So Tired I Can't sleep---vent

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by witmuch, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    Hey all! It's really late for me to be on here this time of night, but I just can't sleep. I lay down and just lay there. I am really tired but it's like no sleep in site. I don't want to take anything an I have been taking naps in the day time but they don't last more than 2 hours. i have tried to not take the naps but i can't stay awake so I give up and sleep. my husband is really agrivated with this and he just don't under stand and i have tried to read the posts and read out of the books i am reading about twin pregnancy and he just don't get it. and of course he's a man and he won't always under stand but this is really getting to me too. i want to sleep so that i can stay up with my 3 year old and get things done around the house. we are still trying to move things out into the sheds in our back yard (i pack and Husband moves them) but i get so worn out just thinking about the packing and i don't know. maybe i'm just in a daze, or maybe still a zombie from lack of sleep.

    anyone have any suggestions? i sleep with pillows and i try to get comfortable. and when i do get sleep i wake up with horrible migraines that will last 2 to sometimes 4 days. i know the migraines is a part of pregnancy but i was also diagnosed with them at age 14 so these aren't the kind of mild headaches that some of you get. these hurt and make me really sick, i can't stand the sight of the slightest amount of light or the littlest noise. the water doesn't even phase them. and i can't take the kind of medication that i was prescribed before i got pregnant. i know that there are shots and other things that i can take but i don't like taking drugs unless absolutely nessesary.

    i do have a few things that are going on right now that could possible be making the migraines stress related but my husband won't get the point, and he doesn't understand that it is making me sick. i guess that he'll just have to hear it from the doctor's mouth huh? that is if i can even get him to the dr. office with me. his boss is a real jerk too. and just think i have a very long way to go...i'm at 14 weeks and i don't know what the rest of this pregnancy is going to do to me. but i'll get there eventually. i guess the good thing is that this is my last pregnancy. sorry for this being so long.

    so tired!
  2. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    Hey all! It's really late for me to be on here this time of night, but I just can't sleep. I lay down and just lay there. I am really tired but it's like no sleep in site. I don't want to take anything an I have been taking naps in the day time but they don't last more than 2 hours. i have tried to not take the naps but i can't stay awake so I give up and sleep. my husband is really agrivated with this and he just don't under stand and i have tried to read the posts and read out of the books i am reading about twin pregnancy and he just don't get it. and of course he's a man and he won't always under stand but this is really getting to me too. i want to sleep so that i can stay up with my 3 year old and get things done around the house. we are still trying to move things out into the sheds in our back yard (i pack and Husband moves them) but i get so worn out just thinking about the packing and i don't know. maybe i'm just in a daze, or maybe still a zombie from lack of sleep.

    anyone have any suggestions? i sleep with pillows and i try to get comfortable. and when i do get sleep i wake up with horrible migraines that will last 2 to sometimes 4 days. i know the migraines is a part of pregnancy but i was also diagnosed with them at age 14 so these aren't the kind of mild headaches that some of you get. these hurt and make me really sick, i can't stand the sight of the slightest amount of light or the littlest noise. the water doesn't even phase them. and i can't take the kind of medication that i was prescribed before i got pregnant. i know that there are shots and other things that i can take but i don't like taking drugs unless absolutely nessesary.

    i do have a few things that are going on right now that could possible be making the migraines stress related but my husband won't get the point, and he doesn't understand that it is making me sick. i guess that he'll just have to hear it from the doctor's mouth huh? that is if i can even get him to the dr. office with me. his boss is a real jerk too. and just think i have a very long way to go...i'm at 14 weeks and i don't know what the rest of this pregnancy is going to do to me. but i'll get there eventually. i guess the good thing is that this is my last pregnancy. sorry for this being so long.

    so tired!
  3. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. It sounds like there are a few things going on; first, I think you're right; it's important to get your husband to a Dr. apptment with you so he can hear from teh DOCTOR how difficult a twin pregnancy is: it's not just like a singleton pregnancy but a little more difficult.

    I was so exhausted (and sick) the first trimester that i couldn't do ANYthing around the house: DH didn't understand why even doing dishes was outside of my capacity; he finally got it, but not til i was about 16 weeks.

    RE: migraines: i completely understand not wanting to take drugs, but given how incapacitating they seem to you, i would talk to your doc adn see what you might take, because it IS going to be a long haul til the end of thie pregnancy - and if you feel that bad it will be worse!

    In terms of the othe stressers that you mention: if there is anythng that you can do to reduce them that would be goof ro you - remember, right now your body is just SWIMMING in hormones, our blood volume is increasing dramatically (one of the reasons you're so tired is that your heart has to work really hard just to pump the blood through yo,k not to mention grow the babies!

    Good luck to you!
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Jordari is right!!

    I was also exhausted until about 16 weeks - and I had really tired times throughout my entire pregnancy. Twin pregnancy is very different from a singleton pregnancy. My dh didn't get it either -
    he treated me like I wasn't even pregnant with one most of the time!!
    and it did take him going to my appointments for him to realize that I wasn't just making up the fact that my doctor wanted me to be
    on bedrest and not to do much of anything!

    talk to your doctor about your migranes - they won't give you anything that will hurt your babies - and maybe then you will
    be able to sleep better. If momma's not happy no one is happy!!

    this being your last pregnancy - you deserve to sit back and enjoy it!! before you know it your babies will be here and you REALLY
    won't get any sleep!!! Sleep when you can - most men don't get it and
    never will!! You are the one going through this - his physical life hasn't changed yours has and you still have a while to go- a lot more growing and changing that will make things even harder - so make him go to some appointments with you!!

    GOOD LUCK!! and lots of good sleep vibes sent your way!!~~~~~~~

    love, Heather
  5. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you are having this problem. I was up last night until almost 2am... also wanting to sleep, just unable to get there. I finally fell asleep, but didn't manage to stay that way for more than an hour.
    I agree with Heather... I think you should talk to your doctor about something safe for you to take for your migraines. I understand not wanting to take drugs you don't need, but it sounds like you need it.
    I hope you are feeling better soon! I have had migraines all my life, and had several earlier in the pregnancy (I was only allowed regular strength Tylenol, which my headache laughed at), but they seem to have taken a break. Hopefully yours will let up soon.
  6. 2kidsplus2

    2kidsplus2 Active Member

    Hi there, I am a migraine sufferer too, so I know that what you are going through not being able to take the regular migraine meds. My OB did have me add a tylenol w/ codeine, which I will be honest with you, does not knock out the migraine but will make you SLEEPY which is a big help if you can get some sleep for the night. Also, I had several migraines until about 16 weeks, I'm now 21 weeks and have been migraine-free so there's hope that this is temporary.

    I have been getting more tension headaches, usually I don't have a lot during pregnancy and I would kill to be able to take aspirin or ibuprofen. I am thinking of asking for some percoset for the really awful ones, because the codeine isn't enough.

    The biggest thing I can recommend is handling the stress in your life. It sounds like you need to have a real heart-to-heart with your DH. Sometimes we just don't communicate well with our spouses and they just don't understand the pain we're going through but you need to have that conversation in a calm moment. Once you can lighten up the stress that's a trigger you can start getting these headaches under control. Please know too that it does get better as the weeks go by, you are in a period of intense hormone flux right now.

    I really hope you feel better soon! I know exactly what you're going through right now, I was there just a few weeks ago myself.

  7. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to offer you some hugs!!! I have suffered from migraines since I was a child also, but have been blessed in that they have stopped during this pregnancy since my first trimester. There for awhile I was getting one almost every day. I know how you feel sweetie!
  8. greenslade7

    greenslade7 Well-Known Member

    My migraines also let up after the first trimester. Hopefully yours will too. I used Tylenol with Codeine when I needed it and my babies are ok. I was like you, really wanted to be careful with the meds. The tiredness will ease some soon. The first trimester was so difficult and I thought I was going crazy with the thoughts I had. That was not a good time. Get some meds from your doc. Sleep when you need to. Hang in there. It does get better. Before you know it, they'll be here and you'll wonder where the time went.
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