So we are done with the helmet...I think

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mrschenoweth, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    So both of my babies had torticollis which caused them the develop flat spots on the left side of their heads. We did the PT thing which helped tons. DD's head improved on its own although it is not perfectly round still. Her measurements gradually improved. She ended up with a difference of 3mm (I think that is the difference between length and width or something like that). The cranial guy said if she came in the beginning with that measurement they wouldn't do a helmet. It was an option if I wanted it and we decided not to.

    DS on the other hand was gradually getting worse..was up to 11mm at one point. We had to get the helmet. He wore it for about 2.5 months. We couldn't continue the last couple weeks because his head grew and it is now tighter on him which is causing major skin problems on the side of his face. His measurement is down to 3mm now. So we were faced with the decision of making a new helmet and continue treatment until it is perfect, or letting it go. Again, if he came in at 3mm, they wouldn't do anything because I guess average can go up to 4mm. We go back in 3 weeks to do another measurement to make sure it isn't getting worse.

    So here is where I'm torn: If it measures 3mm still, should we get another helmet and complete this process or just let it go??? I still second guess my decision about DD from time to time. I just don't know what I should do. No one can really tell there is still a little flatness unless they really look. I notice it of course especially when his hair is wet. What should I do??? :unknw:
  2. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    I'm in a similar situation as you are - my boys are both in helmets but Alex has all but outgrown it. At his last apt, they said we might get another month out of it. He measured at 5.9mm, just one tenth into the 'normal' range. He started out at 11.4. It's so tight right now but I don't think it's causing skin problems yet. We're just making him wear it at night now, because it also seems to exacerbate his torticollis. We're not planning on getting another helmet, even though Alex could still use improvement. A lot of his problem is facial asymmetry which may or may not resolve later with the amount of cranial head correction already done. Sam is only down to 9.3, he started at 14.4. We're hoping for another month or two before Sam outgrows his helmet. I think it very unlikely that we'll get another helmet for Sam either, even if it doesn't go down into the normal range.
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  3. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    So--one of my DS had 4mm--and they told us he didn't need a helmet. My other DS was about 14mm--which was considered severe. AFter 10 weeks of helmet it went to right around 7. They told us we can stop. She said "norm" was anywhere under 6. But since his was so severe, they just want to cut it in half---we can't even tell there is any flat spot anymore. I'm surprised you can notice at 3mm, probably one of those things that you can see, but no one else can. My DS has tons and tons of hair, so probaly another reason ours isn't noticeable--and also since it was sooo bad before.

    We could have continued to use the same helmet b/c it still fit, but she didn't think we needed to and so we stopped. She told us that it would probably continue to round out now.

    So--in my opinion, I wouldn't get one---yours seems way under what our therapists said it needed to be. However, mine didn't have any facial asymmetry (or very very slight) and we weren't dealing with torticollis, so don't know if that makes a difference.
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  4. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    Michael wore his helmet for 11 weeks and went from 9mm to 4mm. As the helmet got tighter he developed rashes and it finally didn't fit anymore. I thought long and hard about a second helmet and got the opinion from two plastic surgeons and two orthotists because I didn't want to regret not doing more for him later, ya know?

    Both orthotists told me at 4mm a second helmet would not be indicated, one of the plastic surgeons told me not to bother either because at 9 months we wouldn't get a whole lot more change in his head shape, even with a helmet. The other surgeon told us that it might help, but it would be months in the helmet before we saw changes.

    I was really concerned because Michael had significant facial asymmetry and his head was still a bit kidney bean shaped. The flat spot ended up a lumping spot, but his forehead looks a lot better.

    In the end, we decided not to do a second helmet. Only I notice and only when I'm looking for it.

    Good luck with your decision, it's not an easy one but 2 months later I feel comfortable knowing I did everything I could for my kid.
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  5. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies for sharing your experiences!!! You have definitely helped me make my decision. I won't be pursuing another helmet and I feel a lot better about not having DD wear one! I need to stop worrying so much. I told my mom the other day that I don't want them as teenagers telling me I've ruined their lives (because their heads aren't perfectly round). She said they will tell me that anyway! :laughing:
  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    Our son wore a helmet for almost 5 months and he was at 11 and went down to 8. We finally took it off due to the summer time and him being uncomfortable. He is 4 years old now and I wish we would have left it on for a lot longer. He does have a lot of hair but his head is majorly flat in the back and could have used more helmet treatment.

    Good Luck I know it is a hard decision.
  7. baby_boo

    baby_boo Member

    Is he wearing the helmet all day? The PT we're going to suggests to those with helmets after the first few months to switch to sleep time - since they're not lying on their flat spot while they are up playing. Don't know if that would make a difference with the rash? We're currently trying to avoid the helmet route hitting the PT early and we're lucky that there's not torticollis - just a little muscle shortening on one side
  8. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I appreciate this thread so much ... we are trying to decide whether or not to go down the helmet path with our babies after opting out with our first child, who was borderline (her head is still flat and it bugs me).
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