant anymore at this point, and now I still am. I am hoping for your sake they come sooner rather than later, but as we've all been told, it's a lot easier on us the longer they stay in there in the long run. Anyways, I want to let you know I know how you feel and am in the same boat myself. Take care.
  8. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Hang in there Momma!!! You are doing great :good:!
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: It is hard momma, but the more they cook, the better. :hug: Hand in there, you can do it!
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: You are Almost there!: you can do this!
  11. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! You have done a great job so far keeping them in for so long! They will come when they are ready :hug: hopefully soon for your sake!
  12. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    I know exactly how you feel.
    I am 36 weeks and just got scheduled for induction on the 15th of October. That seems like years from now! I am so miserable. I can barely walk, sit, or stand. I have three boys and I have never had so much pain like I have with this twin pregnancy.

    We will one day look back at this and laugh (I hope)

    Good Luck!
  13. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    I hated being pregnant and had every ailment known to a twin pregnancy, but I did not have to go on bedrest (thank my lucky stars). I know where you're coming from. I kept wanting to have the babies, but made it to 38 weeks, 3 day. What really turned me around about staying pregnant was something that I read that said that every day they're inside you saves them 3 days in the NICU. Even making it to 38 weeks, 3 days, my DS had to go to the NICU for a few hours after he was born! You just never know, but you're doing the best thing you can for your babies...keep up the good work and remember, this is the easiest that it will ever be to take care of them!
  14. hansenarmywife

    hansenarmywife Active Member

    I know exactly how you feel!! Because I felt the same before I had my twineez..But the time will come and go just as quickly as the whole pregnancy has been!! Hang in there mama!! And good luck!!
  15. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member


    Think back to the days when you wondered if you were going to get to 29 weeks (that was a big one for me) and look how far you and they have come!!! It is amazing and thanks to you and how well you have taken care of yourself and them you have TWO living beings getting stronger and healthier inside... I so remember how hard those last few days and weeks were, so I totally feel the pain, but soon they will be here and you will be thinking of how increadible it was to have them growing inside you! They will be here soon! try to get some rest now and enjoy getting the last minute things all done! Keep them cooking until they decide to come... it will be soon!
  16. Mom2SaraandSam

    Mom2SaraandSam Well-Known Member

    Aww! Hope the time passes more quickly for you!
  17. melissa1

    melissa1 Well-Known Member

    LOL I can remember posting a similar post about a month ago, I would have given anything to not be pregnant any more and then they decided it was time to come out and I was begging for another week LOL I know pregnancy is so hard and everyone says to enjoy it because at times you will wish you were still pregnant and you think yeah right! But it is very true I wish I could put them back at night time sometimes just to get some sleep :D Sleep with major heartburn is still sleep :p
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