Some birthday gift questions - what things, how much?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NicoleLea, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    I have a couple questions for you all about what you do, b-day wise. My girls b-day is coming up (5 Years!) and I made a post a bit ago about how they asked for dolls and I couldn't find any. I finally did though and that was a relief, but they have mentioned they wanted some dress up clothes. Let's just say I noticed they are EXPENSIVE. I decided to get them one outfit each and some accessories (crown, gloves, etc.) Not opposed to used but couldn't find anything good. They already have a few dress up items like shoes and jewelry but no real "clothes". Well they said they wanted princess outfits. So I spent HOURS searching online, mostly ebay for decent priced outfits and found a few really cute ones I thought they'd like. Couldn't decide so I asked them which they liked to which they said none, out of like 10. :fool: I tried looking up different styles, colors etc. And asked them their opinion. For the most part they didn't like anything! Then they said they did like some. Then they said they didn't. So now I'm at a loss. I guess it's kinda tough to trust them cause sometimes they don't even seem to know what they like! Awhile back they begged and begged for some Buzz Lightyear toys they saw (super expensive) then they played with them 15 mins and never again. Then I've given them random toys like a stress ball that they wound up playing with every day!!! What would you do? Pick an outfit yourself and just give them that? Or forget the idea altogether? Of course cost is a big consideration so can't let them just pick whatever.

    SO, the other question, how much do you spend on your kids for b-days? In the past we've been spoilers but I'm trying to get away from that. I don't want to sound cheap but I HATE spending a ton on things only to have them disregarded a day later!!! I'm trying to spend as little as possible but it is not working out so well because everything is so doggone EXPENSIVE!!! Even stuff that is used!!! Aghhhhhhhh, any advice????
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Well, taking into account that we have 6 children, so there's already a houseful of toys. We don't spend much. Like under $35 for the younger kids and under $50 for the older ones. Then we do usually go out to dinner as a family to the restaurant of their choice, so that's easily another $100. They usually get 1-2 presents from us, and whatever their siblings give them. Then a present will come in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa. Happily, they don't expect a lot. We also limit parties. I do NOT love planning birthday parties. I know some people love it, but I'm not that person. So my kids get a friends party when they're 8, 12 & 16. We also have family dinner every month with DH's family, so we'll have cake with the family during their birthday month. And we do have a little party with just our family. So personally, I'd either get the dress-up or the dolls. But not both. And since they didn't seem to like any of the outfits you showed them, I'd probably go with the dolls. And maybe some dressup accessories like a tiara, wand, play jewelry. Then they can wear those with whatever clothes they already have.
  3. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    For dress-up: I like outfits best that are versatile and that makes them use their imagination, i.e. cloaks or scarves or larger playsilks in different colours and materials that they could use to be princesses, fairies, butterflies, flowers etc. This also takes the pressure away to find the one perfect and complete outfit and you can pick up bits and pieces and mix and match which is more cost-effective. I would only get a specific outfit if one of your girls is really into a certain character and has been for a longer time.

    What we spend for birthdays has so far varied widely. My guide is more whether we feel they need new toys and whether they have enough age-appropriate toys for the moment. If they have enough, we will spend less and just get them some smaller surprises like books, a new board game, a special t-shirt, one item for their train set. If they are ready for something new, we will spend more on a big gift. We usually don't give many gifts though, our focus is more on making it a special day. We do the same for the adults, so this is the tradition they grow up with.

    But - if they are ready for something new and there is neither a birthday nor Christmas around the corner, we will not wait until the next occasion, i.e. they got their tricycle one random day - they were ready, we got a good deal, happy Saturday.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I have gotten some great dress up outfits at Tuesday Morning. Do you have that store near you? Or at the Goodwill. People give away all sorts of hilarious clothes that will probably never be purchased, so I'm happy to pick up ruffled bloomers for 50 cents, a feather trimmed cardigan for a dollar, and amazing scarves for a dime. My girls will almost always decide to create their own outfits rather than put on a prepackaged princess costume... even though they love princesses.

    As for what we spend on birthdays... it totally varies. Last year we bought the girls $300 bicycles, so that was an expensive year. The year before, I think I spent $20 on one set of Polly Pockets. They had a birthday party and I knew they'd be getting tons of presents, plus stuff from my mom, brother, and other aunts and uncles. I'm much more likely to spend money on toys, games and books throughout the year rather than do a big blow out at their birthday or Christmas.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Look for used halloween costumes. Anyone trying to sell them at this time of year, should have them priced pretty cheap since it's completely off season for halloween stuff. And I agree with picking up some random pieces at goodwill and letting them use their imagination with them :)

    As for what we spend.....well my twins get gypped to be honest. I have 2 older kids who are also b/g. So I have a good range of boy and girl toys in all the age ranges. So the twins tend to not get quite as much as the older kids. I get the kids each 2 gifts for their birthday. 1 to open at supper on their actual birthday, and 1 to open at their birthday party from us. They also get something small from one set of grandparent's, and some money from the other set.

    My oldest son's b'day is feb 17th, and the twins is feb 21st. We're kinda broke right now, saving for our summer vacation, so we're skipping the party for the first time ever! We're going to take the kids bowling for the afternoon instead, much cheaper and I know they'll have a blast!
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Well my take on dress up clothes is that I don't want to go cheap. All the cheap costumes I've bought ended up ripping after a bit. The only good quality princess dress we have is a Disney one, but I got it on sale. I'd probably ask them what kind of costume they want (if princess, they probably have a princess in mind) and see what you can find. I know the Disney outlet here had cheaper princess dresses as well (that was over a year ago though). Toys'r Us has some at $25 as well but not sure of the quality. The dress I got from a costume shop for Halloween last year was total junk. If they don't want princess stuff the Imaginarium brand of Toys'r Us has some nice doctor/vet costumes (there's a medieval princess one too that has held up pretty well here).

    For this year I was going to give them $50 worth of stuff each but they asked for scooters so I'm getting that too. So that's $150 each, but I had all the other stuff in the closet already (bought on sale last year)... and my mom is paying for most of it.
  7. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Some of my dd's favorite dress up dresses are just formal dresses that were purchased used or passed down from cousins. It helps if the are a bit largest than she needs so she can get them on/off.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I didn't spend much on my girls' birthday at 5. Maybe 100 each, if that much. To me, it sounds like they are indecisive about what they want. I would go to consignment stores for things like dress up clothes. My girls 5th birthday I got them something that neither of them had asked for that I thought they would really enjoy. ROLLER SKATES! I can remember my first pair, and I thought 5 was the perfect age for them. They loved them, it's the one gift that they still play with. Might I suggest getting them something that maybe they haven't asked for, but you know they'll love. I honestly can not remember what else they got because they played with them so much that year. They didn't take them off for a whole week except to go to bed :) They still pull them out and roll around the house in them. We got them the classic white roller skates from Toys R Us for about $30 a pair.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I don't have a lot of time.. but here's a website for some cheap bows and tutus, tiaras, gloves etc for dress up!

    they frequently run sales, so sign up for their info.
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