Solids--How Much Do You Feed Them?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jenniferkkelly, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    My twins have been on solids for about 6 wks now, getting them in the morning and for dinner. They're eating about 2 Tbsp of oatmeal & splitting a 2.5 oz package of veggie or fruit at each meal. They always eat it all & I'm wondering if I should increase the amounts? I'm afraid that if I give them too much, then they won't want their bottles & we've been having issues with that already. How much do your babies eat at a meal? Is there a certain amount that they are supposed to have? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would say increase it and see what happens. If it starts to really affect their bottle intake (which it sounds like it might) I would just knock it back to where you are. There is no harm in trying to increase it and let them lead you. Just trying to find a balance between formula intake and solids intake can be the tricky part.
  3. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    My girls both get 2 cupcakes full of food. One veggie and one fruit. They get this at lunch and dinner. Plus they eat tons of puffs, cheerios or crackers. I would increase how much you are feeding them!
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I would only increase if you think they are drinking enough formula, and seem to be hungry faster.

    Keep in mind that a baby's stomach is the size of their fist, so you really don't want to overfeed them either. Mine at almost 10 months get one jar split with some cereal and 6 cheerios or puffs.
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I´d increase the amount and see what happens.

    Where I am living, & from what I´ve read here, things work differently than in the States. We´re working towards eliminating the bottle - what the pedi recommends. DS has so far eliminated one of his bottles with his fruit meal. I always offer him milk though but he doesnt want it. He eats his veg solids well but still drinks half of his bottle (about 4oz). I offer water between meals so he doesn´t get dehydrated. He takes 8oz in the morning and 9oz at night, both with cereal in.
  6. Jody_527

    Jody_527 Well-Known Member

    Both Ds started with the average recommended amount and each week want a little more. I let them tell me, they usually start to cry when I get out of my chair from in front of them. Each time I will give them another 2 Tbsps of whatever I am feeding them. I just make sure they get their bottle before each meal. they are now up to 3 meals a day. I started giving them supper because they were waking up in the middle of the night hungry and they had slept through the night since 8 weeks - I would let them take the lead, I think if they are hungry - feed them. I do try hard to not give supper too late because sometimes it will affect their bedtime bottle :)
  7. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 7 months next week. They have about 2 Tbs of cereal with 1-2 Tbs of fruit for breakfast, and around 3 Tbs of veg/pasta/whatever for dinner. They've been eating solids for around 2 months, and the last couple of weeks they've naturally wanted to eat more. Our ped said that they would probably want to drop a bottle naturally soon anyway.
  8. nicolegalchutt

    nicolegalchutt Well-Known Member

    I started mine on solids at 6 mo, and by 7 mo they ate about 2-3 times a day. now at 9 mo they eat 4-5 times. They love food! I give them a vitamin supplement as well and try to offer them water at every meal. They still take about 4-5 (6 oz) bottles throughout the day. Its fun getting them eating solids- but such messes they make! They get baths every night now!!
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