So many turning 1 questions!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    1. Our pedi said they can only have a maximum of 16 oz per day of formula and/or milk. We are almost twice that amount! How do I transition this? anyone else's pedi tell them 16 oz max?

    2. When did your pedi say you have to give up the bottle? My pedi said that his son took bedtime bottle until 2.5 yrs old. And he's fine with that. I get the feeling that most people disagree because sippy cups are being pushed so hard. I'm confused!

    3. When do you feed lunch? They are on 1 nap per day from about noon-2:30pm.

    Here's our schedule
    wake btwn 7-8
    8:30 breakfast with water sippy (and often a diluted juice bottle too)
    11:30 bottle (10oz), then nap
    3 small bottle (6oz) and/or food (I know I need to drop this bottle, but it's so much faster and easier to give them a bottle than messy food when we are trying to hurry up and escape the house for an outing).
    6 dinner, baths, bedtime bottle (10 oz)
    7 bedtime

    They are often still hungry/thirsty after 10oz bottles, so we'll give them water in a bottle instead of more formula. Because at that point, I just want them to be satisfied so they'll go to sleep!

    They don't seem to want to eat/drink in the morning. It's often a battle at brkfast. How can I get them to eat/drink more in the AM?
  2. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    1. Our pedi said they can only have a maximum of 16 oz per day of formula and/or milk. We are almost twice that amount! How do I transition this? anyone else's pedi tell them 16 oz max?

    2. When did your pedi say you have to give up the bottle? My pedi said that his son took bedtime bottle until 2.5 yrs old. And he's fine with that. I get the feeling that most people disagree because sippy cups are being pushed so hard. I'm confused!

    3. When do you feed lunch? They are on 1 nap per day from about noon-2:30pm.

    Here's our schedule
    wake btwn 7-8
    8:30 breakfast with water sippy (and often a diluted juice bottle too)
    11:30 bottle (10oz), then nap
    3 small bottle (6oz) and/or food (I know I need to drop this bottle, but it's so much faster and easier to give them a bottle than messy food when we are trying to hurry up and escape the house for an outing).
    6 dinner, baths, bedtime bottle (10 oz)
    7 bedtime

    They are often still hungry/thirsty after 10oz bottles, so we'll give them water in a bottle instead of more formula. Because at that point, I just want them to be satisfied so they'll go to sleep!

    They don't seem to want to eat/drink in the morning. It's often a battle at brkfast. How can I get them to eat/drink more in the AM?
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    1. I bet their milk consumption will drop a lot when you give up most of the bottles. Mine were getting about 28 oz a day of formula when they had 4 bottles a day, but now they only drink about 10 oz a day of milk. Our ped never gave us a maximum, but did say not to let them fill up on milk as opposed to eating food.

    2. A lot of people try to give up the bottle by 1 year. I personally don't see any harm in keeping the bedtime bottle longer, as long as your ped doesn't think it's hurting their teeth. But habits get harder to break as kids get older, so we decided to just give it up at 13 months when they seemed willing, rather than set ourselves up for a battle later.

    3. We feed lunch at 11:30 or 12 depending on when they got up in the morning and whether/how much they napped in the a.m. (Some days they take a morning nap, some days not.) I would just replace your 11:30 bottle with lunch and milk in a sippy.

    Mine are generally ravenous in the morning, so I can't help with the breakfast question. But if they're just not hungry then, I don't think you need to worry about it too much. Pushing them to eat won't make them eat, it will just make them resent being pushed to eat. Maybe they just need to wake up slowly, and would do better with a snack an hour or so later?

    There are so many transitions around this age -- I really stressed about it, but I was amazed to find that most things just worked themselves out somehow. You play around with it and just see what works for you. HTH!
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I would just replace your 11:30 bottle with lunch and milk in a sippy.

    I'd like to try to keep the 11:30 before nap bottle and bedtime bottle for awhile. I know it's kinda a sleep crutch, but it's so much easier than trying to clean them up after a solids meal.

    maybe my girls are just really messy eaters. or my tolerance for dealing with the cleanup is screwy. solids are just so much more work. i guess i'm resisting because it feels like alot more work for me and i've so freakin overwhelmed already.

    Anyway, right now I know i have to drop the 3pm bottle. i'm just struggling with how much longer it takes to prepare and feed and eat solids. I'm starting to feel like I don't have time to get out of the house again. They don't eat much in public because they are too busy being social. so meals have to be at home if i want them to actually EAT.

    (plus i'm sick with the stomach flu or food poisoning and I feel liek total crap, so i'm just grumpy and overtired)
  5. sami & madi's mom

    sami & madi's mom Well-Known Member

    I have to same problem kinda. my girls go down for a nap any where from 11am to 1pm, so if we miss lunch and have an earlier nap I give them a couple healthy snack things like cheese and fruit then an other snack about an hour or so after they wake up and then they are back on track for supper. If you are having troubles with the cleanning them up issue (I am a clean freak mom, lol) I ussually undress them before every meal or snack at least the shirt then it is just a quick face cloth wipe to get them clean.
    HTH Tania
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I thinking giving up the bottle at 1 will be much easier than taking it away at a later age. I think the reason that your kids drink so much milk is that they need more solids.
    At that age we did a sippy of milk first thing in the morning then we ate some kind of breakfast. I gave them a snack mid-morning before their morning nap. Then when they woke up we did lunch and then another snack with a small sippy of milk before their second nap. Then we had dinner and about an hour later we would do bedtime with a sippy of milk. I never gave more than 8 oz of milk at a time.

    To get their appetites ready in the morning you might want to be up and awake for about 30 min to give them a chance to get hungry.

    I know clean up is a pain, but at that age they really should be having solids for lunch.
  7. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    1. It's always interesting to hear how different pediatricians think. Our pediatrician didn't give us a maximum, but told us one year olds should be drinking 24 ounces of milk a day. I wouldn't worry if they're drinking a lot of milk now; that should change as they eat more "real" food.

    2. Our pedi suggested trying to give up the bottle by 18 months, but didn't get into specifics about why.

    3. My twins are 14 months and some days they want two naps and other days they take only one nap, so lunch time varies. Ideally I try to offer an early lunch, around 11 or 11:30, then they can nap after lunch.

    Our schedule is:

    6-8AM wake up and get sippy cups with 8 ounces of milk
    9-10AM Breakfast
    11:30 Lunch with sippy cup of 8 ounces of milk
    4PM Snack
    7PM Dinner with sippy cup of 8 ounces of milk

    I offer water throughout the day.

    Good luck!

    misha and cyan 14 months old
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We slowly cut back on milk by giving it at mealtimes only. In between, they got ice water and occasionally some VERY diluted apple juice. Once you cut out the bottles, it becomes easier because they don't guzzle milk from a sippy the same way they guzzle milk from a bottle.

    Our pedi was pretty set on us giving up the bottle at one year. So we did. I have friends who waited longer, and it was VERY hard for them to wean. It was fairly easy for us, and I am glad we did it early!

    At one, mine were still napping twice a day. So we had lunch around noon, before putting them down for their second nap around 1 pm. I would recommend substituting your 11:30am bottle with a sippy of milk and a meal. That way, at 3, when you are trying to rush out for an outing, you don't have to worry about giving them a whole meal. They can just have a snack. (I recommeng the Snack Trap; they are great for holding cheerios, fruit puffs, etc. and are very portable!).
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