somebody help me!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lindsay084, May 12, 2008.

  1. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

    i replied to a post a couple days ago about how good my girls were and how they never fussed over anything - even when they are sick!! well that all changed yesterday! i have been thinking that both of them are teething because they
    a: have no teeth
    b: drool like maniacs
    c: chew on anything and everything
    d: their gums look red and swollen
    now, they wont even eat! they will try to drink their bottles and after sucking for a moment, they stop and start screaming! they have low grade fevers, are congested, have diarrea, and look totally miserable!! i have tried motrin, teethers, oragel, and tylenol and nothing seems to be helping.

    is there anything else i can try? does any one have any advice/suggestions? i sure hope so because this is no picnic!! <_<

    thanks for reading
  2. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I 100% SWEAR by Hylands Teething tablets (not a huge fan of Humphrey's Teething Pellets). They work BEST when they wake in the night or from a nap. We gave/give (we're teething right now too) Ibuprofen round the clock & when it's REALLY bad, we give Orajel about 15 mins before bottles (that helped them drink).

    My boys love to chew on ice cubes or frozen grapes in their mesh feeders, a baby washrag with a frozen end (dip one end in water & throw in freezer), & the vibrating teether toys.

    Good luck...teething SUCKS! Aiden's working on his top 4 right now...Conner's top 2 popped through, but I can't quite tell if he's working on more or if it's still those bothering him. He hasn't gotten much happier (or less drooly) since they came through!!!!
  3. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    You can get one of those mesh feeders and put ice in it or frozen grapes.
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Hyland's teething tabs have saved us! I highly recommend them. We're dealing with Jackson's molars right now... AWFUL!!! Hugs!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    You have gotten some great advice, and it sure sounds like those darn teeth! I hope they come through soon! :hug99:
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I was going to also suggest some of the things Andrea suggested. Teething is definitely not fun! :(
  7. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    oh definately the Hyland's teething tablets. you put them under the tongue and they melt right away. Humphrey's is not as good and you need to melt them before you give them to them. UGGHH. so Hylands is the best. i also used tylenol. you can't use motrin until they are 6 months. i also used the baby oragel nighttime one a bit before eating. it definately helped and i also gave a cooler formula that felt good on their gums while they were sucking. i think it helped numb the gums a bit. teething toys they chewed on all day long. the frozen wash rag is great to do also. i know it sucks and they look so miserable but hopefully their teeth will break through soon. i heard the more they chew on hard things the quicker they come through. i don't know if that is true but mine chewed on everything.
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