SOLIDS-How much?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Jpuetz3, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Jpuetz3

    Jpuetz3 Member

    I just started mY 5 month old babies on rice cereal a couple weeks ago and a veggie just yesterday. How much do your babies get? They both split a bowl of a tbl of rice ceral and some formuila mixed in and they still never finish the whole thing. And as far as veggies they split one of those too but their is still enough for atleast 2 more days of feeding out of it!PLease give me your opinions!!

    Thank you!!!!!!
  2. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    At that age only 1-3 tablespoons a piece 1 or 2 times a day. I remember how fun it was to try those solids early on - we started at 5.5 mos. It looks like nothing but our minds are trained to finish it, right? They won't appear to get much down at all but it is great practice! :)
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This won't help you-but I never measured! :shrug: One day they would eat a ton, the next, nothing. It just caused me more headaches! And now it's just for practice I say keep on doing what you are doing, and don't necessarily fuss over amounts. I always eyed it. If I noticed they were finishing it all and wanting more, then I poured a little more cereal in the bowl.

  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I did/do the same as the previous posted said. Have fun with it!
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't really measure either. After the first time or two, I kind of got a feel for how much they were eating & would just make that much. It wasn't very much in the beginning, I know that. It's just for practice, so however much they eat is fine. Have fun!
  6. Karabatsos

    Karabatsos Member

    My girls just turned 5 months on the 13th and weve been on solids now for a month. Their hungriest time is right befor bed so around 7ish i feed them about 1.5 TB of cereal each and they both split i jar of the earths best (level 1) baby food. Then an hour later from when i started i give them a 6 oz bottle and to bed they go. Good luck
  7. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    Ours started solids around 18 wks or so, they are 22 wks now. In the first week we fed 1x a day, then 2x a day for another 2 weeks. We now do 3x a day. I feed them bottles first, followed by solids about 30 mins later. The bottles are the most important thing at this stage, you need to make sure they are getting enough formula as that is where the nutrients come from...ask your dr. how much he/she recommends they should be eating. Ours still take 28-32 oz of formula.

    As for solids, I fed them both from the same dish and start with 2 oz of what ever I'm feeding. So I would say that they take about 1 oz 3x a day. In the morning, they take 2oz of pears mixed with oatmeal with some prune juice mixed in. It helps to keep them regular as we've had issues with that. The other two feeds are sweet potato, peas, carrots, squash or apples....Ours hated rice cereal and it make them really gassy, so we gave up on it. Oatmeal seems to sit well with them.

    One of my DD is a small eater, so if she struggles to finish her bottle, I usually just give her a few spoon full of solids just for practice and taste.
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