So Crabby!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by DisneyMomma, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. DisneyMomma

    DisneyMomma Active Member

    Ugh! I have been so darn crabby for the last couple of days and cannot seem to shake it! My poor DD and DH are at the recieving end of my short fuse. We are headed out of town for the weekend and I am hoping that it helps my spirits, but I am kind of dreading it. DH is on crutches, again- (that's a whole nother piss me off story) so my fear is that it is going to put more stress on me like it has every time he hurts himself before our vacation. Let's just say we haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon 6 years ago that he hasn't been on crutches.

    I am 17 weeks and already so tired, uncomfortable and can't sleep which isn't helping my mood. What do you ladies to do shake off the crabbies??
  2. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    So sorry you're feeling rotten. I guess the only thing I do when I'm crabby is cry. Baby shopping is always fun too. ;)
  3. carrieco

    carrieco Well-Known Member

    Bad Husband!

    Baby shopping helps me too!
  4. DisneyMomma

    DisneyMomma Active Member

    I can start baby shopping on Tuesday when we find out what these two are! Now that will cure the blues! ;) In the mean time my awesome neighbor took DD so I could have some alone time- I took a nap and had an ice cream sandwich. That helped!
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: Momma!! Sorry you haven't been in the best of moods. I hope your trip this weekend goes well and it helps ease the tension! :hug:
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