So frustrated that I scream -- suggestions please?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    OK - I feel like I am going to go CRAZY!!!! DD is being a pill and won't go down for her nap on somedays -- she tries to stall it as much as possible wanting to kiss every stuffed animal in the room...I finally put my foot down today and said no, you can kiss one animal and that's it. I left the room -- she screamed and cried for a 1/2 hour. I went back in the room and she just has a smile on her face....she made me so mad I started to scream at her. I told her that I was so mad at her and that she needed to get some rest. Needless to say she shut up and is now quiet in the room....

    this is just one situation -- but I feel like I yell at the kids at least 1x a day. I don't want to be that mean, yelling mama, but I just don't have the patience. DH travels 3 days on average a week for his job, so I have the kids 24x7 those days.....

    Please -- tell me what do you do when your kids continuously test you to the point where you want to freak out!!!! I'm there right now and luckily I have two hours to calm down while they nap otherwise I would be in tears. HELP!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had some advice for you but I'm in the same boat, although I agree that it gets worse when dh is gone for a few days!
  3. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    I actually got myself so upset today that my reflux is acting up...ughh! All around, just not healthy for any of us.
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    DD does the same thing and I just say 'one more and that's it' and let her scream, lol. But yeah, I was yelling at DD ten minutes ago because she would not leave the kitchen after I told her 3 times that she was in the way.
  5. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I say your doing great if you only yell once a day :bow2:
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it's very easy to get frustrated, I know my kids can take me there most days, especially when they don't nap or knowingly defy me. The only thing I can say is when I yell, once I calm down, I apologize to the kids for using my loud voice and say "sometimes, Mommy could use a time out too!" And just hope for better the next day. It's especially harder on days when my DH is working 12 hours. Hang in there Momma :hug:
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I agree!
  8. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    What happens if she doesn't nap ? (beside you going crazy :)) Some kids outgrow their naps early on. When mine did .. I just had them take some quiet time in their room. It just sounds to me like she isn't tired. If she IS tired and is just fighting it .. maybe you could sit with her and read a book .. or maybe trying to get her to go down earlier, knowing she is going to stall. Like say a half hour before her normal nap time.

    Hope you can find a solution !! It doesn't sound like a fun time.
  9. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    you sound just like me! I stay calm fight one battle after the next and put out one fire after the next all day long until I just finally lose it ... right now I am weaning the paci from my 3 year olds and it has been hell to put it nicely. I yell then I feel terrible and like bad Mom of the year ... it doesn't help anyone but me (strange how I can feel terribly guilty but better at the same time.) Anyway, long story short ... it happens ... you can't beat yourself up ... I do like another poster said ... usually when I yell ... after everyone has calmed down, I will sit with the offending one and rock her and make her talk to me and sit quietly with only her and tell her I am sorry I yelled and that it is not appropriate for anyone to yell at someone else ... not even Mommy ... usually after that we go on and do something fun and all is well that ends well. Please don't feel like you are going to scar your kids ... my Mom yelled at us ... I remember always being more afraid of ticking her off than ticking my Dad off (there was no "wait til your father gets home" in my house growing up ... my Dad is a big marshmellow) but I have a GREAT relationship with my Mom and I never questioned or doubted her love for me. The worst is when it happens that one has been good as gold all day and the other has been terrible and I end up snapping at the good one over something stupid ... then I REALLY feel bad! Anyway, we all do it, no one is perfect ... and you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, grab your kids and do something fun and love on them to make everyone happy again and always let them know that even Mommys make mistakes sometimes.
  10. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    Me too! I was just coming on here to post the same thing. Tonight was really rough and I'm afraid of become that parent who yells at their kids at Target. It was so bad and I was so frustrated that a woman stopped me outside and said her son was just like mine and "even though you may feel like it, you're not an alien"...I guess it was really ugly!
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