
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jen620, May 2, 2007.

  1. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I swear, if money were no object, I'd throw away all of Joey and Ellie's socks and buy plain white ones in Joey's size; Ellie would just wear big socks!!

    They each have at least 20 pairs, and despite the fact that they have separate sock drawers and separate clothes hampers, the pairs still get mixed up and I'm always trying to figure out who the socks belong to.

    And don't get me started about the unmatched socks! I have a basket full that gets added too every week and every week or so I try to sort them. sister gave me some clothes for Joey that her daughter was done with and it had matchers to my unmatched ones!

    And while I'm talking about socks, how about shoes? Why will Joey put on Annie's sandals and walk around in them but she won't touch her own? Both pair light up, Joey's are her size. Joey cries and refuses to wear her own shoes!

    Thank goodness it's summer soon...maybe Ellie will wear sandals with no socks and just maybe I can coax Joey into her own sandals.
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    get them both Crocs! No socks needed and they can put tehm on easily! :D
  3. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    You know, I realize the socks were going to be a big problem very early on. I started buying ONLY Old Navy socks. They have the size on the bottom of the sock as part of the no-skid stuff. It really makes sorting their socks easy. Mine are in 2 different sizes as well. We even had 3 different sizes at one point.

    No ideas on the shoe thing. Maybe her shoes have become too small?
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If it's bugging you this much, maybe you should just do what you're threatening to do! Target probably has some pretty inexpensive white socks. ;) (I can't bring myself to buy socks anywhere else -- it seems so outrageous to pay $7-10/pr or more.)

    We have a wide variety of sizes because ours are mostly hand-me-downs or batches that I bought at the twins sale. If something is obviously too small, I throw it in the "too small" bag, but otherwise they just wear whatever, even if it's slightly too small or too big.

    OTOH, my twins are not quite old enough to have opinions about their clothes yet (they're getting there -- it's a whole new ballgame!).
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Yes, socks are a pain in our house as well! I need to get them organized and really want to dump all th old ones and start with a new batch!
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP - Old Navy's are the best because they have the size right on the non skid!
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