So do twins really have "twin language?"

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Saramcc, May 27, 2008.

  1. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    do they speak to eachother in a way that only they will understand? :lol:
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    not mine! Mine never had, they've been eerily independent of one another since they were born.
    Also, not sure if it makes a difference, they're very fraternal :)
  3. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    Mine haven't.
  4. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    Mine are fraternal as well, so that probably makes a difference, but they have never seemed to have their own language. My girls are very, very different in looks and personality too.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    *cough cough* Sorry for the forum jump, but as an identical twin myself, I just had to butt in here! When my sister and I were under 5, we did have a twin language that only the two of us could understand. I remember having it, but don't remember much else.
  6. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'll butt in too.

    We didn't really have a twin language when we were younger but as we've gotten older we've developed different things that only the two of us understand. Its just different ways we've picked up to say different words and different inflections to things. It frustrates her husband when we do it.
  7. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I think I'll "butt" in too ! My twins are almost 4 and they have seemed to make up their own words for certain things .. words I cant even pronounce .. they will also say strange words and crack each other up. It could be just a typical "kid" thing .. but it sure is funny to watch .. and as of yet .. my boys have been anything BUT typical. They started doing this early on (about 2 yrs old) and its always seemed like sort of a game to them. :)
  8. my2boys

    my2boys Well-Known Member

    I truly believe my boys had their own little language when they were younger. They would jabber to each other and take off and go do something, just like they had been talking about it. They did truly seem to understand each other.
  9. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    i have to say me and my identical twin sure have and we still do, its a twin thing that only twins understand and that is something very speical that we share
  10. tbpmtb

    tbpmtb Well-Known Member

    It's interesting to see that mostly the identical twins have had a twin language based on the above responses.

    Our twins most definitely had their own twin language. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but they seemed to understand each other.

    One day, my husband, more observant than myself, noticed that the word: "Mo-eesh" meant water. Now the boys at that time were exposed to 3 languages. They had the option to use the word water, aqua or nero (in Greek). Instead they chose the word "Mo-eesh". They also created nicknames for each other: Dah and Doah. Till today, Peter still calls Vasili Dah, but Vasili doesn't call Peter Doah anymore.... :(
  11. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    My frat girls do not.
    My frat brothers did.
  12. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Fraternal twins here that never had their "own language". We had "family" words which were the words that the girls used when they were learning to talk. Things like soo-soo for soother, and sissy for sister and we called Nicole "Ninnie" and Jamie "Aim" because that's what they called each other, but I know that's not what you mean. I have friends who have talked about a twin language--I think it's a fascinating concept.
  13. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    My boys have never done it, but my sister and her friends made up a language when they were in grade school. They can still talk to each other in it.
  14. krysn2ants

    krysn2ants Well-Known Member

    The boys didn't talk where anyone could understand them until Michael was about 2.5 and Isiah when he was 3 but they could TOTALLY understand each other! It was so fascinating watching them play when they were little...they'd be sitting there playing and "talking" to each other and one would point to something and "say" something and the other would go get whatever it was the first one wanted. Then, when Michael started to talk, he ALWAYS knew what Isiah was saying and would interpret for him...he did this so much that in pre-k, the speech teacher had to keep on Michael to not talk for Isiah. They don't really have the language anymore but they ALWAYS know what the other is trying to say if he can't get it out. After reading this thread, it's really making me want to get that DNA test that I've been wanting to do for the past 8 years.
  15. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    My girls definitely had their own language from a few months of age and on.
  16. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Before the age of one our DD and DS had their own special language. They would take turns "talking" to each other and also laugh hysterically. Now that they have much better verbal skills they do not do it as often. I have noticed that if we have difficulty understanding our DS our DD can usually interpret for us!
  17. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    mine did and they just finished up speech because of it... I kinda miss it because it was so cute but I know they needed to learn english instead of their twin talk so everyone else could understand...mine are fraternal girl girl
  18. stinkyhobo10

    stinkyhobo10 Well-Known Member

    I suppose I am butting in too. But my twin sister and I are identicle and we had a twin language when we were little. Our mother talks about it all the time and how it was so weird to see and hear.

    But even now when we are 16 no one likes to play describing games with us because we win everytime. We give each other clues that only we know, which probably comes with spending too much time with each other.
  19. Amy R.

    Amy R. Well-Known Member

    When they were younger, A and S would babble to each other randomly and seem to understand each other. They'd make up words for things, etc. That stopped around age 5 hen they started school.

    When they were 6 or 7 they created a code type language. They'd string together seemingly meaningless phrases with real words and it'd make sence to each other. Like "The cow eats potatoes" meant mom is coming upstairs. I found it slightly insulting when things clicked that they were possibly calling ME a cow... but sometimes they'd talk about a cow and it didn't seem to make any reference to me. My oldest daughter understood it, but never spoke it. I can't say I ever decoded much of things they were say - just that one phrase. They still speak to each other in it sometimes and I still have no idea what they talk about.
  20. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My two have some words that they've made up but definitely not a language. When they were younger, there were times they were attempting to speak English but weren't very good at it yet and could only be understood by their sister. It wasn't a twin language but just a lack of understanding on our part. To an outsider, it could have definitely sounded like their own language.
  21. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure these two had their own language but they could understand each other when no one else could.
    In addition, for the longest time Cassie had difficulty speaking, almost a stammer, but not really. She would try to say a word, and not be able to get it out. Holly most of the time would say it for her (another problem all together). They just seemed to know what the other was talking about even with out verbalizing it. It was interesting and frustrating at the same time.
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