So frustrated!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ckkillman, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. ckkillman

    ckkillman Well-Known Member

    Any suggestions for getting my son to stop spitting his food out? Garrett is constantly opening his mouth wide and letting the food fall out. He does this if he doesn't like it, it isn't the right temperature, he puts too much in, etc. This morning he spit out a bite of waffle because he wanted to drink some milk and didn't want to finish chewing the bite! Dh and I are getting so frustrated. We don't help him or push food on him, because it usually comes back out if it gets too full, or we don't give him what he wants. We've tried letting him do everything during meals and he still spits it out if it's too warm (which just means there's a little warmth to it. He seems to like his food not warm at all!) or any of his other reasons. We've tried cheering him on when he takes a bite and it doesn't come back out, and ignoring when it does. Is it just a phase where we need to be patient? One of my bigger concerns with this is he's on the little side- 3%tile for weight and at his 15 month checkup he had not gained any weight from his 12 month checkup. He had grown taller. I'm just concerned he's not eating anything- just fruit and milk! TIA!
  2. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    No advice, just some company. Addison does this as well and I'm also concerned about her weight, she's very tiny! She wont' eat something if it's too hot, cold etc. She just lets it fall out!

    But I know she does get SOME in there! So I would hope she would eat if she's hungry, ya know?

    I found bigger things she has to actually take a bite off of works a little better.

    Hang in there!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness - I just logged on to post this exact same thing! Both of my girls spit food out all of the time. They do what your son does... they chew up the food real good, but then spit it out if it's too warm, too cold, wrong texture, their mouth is stuffed, they want something different, the moon is full, etc. Lately they have started devouring fruit and then spitting it all out. They're like little chipmunks. They gnaw right off the apple/pear/melon slice and then spit out everything they took in. Sigh. Even worse, if they don't like the taste of the food, it doesn't even get past their lips. They'll spit it out immediately and shake their heads no and then refuse pretty much everything I give them even if it's a "good" food.

    My girls really haven't gained weight since their 12 month check up either. We have a digital home scale so I weigh them once a week or so. This morning it looked like Eleanor has actually lost weight over the past month. She's taller too, so she's starting to look really lean.

    I'm not super worried because I know that some food does stay in and they happily drink 20 ounces of milk a day. Both of my girls are really good at eating when they're hungry, but yeah... all of this spitting out is a pain. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one going through it!
  4. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    I've got a spitter too!

    Parker will eat fruits and veggies if they are pureed/mushy, but if I try to offer him small pieces of cut up fruit or veggies, it gets spit right out. He knows as soon as it hits his mouth that it is something he doesn't like and out it goes. I think it is texture thing because he obviously doesn't mind the taste if it is smashed up. It is frustrating, but I am hoping he'll grow out of it. In the meantime, we are still feeding mushy fruits and veggies.

    He has just recently started spitting out food at the end of the meal. When he does that I say "all done" and end the meal.

    Athough, he is my big boy and I don't worry about his weight. He is a much pickier eater than his sister (although she is not a fan of bread products and spit out pizza bites the other day - she is NOT my kid, I swear!).

  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls do it, too, so sorry--no advice. I just try to make sure they spit it out on their plate and not the floor or their hand. It's very frustrating, but I don't think I can win that battle, so I'm just trying to get their aim to be their plate when they do spit it out.
  6. ckkillman

    ckkillman Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to know I'm not alone! That's as good as some advice! Thanks!
  7. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    Aiden is doing the same thing! I was just thinking about posting this qustion. He seems to do it if he wants something else or if his mouth is too full. I've also been trying to get him to spit it on his plate. I don't know if it's a phase or he isn't aware of how much is in his mouth sometimes until it's too much. He also has some speech delay so that's tied in. I see the EI therapist tomorrow so I plan to run it by her.
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