So irritated!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jmantia84, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    Okay, so someone just tell me if I'm being silly here, but my doctor really irritated me at my last visit, and I just want to know if my irritations are valid or not.

    1. I have this heat rash/yeast infection that is external and mostly on skin that overlaps (I've been overweight since my last pregnancy). This seems to flare up once a month, coincidentally around the time I go to the doctor. I have been to many doctors about this problem, and beyond losing weight, the answer is Monistat cream...but it still takes a day or two to go away. At this last visit, doc says to me "Have you even HEARD of Monistat?" which made me want to slap him or cry. My fiancee was pretty angry with him also.

    2. I asked him about bedrest again (since HE brought it up when we first found out I was having twins)...he says "As long as you're okay"...but I have pains in my whole midsection when I have to stand for an hour or more, and I work in a restaurant, and that worries me quite a bit. His answer is that it's "the added weight", and that I should take Tylenol. I'm in the 6th month, and that worries me.

    3. I also asked him about the possibility of a C-section. He said we would make that decision 4 weeks before my due date. When asked "But don't twins usually come early?", his response was "Yes, they will probably arrive 4 to 6 weeks early". Wouldn't that decision need to be made EARLIER then??

    He also has never done a cervix check, and said it would be a while before that happened. Am I freaking out over nothing, are these things normal? Just need some advice before I go searching for a new doctor, which I really don't want to do this far in, but will if necessary.

    Thanks so much in advance, ladies...


  2. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    1. WHAT A TURD! I would have asked him, if he had heard of MANNERS and left. But that’s mostly my hormones talking!!!

    2. Maybe his definition of "ok" is no medical reason. No PTL, No Bleeding, NO BP issues... and not whether or not you feel like you should be off your feet. Personally I think we (as mothers) know when we are done. And if your body is telling you its time to put your feet up, I would be worried about a DR that won’t listen. I know my DR said when I went on bed-rest/stopped working would mostly depend on me, and how my stats looked.

    3. I know that we as twin Mommy's want to know ASAP what the DR is thinking about for delivery. BUT it is still a bit early. As time gets a little closer he may have a better idea of what the plan looks like. I’m almost 31weeks and based on how things look now, Im having them vaginally, BUT a lot can change in the next few weeks, and my DR reminds me of that at each appointment.

    As for not doing a cervical check, I know mine does it because of all the BH contractions and the fact this is not my first baby. She is one of those likes to know what’s going on before something sneaks up on her. But she didn’t start them on a regular basis until about 26weeks

    It’s not THAT late to find a new DR, especially since this one seems to be a MAJOR pain in the ... Good luck finding a new one! I hope all works out!! :):):)
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    1. I have this heat rash/yeast infection that is external and mostly on skin that overlaps (I've been overweight since my last pregnancy). This seems to flare up once a month, coincidentally around the time I go to the doctor. I have been to many doctors about this problem, and beyond losing weight, the answer is Monistat cream...but it still takes a day or two to go away. At this last visit, doc says to me "Have you even HEARD of Monistat?" which made me want to slap him or cry. My fiancee was pretty angry with him also.

    :hug: Oh wow! I'm sorry he said that to you especially if you've told him you've been getting them monthly. :( You should have slapped him and then blamed it on hormones. <_<

    2. I asked him about bedrest again (since HE brought it up when we first found out I was having twins)...he says "As long as you're okay"...but I have pains in my whole midsection when I have to stand for an hour or more, and I work in a restaurant, and that worries me quite a bit. His answer is that it's "the added weight", and that I should take Tylenol. I'm in the 6th month, and that worries me.

    I have to agree with the previous poster, I think I'd find another doctor mainly because he isn't taking your concerns too seriously. Yes, right now you don't have any major things going on {and that is a great thing, I hope it stays that way} but your body is trying to tell you something. :hug: I'd be more unconcerned if you had a sit down job, but you are on your feet. Tylenol doesn't solve all problems. :rolleyes:

    3. I also asked him about the possibility of a C-section. He said we would make that decision 4 weeks before my due date. When asked "But don't twins usually come early?", his response was "Yes, they will probably arrive 4 to 6 weeks early". Wouldn't that decision need to be made EARLIER then??

    From my experience, it is a bit too early. Some doctors are okay with scheduling really early, some aren't. My doctor wouldn't schedule anything until I got to 38 weeks. Had I gone earlier, it would have been an emergency c/s.

    He also has never done a cervix check, and said it would be a while before that happened. Am I freaking out over nothing, are these things normal? Just need some advice before I go searching for a new doctor, which I really don't want to do this far in, but will if necessary.

    I only got cervix checks the two times I went to L&D at 25 weeks and 29 weeks, and that was by the docs in the hospital. My OB didn't start doing cervix checks until I was 32 weeks, which seems to be on the later side from what I've read on TS.

    I think if you are not happy with your doctor and feel like he isn't taking you seriously and giving you the best service, you should definately find another OB. I don't think it's too late. :hug: :hug: Good luck Jessie!
  4. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    1. WHAT A TURD! I would have asked him, if he had heard of MANNERS and left. But that’s mostly my hormones talking!!!

    LOL!! My hormones were talking in some much more colorful language after we left the office. I got more than a few looks from people in the hallway...

    At least it's nice to know that I'm not just being hormonal here, and I'm really glad that you all know the cervix check answers, because I had no earthly idea what to think about that.

    Thanks a lot, this makes me feel better :)

  5. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    Well you should have been having cervix checks already so I would mention that and you should have them every appt.
  6. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jordynsmama+2 @ Oct 21 2008, 08:51 PM) [snapback]1036165[/snapback]
    Well you should have been having cervix checks already so I would mention that and you should have them every appt.

    Thanks so much for the tip :).
  7. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I would totally get a different doc. There is no reason why you cant switch and find one the truly is best for you. After all, we are inviting these docs into a very personal event of our lives. We should be comfertable with them and happy.
  8. zanybebe

    zanybebe Well-Known Member

    I would be searching for a new OB soon. There were a few times that my previous OB said or did something that really irritated me and I kind of put up with it. But, I found this new OB that I fell in love with. Or at least my dh thinks I did!! :) He is sooo great. I am happy that I switched. No question it was a good move. However, I didn't switch in the middle of a pregnancy, so I understand why you wouldn't want to. Bottom line, you need to be comfortable with the care you are receiving and the manner in which you receive that care. It really sounds like he is just a jerk and I wouldn't think twice about leaving his practice.
  9. TSJennifer

    TSJennifer Member


    I'm sorry you had such an experience with your doctor! Some doctors don't deal as well with extra weight as others do.
    Some doctors blame the extra weight for everything. By the same token, you can't ignore that extra weight to any degree does have in impact on things and can't be completely disregarded. But taking it into consideration doesn't have to be an unpleasant situation.

    If a doctor was insensitive to me, but was providing the best medical care, I'd endure it. If I could get the same quality of medical care from another doctor AND get the appropriate bedside manner, I'd switch. I wasn't happy with one of my specialists' teammembers that I saw regularly, because of how I felt coming out of the appointment. But I felt she was above average in her field and continued with her. I may have had hurt feelings or felt uncomfortable, but I knew my babies were in the best care.

    1) I am extremely overweight and I'm sure bigger than you. I'm obsessive about washing those risky areas even if I'm skipping a shower that day (when in the hospital when I wasn't self sufficient, I had the nurses help with those spots). In more troublesome times (hot summers for me when I was younger) I found that applying powder to those areas helped avoid the rash. If you haven't tried that, it might be worth was a lifesaver to me.

    2) I'd recommend investigating a support belt. I couldn't find one that fit right, and finally found out that the doctor could refer me to physical therapy department for a custom fit one and that insurance might even pay for it. I didn't opt for it as we found out right near the end and thought it would be more hassle than it was worth at that point. So if your twins take you beyond the off-the-shelf sizes, keep that in mind! Internet sites have larger sizes than typically are available at local stores.

    3) My doctor recommended a c-section from the start, with a large part of his reasoning being my weight. He was concerned that if we delivered Baby A and Baby B was in distress, he couldn't get to her as quickly in a c-section and didn't want the extra risk. If you do go c-section, I'd recommend what my doctor did, going with a higher incision line, above the "overlapping" part. It's going to heal better if it's NOT overlapped, and will have much less risk of infection--which trust me, is not fun. Perhaps when you discuss it with him, take more of a what-if approach. Discuss what circumstances would lead to a c-section and what wouldn't, instead of looking for a definitive answer now, and he might be more open with his thoughts.

    I didn't have regular cervical checks. However, I also had a cervical polyp that we didn't want to aggrevate.
    I did have fetal fibrenectin tests every 2-3 weeks starting around 28 weeks though.

  10. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    I had the same skin thing when I was preggie. Ive been chunky since DD was born an have an "overlap" curtosy of her lol which only got bigger with the boys. Monistat will not cure it only make it disappear for awhile. There is a medicine, a cream, which has a small steriod (its safe, the dermatologist gave it to me when I was 7 months). I would call a dermstologist for an appt. Till then all you can do it keep it dry and let the air get to it. The derm. told me to use a blowdryer set on low to dry the area. No powders.

    I would also call and find a new doc. I would have left, after I told him off, and filed a complaint with someone had I been spoken to like that by a professional.

    I work in a hospital and even doctors have accountability for all their actions. If hes in a private practice, you can make it known by calling the license board of your state. They take all complaints no matter how big or small.

    :hug: Im sorry you went through that!

    And my c-section was a classical cut. Up and down. Not side to side. It was done that way because of the weight issue and because of my "overlap". It is more painful and takes a little longer to recover from but so worth it when you look at your babies.
  11. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much everyone! I appreciate the advice more than you all can imagine...I am definitely going to look into another doc.

    Thanks again!
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    you are not being silly at all!! his bedside manner stinks! and you have to look at it like "is this the person I want to put in charge of the most important thing you will ever do?" there are some great drs who are total jerks, don't get me wrong,
    it just doesn't sound like you have confidence in him which is a big necessity for any pregnant mother - the more confidence
    you have in your dr the better you will feel. If I were you I would ask around and find a new dr.

    when I was pregnant with my girls I saw a new dr in the practice who came in and told me to lay off the bon bons!! My dh asked her if she knew I was pregnant with twins - she said NO!! I requested to never see her again! and she was eventually fired from the practice!

    as for the cervical checks, they did only one at 37 weeks, my dr said that he did not do any in a twin pregnancy that was going well - I had ultrasounds at every visit . he said that by checking the cervix , you can actually cause things to happen. I delivered by scheduled c-section at 38 weeks 4 days.
  13. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Heather...glad to know that I'm not the only one that dealt with an inconsiderate doctor. *sigh* I'm just ready to pull my hair out at this point. He was nice at first! I guess it's time to go hunting for a new one!

    Thanks all
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