so sad, having to stop breastfeeding

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lsanley, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. lsanley

    lsanley Member

    I don't really post much but I have 11 month old twin boys that I have been nursing. They nurse so well. I just found out I am pregnant again and I am going to have to take progestrogen and baby asprin. They told me I had to stop nursing the boys. I just want to cry [​IMG] I am not ready to stop! They are not ready to stop! I know I need to listen to the dr. ( I kept Mc before the boys and did fertility to get them) but I know this sounds bad but I am scared I am going to stop and then mc again. Then I stopped for nothing.

    If anyone has in suggestions on how to wean the boys that would be great.
  2. lsanley

    lsanley Member

    I don't really post much but I have 11 month old twin boys that I have been nursing. They nurse so well. I just found out I am pregnant again and I am going to have to take progestrogen and baby asprin. They told me I had to stop nursing the boys. I just want to cry [​IMG] I am not ready to stop! They are not ready to stop! I know I need to listen to the dr. ( I kept Mc before the boys and did fertility to get them) but I know this sounds bad but I am scared I am going to stop and then mc again. Then I stopped for nothing.

    If anyone has in suggestions on how to wean the boys that would be great.
  3. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    sorry, no suggestions. just big congratulations on getting pregnant - i do so hope it all goes smoothly. and i'm sorry you're having to stop BF - i know i'm going to be very sad when the time comes [​IMG]
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm confused. Why does your doctor want you to stop breastfeeding? Risk of miscarriage? Progesterone? Here is a place where it says that progesterone is compatable with breastfeeding.

    [​IMG] COngrats for nursing them this long. Congrats on the pregnancy! I hope everything goes well. As for weaning, I would start dropping nursing sessions every few days. Replace it with milk in a sippie or bottle. I'm sorry if you do have to wean. [​IMG] You are definitely a success story!
  5. lsanley

    lsanley Member

    I think they want me to stop due to the fact that I had several mc before getting pregnant with the boys and I will be on baby asprin. I know you can nurse with prog. but I don't think you can with asprin.

    Thanks. I am excited that we will be adding to the family. This is # 4 and our last. I just feel so bad for my boys. They are going to wonder what happen to their mommy milk!
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I think you did great to nurse for 11 months! [​IMG] Congratultions on the new baby! If you've had miscarriages in the past, I think I would listen to the dr. and not take any chances. I would drop a nursing session every few days and replace it with a sippy cup of milk. Talk to your pedi, but I'm sure it will be ok to give them whole milk at 11 months. Good luck with your pregnancy!
  7. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    This might be a lot of work, and I don't even know if it would be ok, but could you pump-and-dump until you were out of the MC risk time-frame, keeping your supply up? If you did MC you could pick up BF again, at least have the option... I know, just a crazy thought...

    I wish you the best with your new one on the way!!!
  8. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on being pregnant! I don't know about the meds, but wonder if part of it could be that the nipple stimulation can cause contractions. I think this is a case where it's a good thing to listen to your doctor. You've done a great job w/ nursing, and I'm sure your boys will do great. Like PPs said, I'd drop a nursing and replace it w/ a sippy and maybe some more food. Do that for a couple days, then drop another for a few days, etc. You also might want to get some good breast pads, since weaning quickly can send you back to those early days of leaking when you least expect it (personally I love Lily Padz, which are usually cheapest--and still new--on ebay).
  9. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling they are making her stop because of the aspirin. If I am not mistaken there is a chance it will pass into the breastmilk and can cause Reye Syndrome in some situations. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am sorry you are having to stop cold turkey. Congrats on the new pregnancy.
  10. lsanley

    lsanley Member

    Thanks for the replys. I went to the doctor yesterday and they did put me on progestrogen, but said I did not need the baby asprin( I took it my last preg, but this is a different doctor) So because I am not on the asprin I can keep breastfeeding [​IMG] I am so happy! I was so upset about having to stop. Now I just pray this litte bean sticks. I have a us in 3 weeks to make sure everything is ok.

    Thanks again
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    That is great news! [​IMG]

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope your little bean makes him or herself nice and comfy. [​IMG]
  12. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    That is great!! I was going to respond to this sooner but never had the chance. I did some research in my book "Mothers Milk and Medications 12" but heck if you arent taking it no need to post it. Instead give you a big hug [​IMG] and say CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  13. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Wow! Congratulations on getting pregnant! I'm so glad that you will be able to continue to bf your babies. I know how sad I felt when I thought we were going to be weaning (ended up not). Just think! In a few more months you'll be able to nurse another precious little baby!!


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