So what is everyone thinking about naming their twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by natasha163, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    Hi, curious to know since their are so many exp twin mums on here, what are we all thinking about naming our babies??

    We like :

    GIRLS : Denver Grace
    Indiana Ella

    We used to have Savannah picked for a girl, but one of my friends used a spin off an named her daughter AVANNAH , which i haven't heard of and i think is absolutely beautiful, and a little different to all the ava's out there...let e know if you like it too, i've been dying to share it!!

    For boys we are a bit stuck...

    JACK as it has family sentiment, but we already have a that probably is a bad idea.
    BOWEN ...Bowie for short, but my husband hates it
    HUDSON ...but our last name is swan so is that too much of a mouthful?

    Does anyone have any suggestions or want to share their name dillemmas.

    I love talking about names because everyone asks you what you are going to name your babies, especially when they are twins!!

    We are going to keep ours secret for a surprise! (the close friend that named her baby avannah also used our favourite name Riley when she had her sometimes it pays not to let out all your secrets!)
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It looks like the name winners for us (we are having a boy and a girl) are Sophia Eileen and Luke Robert...their middle names are after my husband's parents who are deceased. My husband is also thinking of Matthew Robert for the boy but I think Luke might wind up being the winner.

    As for suggestions, I really don't have any, name them what you feel comfortable with and like. I did read that you should practice saying the names you are thinking about out loud to make sure you really like how it sounds. And, it is probably not a good idea to name one the "@" sign or "4 Real" ;)
  3. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Two Boys... Ryan Christian and Zachary Scott
  4. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    We're having 2 boys and plan to name them Daniel Clarence and Benjamin Mark. We're keeping the names secret from everyone (except on TS). It's so cool to see them written down! Clarence is my dh's name and Mark is my Dad's name. They will both have my last name as a middle name as well and then of course my husband's last name as their last name (I don't like to share those names on here due to internet paranoia!!). We also thought about the name Aidan for a boy. But I seem to have a preference for names that have a nice nickname.

    Before we found out what we were having, we had planned on Katharine Ruth for a girl but were struggling with another girl name. Ruth is my MIL's name. Other girls names we considered were: Madelyn, Sophia, Meredith, and a few others that I can't think of right now.

    Good luck to everyone still choosing names!

  5. heattim5

    heattim5 Well-Known Member

    We are going with Deanna and Karyli. My moms name is Dena and my DH moms name is Carol so that is how we came p with the name. We are just not sure of middle names yet.

    It is harder because my Dh was able to pick all 3 boys names and I get to pick the girls. Of course they made it difficult for me having 2 instead of 1. And how do you choose who gets what name. Is it first out gets 1 name and the second gets the other. Or baby A is this and Baby B is this. How are you choosing?
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We are naming our boys Ryan Robert and Jacob Thomas (Jake). Jake will have the same initials as my dh (for some reason this was VERY important to him). We had decided on this name before we knew it was twins. Robert is my grandfather's name. He passed away a year before our wedding. I've always loved the name Ryan Robert because it was supposed to be my name (or one of them...they though I was twin boys!!!). My other name was Shawn Michael.

    If we had girls we were thinking Lauren Antionette (middle name is my dh's gmas) and Emma Eileen (middle name is my gmas).

    As far as who is who...when we learned it was twins, one baby was very small and had no fluid. We named the bigger one Jake and until we came up with another name we called the small baby LG (little guy). We've been able to tell them apart ever since. Ryan is head down and will be the first one out.
  7. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Greta Mattea and Louisa Bea. Our boys names were Sullivan and Fisher.
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I always wanted Hindu names for our kids since my hubby is from India. The first boy name I ever saw was Arjun and I just loved it. I told him, when we have a son, that will be his name. Then when we found out we were having twins and the other was a girl, I went with the first girl name I loved which is Indra. We are spelling it Indira though. We were going to use our middle names as their middle names but my hubby changed his mind and said he wanted to stick with tradition and that is the middle names of all the kids, boys or girls are the father's first name. I am not too fond of it but we are going with it. So their names are;

    Indira Ameet
    Arjun Ameet
  9. Shasta

    Shasta Well-Known Member

    My girls will be named.... Ashauna Aylse and Ashanti Brianna
  10. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    My girls are Paige Elizabeth and Samantha Marie - We chose who was who by alphabetical order - the first to come out was Paige and then Sami.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well my oldest DD is Caroline Emilie (Caroline was my great-grandmother' (Emilie) great-grandmother's name and Emilie is a family name, one in every generation


    Emilie Michelle- see above for Emilie and Michelle is my middle name

    Trevor File-Trevor is a boy's name we always liked and was the name we had picked out if Caroline was a boy, and File is DH's middle name (also his dad's middle name and grandmother's maiden name).

    I love hearing how everyone picks their names.
  12. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    We are naming our girls Erynn and Abygail- DH liked Erynn and I want an Abby so bad! We do not have middle names yet, we are stuck! We have been thinking of names since I found out they were twins, and girls names come so easy- we never did have any boy names! I love names like Aidan and Cayden- but my son is Camden, so they wouldn't have worked! But I still think they are cute- but way popular!
  13. erinh56

    erinh56 Well-Known Member

    Braelynne and Breslynne :) STill working out the middle names!
  14. erinmichelleb

    erinmichelleb Well-Known Member

    Shane Christopher and Matthew Caden. :)
  15. ellaila

    ellaila Well-Known Member

    Katelyn Isabelle and Gabriel Jacob for our little beans!
  16. arhowry

    arhowry Member

    We are having boy/girl twins and naming them Lily and Levi we don't have middle names picked out yet
  17. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Two boys... We are going with (as my siggy below indicates) Van Christian Whitman and Finn Walt Whitman. Christian is after my twin sister and Whitman is dh's mom (who's passed away) maiden name. She was a direct descendant of Walt Whitman. Then of course they'll have our last name, which I also don't share because of internet paranoia. :)
    If they were girls we were going with Amelia and Emma. Good luck picking names. It can be tough to decide!
  18. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    I am set on Silas Carl, and my husband can't decide on eithor Isaac Henry or Cole Henry.
  19. daisydoll

    daisydoll Well-Known Member

    Our boys names are Chase Alexander & Spencer William. My other sons name is Logan James.

    Girl names we had picked out were Lilley Paige & Kendal (No middle name) & Emma
  20. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    Addison Jean and Paige Mooreen
  21. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    Ours will be Laila Kisara and Lorenzo Kaden,however I do recommend on keeping names a secret because my boyfriend's mom keeps trying to get me to change Lorenzo when that is the only boy name me and my boyfriend ever agreed on, now she has him questioning if he even likes the name, and now I'm pissed because they will be here in two weeks and I have to got hrough the name game again because I definitely want him to love the name of his first son. So wish me luck. <_<
  22. tshickok

    tshickok Member

    Our ID girls will be Abigail Susan (middle name after DH's deceased Mom) and Hannah Lee (middle name after my Grandma)
  23. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    there are some very cool names on here . we've decided not to use middle names from relatives so not to cause any arguements (we did this right from the birth of our first son)

    My husbands aunt (infuriating) has always said that if i have a girl i have to name her margaret after her, (yeah right)
    Margaret is ok, it is also my mums name, but having her at me all the time pressuring me made me decide to not use any relatives names at all.

    (with the eception of Jack which we are thinking of having because my FIL was raised by a Jack and my husband thought alot of him, he was a wonderful horseman, and he died long before i even met my husband)

    I also agree with a previous post about keeping names secret for another reason...people discouraging you from using them.

    When we picked carter ryan for my first son, margaret (yes same one) refused to call him carter, even when he was first born as she didn't like it...she called him by his second name ryan...grrrrr!! I hope you stick to the names you love dispite who is telling you nthey know what you like and after all....THEY ARE OUR BABIES!!!

    Good luck to everyone thinking of names and thanks for keeping my post going...There are some very good names on here...keep them coming.
  24. CoastieWife

    CoastieWife Member

    DH & DS (age 11) worked out the names for our twin girls: Baby A is Jessica Ruth, Baby B is Lauren Jeanne. The middle names are the grandmothers, both deceased.

  25. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    You all have some beautiful names picked out! I don't know how you can come up with 4; good thing for u/s or my poor babies might still be nameless..LOL
  26. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    curiously my eldest son (4) has named the babies rainbow and lilypad!!!!
  27. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(natasha163 @ Sep 5 2007, 10:42 PM) [snapback]394776[/snapback]
    curiously my eldest son (4) has named the babies rainbow and lilypad!!!!

    when my youngest sister was on her way, mom let my middle sister help pick names and she was like 5...she wanted to name her Jasmine Belle...Jasmine from the disney movie Aladdin and Bell from beauty and the beast. :) She won half the argument: Ashtyn Belle was the end result. :)
  28. coveytwins

    coveytwins Well-Known Member

    We are having a boy and a girl

    Kariana Faith and Marcus Aaron...

    Marcus and Aaron were friend's of the babies' daddy that passed away when they were young so we are naming our son in their memory

    Kariana was a compilation named. I loved Ariana and then we opened a magazine and saw it spelled with a K. It was just a random picture of a little girl in reader's digest we saw while waiting for our first ultrasound. We didn't even know we were having twins at that point.
  29. coveytwins

    coveytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tanya78 @ Sep 5 2007, 06:15 PM) [snapback]394554[/snapback]
    Our ID girls will be Abigail Susan (middle name after DH's deceased Mom) and Hannah Lee (middle name after my Grandma)

    My first son was named from the time we knew he was a lil boy from the ultrasound. We named him [SIZE=14pt]Roman Michael[/SIZE]. His grandma wasn't really liking it, but to us...he was already named. It would have been like renaming a child to us. I had been calling him that all along. Now...she loves it. He's 10 now.
  30. chris247

    chris247 Member

    Gabrielle Joy and Sara Kate. We'll call Gabrielle "Gabi." (Joy and Sara are family names and our DD picked the name "Kate.")

    Good luck!
  31. mistywilton

    mistywilton Active Member

    Aiden Michael and Cambria Rose
  32. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(natasha163 @ Sep 5 2007, 09:33 PM) [snapback]394588[/snapback]
    When we picked carter ryan for my first son, margaret (yes same one) refused to call him carter, even when he was first born as she didn't like it...she called him by his second name ryan...grrrrr!!

    My mom kind of did the same thing to me. We decided on Camden James for my son- We liked Cameron and the baby book I had said it meant "crooked nose" :p So I seen Camden above it and just fell in love with it! When I told my mom she said she did not like it but respected my decision- she was goign to call him CJ. Ever since he has been here- mom calls him Camden- I asked her what happened- she said it just suits him! :lol:
  33. dr802

    dr802 Well-Known Member

    We didn't find out the sexes of the babies-it looks like we are the only ones! So we have 3 names...
    Kyle and Dylan for boys-just 2 names we like and I had to awesome students by those names! Middle names are Joseph after both of our dads and Patrick-not sure who is getting what yet-waiting to see them.
    Our only girl name is Ashley Nicole-a name we have loved since we starting dating...still not set on another name for a girl, but we are working on it...
    It was great to see what everyone picked out and how...I should have kept my names a secret b/c my parents still make faces when I tell them the boys names! TOUGH!

  34. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    We did not find out what we were having so we went to the hospital with 2 boy, 2 girl and 1b1g combos

    middle names were family names

    our girl choices were Meredith Eileen and Molly Elizabeth
    our b/g choices were Jamison Walter and Meredith Elizabeth.
    our boy names were(are) Jamison Walter and Peter William
  35. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(natasha163 @ Sep 5 2007, 10:42 PM) [snapback]394776[/snapback]
    curiously my eldest son (4) has named the babies rainbow and lilypad!!!!

    LOL that reminds me of when my little brother was born. I was really into cartoons, and I LOVED Popeye, so I wanted him to be named "Sweet Pea" That's Popeye's baby's name.

    Oh and my parents did the same thing to me about the names. I told them the names we'd picked and they couldn't stop laughing about it, like it was the worst names they'd ever heard. They laughed at them so much that I don't want to use them anymore and I'm not telling anyone any names until they are born.
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