Something clicked the other day....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by billandginastwins1, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. billandginastwins1

    billandginastwins1 Well-Known Member

    I potty trained Bella right after Christmas and it was like a dream, I was wondering why I waited so long with her. She only had two accidents and it took her about two weeks of here and there reminders to go to the bathroom. She doesn't even call me when she goes poop to wipe her... :icon_eek: I swear I was wiping my oldest daughter til 1st grade.

    Anyway, I have been trying to get Camden to wear underwear. I wanted them both trained my summer and they have to be trained by fall to attend the preschool I want them to go to. He would go on the potty here and there, then we would do underwear, he would pee or poop in them. So I was giving him more time to be ready.

    Out of the blue on Tuesday..he got up and put underwear on before he even came downstairs. He has been wearing them ever since. No accidents at all Tues, Wed, thurs, or today. He is even going on his own without me reminding him.

    Today I didn't even have to force him to go poop..he came down from playing with his sisters told me he had to go..and went in bathroom and went.

    What all of a sudden clicked. I have been making him wear diapers to bed and he even woke up dry yesterday and today.

    Could it be true...could both of my twins be potty trained???? Do I never have to buy diapers again?????
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Woohoo! ANd I hope you never have to buy diapers again!
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ABCKids @ Mar 28 2008, 08:37 PM) [snapback]693187[/snapback]
    Could it be true...could both of my twins be potty trained???? Do I never have to buy diapers again?????

    :Clap: It sure sounds like it Gina!!! :Clap: I hope when it's PT time for my two something just "clicks" for them. :lol:

    Congrats on having BOTH potty trained! :yahoo:
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It was definitely a click around here. I couldn't believe how smoothly it all went. We did have a little bit of a backslide after weeks in underpants but I refused to go back to diapers and the accidents stopped after a couple of days.
  5. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Very exciting! No more diapers - think of what you could do with just HALF that $$ (if you're not cloth-diapering!)

    Hope the click stays clicked!
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