So many questions, so little answered. . .

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by stanley, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. stanley

    stanley Well-Known Member

    Hello and Happy New Year! I have afew quick questions about my 9.5 month old girls. Here's the scoop on them:
    Twin A weighs 19.8 lbs. Sleeps through the night!!
    Twin B weighs 21.9 lbs. Likes to get up in middle of the night and cuddle.

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day?

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)?

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)?

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles?

    5. When do yours nap and for how long?

    Thanks in advance, when we had our 9 month check-up the pedi really didn't have too many answers for me.

  2. This is what I am doing with my 9.5'ers.
    FYI - One is 17lb the other 21lb

    1. I am feeding full meals 2x a day. Breakfast & Dinner. This can be oatmeal, fruit & veggies. I am slowly
    working in chicken by chopiing it into bite size bits. So far no complaints. We have problems with yogurt and
    pastina. I think it was the texture.

    3. I dole out a few puffs, and handfuls of Cheerios when they sit and watch me do dishes and make our own dinner.
    They love them. Most still gets fed to the dogs, but it's fun to watch them try to shovel it all in.

    4. This is varying. At the least it's 3 bottles (21 oz) to 4 bottles ( 28oz) We do need the occassional pre-nap snack.
    I let them dictate this. Some days we're all a little hungrier than others. Plus, I offer water all day. They go to the
    cup for thirst.

    5. We nap around 11am and can go for 45 minutes to 2 hours depending.... then again mid afternoon and occassionally
    a little one before dinner. It all depends on the day and activities. We have 3 different caregivers, so this is far from well
    scheduled. I am working on it though.

    My pedi is completely hands off, she answers all my food questions with "you know what's best for your baby"
    Sometimes I don't... but she has a point. I'd be resentful if she gave me a feeding schedule to follow.
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day? At that age mine had 3 solid feedings per day.

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)? For breakfast they had fruits. At lunch they had meats with veggies, and at dinner they had veggies.

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)? I used them, and mine loved the also.

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles? Mine had 3-4 bottles per day with 8 ounces in each.

    5. When do yours nap and for how long? they napped in the morning and the afternoon, usually for up to 2 hours at both.
  4. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2miracles @ Jan 2 2008, 02:44 PM) [snapback]554221[/snapback]
    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day?
    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)?
    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)?
    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles?
    5. When do yours nap and for how long?

    1) At nine months, mine were having three "meals" a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner. I made
    my own baby food, so it was about 2 cubes each per meal (like around 2ozs?)
    2) As a vegetarian, I do not feed my guys meat, but here is a sample of what they were
    eating at that age throughout the day:
    breakfast: either mixed cereal or oatmeal mixed with fruit
    lunch: vegetable and dairy/soy protein like yogurt
    dinner: vegetable mixed with fruit and dairy/soy protein like yogurt
    3)I didn't give mine those puffs at that age, alot of those Gerber products have alot of sugar in them....I just
    gave some type of fruit for a snack in between lunch and dinner.
    4) They had four bottles a day, 6-8 ozs each time (after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at snack)
    5) They were napping three times a day for around two hours.
  5. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(2miracles @ Jan 2 2008, 02:44 PM) [snapback]554221[/snapback]
    Hello and Happy New Year! I have afew quick questions about my 9.5 month old girls. Here's the scoop on them:
    Twin A weighs 19.8 lbs. Sleeps through the night!!
    Twin B weighs 21.9 lbs. Likes to get up in middle of the night and cuddle.

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day?

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)?

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)?

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles?

    5. When do yours nap and for how long?

    Thanks in advance, when we had our 9 month check-up the pedi really didn't have too many answers for me.


    I'm curious to read answers as well. My twins will be 9 months in a few days. I don't know how much they currently weigh (haven't been weighed since 6months) but then my DD was 15lbs and DS was 21lbs.

    1. We still do 2 meals. Breakfast and Dinner. We feed between bottles. So they have their 7am bottle, then solids at 930am. They each have oatmeal mixed with 1 tub of Stage 2 fruits. Then bottles at 11am and 3pm and dinner at 5pm. They have 1 jar of Stage 2 meat and veggies. Then a final bottle at 630pm. Mine so far like everything.

    2. Mine so far like everything. I do not make my baby food. We started with Stage 1s, and around 7 months switched to stage 2.

    3. We give puffs. I am having a lot of confusion of how to introduce more solid foods. So far all they have had are puffs, pieces of banana and some pieces of American cheese.

    4. We give 4 8oz bottles a day. They don't always drink them all, but since I'm not giving that much solids (compared to others) I want to make sure they have enough formula.

    5. Naps stink in our house. They usually go down around 9am for a nap. My DD rarely sleeps then, and maybe DS will sleep 30-60 mins. Usually they take a massive nap after their 11am bottle. from like 1145am to 230. Then maybe they will take a catnap around 430 ... They go to bed at 7pm and sleep until around 7am.

    Good luck! We have our 9 month appt coming up, but my pedi is like yours, very hands off when it comes to food.

  6. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    This has been my boys schedule for the last 2-3 weeks.

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day?
    They share all their meals so this is what I make up for both.
    Breakfast-- 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 stage 3 jar of fruit
    Lunch--2 jars of stage 2/3 veggies or one stage 3 veggie with one stage 3 dinner along with a jar of fruit mixed with cereal (or lately I've been doing some apple sauce or a veggie and then cutting up a grilled cheese sandwich and let them split that...they seem to like it)
    Snack--some puffs, mummums, baby cheetos, cheerios, etc
    Dinner--a stage 3 jar of dinner (meat/veggie/pasta/rice) or some of whatever we're eating kind of mushed up and a thing of yogurt or applesauce. Then they usually eat a piece of toast, pancake, or waffle. Then they wrap up with some of their snack foods.

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)?Mine are still not keen on meat. I can get them to eat chicken if I dice it small and mix it with applesauce. I can get them to eat ham/turkey if I dice it small and scramble with egg yolks.

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)?
    Hadn't heard this...mine love puffs.

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles?
    They get a 6 oz in the morning, 8 oz before lunch, 6 oz for snack time, and a 8 oz before dinner. They don't usually take all of them but generally around 24-28 oz.

    5. When do yours nap and for how long?
    Morning nap around 9 until 10:30
    Afternoon nap around 1 to 2
    Occasionally a cat nap some time between 4:30 and 5:30 but not a regular set nap.
  7. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day? She eats baby food 3x a day. If we are eating, or out, she will eat table food. But its three times everyday.

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)? All of my kids hated meat... I always started on veggies.

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)? I dont see anything wrong with them. I havent given them to this baby yet, but I will start soon. Also, you can try cheerios... those are a big hit.

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles? 3-4 bottles... 6-8 ounces each... depending on which bottle I grab.

    5. When do yours nap and for how long? She naps at 10am for about 2 hours and usually again at 3 for 1.5 hours. Bed time is at 7pm... and she wakes up between 6-7am.

    I hope that helps!! :)
  8. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    My girls just turned 10 months but this is what we've been doing for over a month:

    1. How much baby food and/or table food do you give throughout the day? They eat babyfood 3 times a day. They each get a fruit with oatmeal in the am, split a stage 2 fruit and veggie for lunch and split 2 veggies/one fruit for dinner. They also eat whatever we are eating such as bits of chicken, turkey, ham, eggs, cheese etc.

    2. What types of baby food are good to start out with (they seem to hate meat)? We started with veggies, then fruit, oatmeal baby foods. We give the girls a lot of table foods too such as cheese, french toast, eggs etc.

    3. Are puffs bad to give your babies, mine love them, but someone just mentioned that there are ingredients that can be bad (that makes me worried)? I see nothing wrong with them ata ll. We give them a lot. Same with cheerios!

    4. How much formula per day and how many bottles? 4 bottles/nursings a day.

    5. When do yours nap and for how long? Around 10:30 to 12:00 and about 2:30 to 3:30. They are sleeping by 8:00 most nights, wake at 6:00, eat then right back to sleep until around 7:45.
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