SO of dropping bottles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by littletwinmom, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So we are all sippies except the night bottle. They eat dinner at 5, and then drink an 8 oz bottle at 6:15 ish, bed at 6:45 -7.

    Do most of yours still drink milk before bed?

    I'm know they won't drink as much as 8oz before bed if I give them a sippy, but I'm worried they'll get hungry in the night if we drop this, because they've always had it....

    Should I move dinner a little later if when I drop the bedtime bottle and switch to a sippy of milk?

    When did yours stop getting milk before bed?

    If you don't give milk before bed, what time do they have dinner, and what time do they go to bed?

    Thanks for answering ALL my questions!

    Jennifer :)
  2. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    We just stopped giving a before bed sippy a couple weeks ago. They would only drink 2-3oz of it anyway so we knew they didn't need it anymore. I just started adding more to their dinner sippy so they still get enough milk.

    I wouldn't make dinner later I would just drop the sippy. Our babies have dinner around 6-6:30 (with milk) and go to bed at 8. They STTN just fine without it. At this age they should be getting the bulk of their food/nutrition from their food durinng the day so they will not go hungry if they dont get the milk before bed. If you think they are thirsty maybe give them a bit of water.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Remember they shouldn't be drinking as much milk as they did formula, their nutrition should be coming from food now. If they drink too much milk they won't eat as much food. My pedi recommended 16-20 ounces of milk a day. So they get a sippy of milk with each meal, and water any other time. My DD's were off their bedtime sippy at 12.5 months, and it did not affect their sleep at all.

    We do dinner around 6:15-6:30pm, and bed around 7:30pm. They wake up at 7am and eat breakfast at 7:30am.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls have milk with dinner around 5:30 and don't get anything until they are up for breakfast around 7:30. I stopped giving them their bedtime bottle a long time ago and they did just fine. I noticed at first they were super hungry in the morning so I started bringing their milk up with me when I go in to change diapers.
  5. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    We never give them a bottle (when they were younger) or sippy cup before they go to bed. They get their milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But they drink water or juice at snack time. I don't leave bottles or sippy cup around all day long.

    That just us,
    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I guess I am in the minority here. Mine still get a sippy of milk before bed each night. They drink milk at meals and watered down juice in between. Granted mine still get up at night wanting milk, so it isn't helping as far as sleeping, but they drink it when they wind down.
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We stopped at a year, once they were all on milk and sippy cups they no longer got anything right before bed. We also eat dinner around 5 and bed is around 7. Right now my son doesn't even usually get a snack before bed unless he doesn't eat a lot of dinner and if that happens we usually will give him a yogurt about 30min before bed. So then they dont get anything until breakfast which is around 7-7:30.
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