someone help me get Jackson to sleep better!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RNjaime, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. RNjaime

    RNjaime Well-Known Member

    I swear god blessed me with the boy that never sleeps. Jackson. I put them down at 8, they sleep until about 730. I do naps between noon and 1. Somedays he sleeps 40 minutes, then screams for 30. It doesn't matter what I do, he screams. Somedays he'll sleep at most an hour and a half. I know this isn't enough, by bedtime he's fussy, having fits, and falling apart. He's been getting up several times at night, I think because he's over tired. I have NO idea what to do. I feel like I've tried everything and 18 months is long enough to be sleepless! I'm totally pooped and wanting my baby to be happy and rested. HELP US!
  2. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    When you say "I put them down at..", how do you do it? I used Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" from when the girls were about 5 months old, it helps. They give very specific ways of helping your child to enjoy sleep. I would invest in this book & try what the dr suggests, it is a very easy method, easy on the child & you. Good luck to you!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Jaime, the thing that jumps out at me is 8:00 bedtime. I think you should push that to 7:30 and then eventually to 7:00 till they are about 2. Just my opinion, but he sounds overtired and needs to go to bed early to compensate for his lack of napping. [​IMG] Good luck!!
  4. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I'd also say try moving up bedtime. Mine go to bed around 7-7:20. I have noticed that if they get to bed later, it doesn't usually mean that they'll sleep in later in the morning to compensate. So I really try to make sure they're in bed no later than 7:30 so they get enough sleep. If they haven't taken long naps during the day, they're usually in bed by 7 because Alina starts getting pretty cranky.

    I know how precious nap time is to us moms, so I hope things get better for you soon. Good luck!

  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ours go to bed at 8 and have for a long time, but they are up between 8-8:30, sometimes even close to 9. We nap from 1-3. If he is getting up at 7:30 you might want to try moving bedtime back by 30 min or so. Other than that I have no suggestions for you. [​IMG]
  6. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I would say move bedtime up to 730 or if the melt down starts at 7 put him to bed then. an earlier bedtime does help reduce night wakings and better night sleep makes naps better too.

    I also started using the a "wake up" light. They can't get out of bed till the light comes on in the morning. same thing with naps. I also had to get back into doing a good bedtime routine. bath, 1 story read one time, and lights out at 730. lights on at 7am.
  7. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Jaime - Bless your heart! It can be so frustrating. Some kids truly get more "hyper" the more sleepy they get! My ds who is now 10 is that way and I can always tell from when he was a baby when he was sleepy! Do you have a wind down betime routine? Super critical for some kids. Also, what do you do when he cries? Are you reinforcing this behavior? Does he know you are upset by it? It's usually best if you can be very matter of fact and unemotional and consistent. (like good night! It's time to sleep. We'll play in the morning!) And even if he's sobbing you leave calmly and cheerfully. I sure hope some of these suggestions help. Good Luck --- Mary
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