Solid Meals...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mandywellman, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    How old were your twins When you started three solid meals a day?

    how many jars at each meal?

    how many bottles when they were doing three solid meals a day?

    When did you start snacks?

    When did you start finger foodS?

    when you started finger foods, did you put them on their trays right away to try and get them to pick it up, or would you feed them?

    What finger foods first? ( i read alot on people saying cherrios but I feel like those are hard and babies could chocke easy on them easily?)

    TIA,,, Just trying to get my plan in action here for the next several months!

    Girls are 7 months! 5 bottles, 2 meals (tried puffs but i break them into a thousand pieces,and theya re already small i think im going to be a nevous wreck when it coems to eating things!!!)
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We started solids at 6 months and gradually worked up to three meals a day around 7 months. At that age, a meal was them splitting a jar of food. In the morning, splitting a jar of fruit mixed with cereal and formula. We were still on 5 bottles a day with a dream feed at 10pm because our little guy (Gabriel) was not ready to eat more than 6 oz. at a time max. They were getting around 25 and 30 oz. of formula each.

    I can't remember exactly when we started finger foods. I think it was around 7 or 7.5 months. We started with puffs. We gave them a few first, then put them on the tray and helped them learn how to pick them up. You don't need to break them - there is very little chance they can choke because they melt so fast. Even now, we do few finger foods - Gabriel tends to gag really badly still, so we have to cut things very small and he can't pick them up then (diced peaches, carrots, etc.). I feel like we are a bit delayed in this at over 10 months, but he spits everything out still, so I guess he's just not ready.
  3. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    We started with a little rice cereal around 5 months, just once a day. After a couple of weeks, we added stage 1 fruit or veggie to split.

    At about 6 months, we dropped the 11pm dream feed, and started giving them "breakfast" too - a 6 oz. bottle of formula, plus a little oatmeal and 1/2 a fruit. They were getting 4 bottles a day of 6 oz - although G may finish all 24 oz, S rarely does.

    At about 7.5 months, we added some "lunch" - just a jar of fruit (one each). S was eating lunch so well we decided to add rice cereal at that point too. Somewhere around 8 months we did this for G too.

    So now they are 8.5 months - they get 3 "meals" a day and 4 bottles of 6 oz. They don't finish all of it though. S is not a great eater - never has been.

    We just started with the mum-mums over the past few weeks. I haven't tried puffs yet but plan to try them soon.

    I also am scared to try finger foods but they are doing pretty well with the mum-mums, so maybe it won't be as scary as I picture it will be.
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    How old were your twins When you started three solid meals a day? 6 months

    how many jars at each meal? 1 jar of veggies each and a half a jar of fruit each

    how many bottles when they were doing three solid meals a day? 4

    When did you start snacks? at 9 months

    When did you start finger foodS? 10.5 months

    when you started finger foods, did you put them on their trays right away to try and get them to pick it up, or would you feed them? Put it on their trays

    What finger foods first? ( i read alot on people saying cherrios but I feel like those are hard and babies could chocke easy on them easily?)
    Cheerios, peas, corn, cereal bar, I broke off little pieces for them.
  5. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 7 months next week.. we started rice cereal around 4 months and then waited until 6 months to do other solids... our day is like this:

    5:45am- 6.5 oz bottle (we have to leave to get them to the babysitter before we go to work... so we have stuck with this feeding time).

    8:30-9:00am- 4 oz bottles and then rice cereal and fruit (about 2-3 tablespoons)

    12pm- 6.5 oz bottles

    3:00pm- 4 oz bottles and then rice cereal and a veggie

    6pm- bedtime bottle 6.5 oz

    we are getting ready to try sippy cups so hoping they will eventually drink their formula that way at mealtimes! hoping to start fingerfoods soon!
  6. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    just want to note that mushy fruits or veggies cut into larger pieces are a nice transition to finger food...when she started to be able to pick up the bits off her tray, I knew I could go ahead and give her them already cut up. Try cauliflower or carrot, cooked really soft. Bananas got squeezed too hard at first.
  7. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    This sounds like what I have started doing. t2 seems more keen than t1. I sometimes sit one on my lap at he table when i eat and give her tastes of what I'm eating.
  8. tootsie roll

    tootsie roll Member

    We started rice cereal with breastmilk at 6 months. Since then, the girls (now 9 1/2 months), have had most fruits and veggies. I would puree their food on the weekend and freeze them so that I had easy access to the food throughout the week. They are now really into finger foods. The love plain cheerios, puffs, little chunks of bananas, mashed potatoes, and tiny pieces of chicken. I just want them to get some more teeth - only one baby has a tooth - the other has been teething for months...
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