So.. are breastfeeding Mom's told to STOP at 12 mos too?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lianyla, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I know us FF Mom's are told to STOP at 12 months for Formula and the bottle but what about breastfed Mom's?? Are you told the same thing? And if not.. WHY?

    I really hope you say that you are told the same thing cuz that will add a whole new element to me quitting the bottle at 12 months if you are told you don't 'have to' stop!!

    Thanks in advance for answering. As you can see.. I am worried about the switch to whole milk. I just don't think we're ready and I KNOW they will not get the amt of milk they need f/ sippies. I just know that. And let me just say that my kids are NOT good solid food eaters and would NEVER be able to get the nutrition they need from that and whole milk. Ever.
  2. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Not from what I've heard.

    If you go to the breastfeeding forum (I haven't been there in months), I'm sure you'll see moms breastfeeding for over a years, some two years or more.

    I think as you go along, it usually becomes less of the staple source of nutrition, but maybe some longer-term breastfeeding moms could answer that.

    I'm sure that I'll feed over a year, I don't know how much longer. The first few months were so frustrating--a longterm bout with thrush--that I'd like to sort of continue now that it's fun for all of us.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I've always heard the recommendation of breastfeeding up to two years and a minimum of one year according to the AAP. The benefits of breastmilk doesn't stop ay a year. You can read about the benefits here. It is an extremely personal decision on how long to breastfeed with no wrong answers.

    I don't think my ped. would dare tell me to stop breastfeeding at one year!
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    No way - breastfeeding moms are told to continue well past one year if they can for the health benefits. As for switching to whole milk and sippy cups at 12 months, there's not much medical research out there that backs up the switch at 12 months. It's just a line in the sand. So if your kids aren't ready, don't switch! The feeding specialist we worked with through EI told me that formula is better for toddlers than milk (more protein, more fat, more vitamins) but people are told to switch at 12 months because milk is cheaper (or was cheaper at the time the 12 month switch date was determined).

    I was advised to keep my girls on formula because they're on the small side, so at 15 months old, they get 10 ounces of formula a day and 10 ounces of milk. Plus solid food. We're slowly weaning off of formula to milk, but not having to worry about some arbitrary deadline has been great. I know my girls are getting good nutrition while learning how to eat more solid foods.

    As for sippy cups, if your kids aren't ready, let them have a few more months. Again, no research out there that kids who still drink out of bottles at 15 months or 18 months or even 21 months develop any differently than kids who switched to cups earlier.

    Only you know what's right for your kids...!

    *Edited because I can't spell.
  5. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    we did formula until 18 months and then gradually over a month switched to whole milk.

  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    That is what I thought! I am NOT switching at 12 months. No way are WE ready. We just aren't. They aren't and I'm not. I think it's kind of discriminatory that WE (FF Moms) would be told to stop and BF Mom's wouldn't. I kind of feel like I'm being YELLED AT when I ask about going a bit longer w/ the bottle!! I want to and I am going to, in spite of what my Ped says. I agree, if I was breastfeeding (wish I was a stronger person), I would keep it up too! After all that work- why not keep doing it now that it's easier!! BTW- PROPS to you breastfeeding Mom's. You are my heros and I truly could NEVER have done it!

    I think a year seems young to expect them to go cold turkey off the bottle. My boys LOVE their bottles and I do too. Plus, they were five weeks early so that technically puts them at 13 mos anyway for the "DEADLINE". Whatever, thank you for answering me. That helps me IMMENSELY. I will keep them on the bottle for as long as I NEED to.
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I think it is two different posts, the formula vs the bottle. Both are quite arbitrarily said to stop at 12 months, but for different reasons. The formula is because they can now drink whole milk, that doesn't mean if you want to continue formula that you can't!!!!! Just like a bfing mom can continue to offer breastmilk, both that and formula do not suddenly become less nutricious for them, infact they are more nutricious than whole milk.
    As for the bottle I think that is more a society thing, and if you don't let them keep a bottle in thier mouth or run around with it all day then it should be fine to continue using one. I for one liked sippies better, they could use them on thier own easier.

    You could always stop the bottles and keep the formula or the other way around, or keep both!!!!
  8. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Also, I just remembered, one of the companies now has formula designed for a year and older. You'll see it in the store. I don't know if it's a gimmick, or if it actually has nutrients that toddlers need more than babies. Anyway, you might want to take a look-see.
  9. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the doctor although research has shown great reasons to keep bfing until at least 2. If you don't want to give up the formula then don't. No one says you HAVE to stop giving it at 12 months. Mine still had formula and a bottle until 18 months old (and whole milk in a sippy to help transition) I didn't bother changing their formula over to 12 months +, didn't want to risk the tummy problems. I did drop a few and from 12-18 months, they went from 3 bottles to 1, then they gave it up.
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls! I appreciate your responses. I know no one can make me quit the bottles but my Ped literally said this.. "They HAVE TO BE OFF the bottles at one yr of age."

    I realize that breast milk is best. I think that is clear. But why would research show that it's good to bf up until age two and not formula? I guess that is where my confusion lies. Why would it be just fine to stop formula and switch to whole milk (which has basically zero nutrition whatsoever) at 12 months of age and it's fine and even "better" to breastfeed until age two.. That seems strange to me.

    I think you guys have helped me to decide that I will definitely continue on the formula until 18 months of age. Not AS many bottles, but I will keep giving it to them cuz I think they need it.

    Thanks girls!
  11. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Aug 22 2008, 12:41 PM) [snapback]942772[/snapback]
    Thanks girls! I appreciate your responses. I know no one can make me quit the bottles but my Ped literally said this.. "They HAVE TO BE OFF the bottles at one yr of age."

    Your pediatrician sounds like an idiot. Was he or she able to tell you WHY they have to be off bottles by one year?

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Aug 22 2008, 12:41 PM) [snapback]942772[/snapback]
    I realize that breast milk is best. I think that is clear. But why would research show that it's good to bf up until age two and not formula? I guess that is where my confusion lies. Why would it be just fine to stop formula and switch to whole milk (which has basically zero nutrition whatsoever) at 12 months of age and it's fine and even "better" to breastfeed until age two.. That seems strange to me.

    The "rule" never was get off formula by 12 months, it was don't offer milk instead of formula until 12 months. Somehow it's now become a magic date to make the switch. But remember, the AAP and others say no milk BEFORE 12 months, not no formula after 12 months. (that is a bit complicated to type out, not sure if it will make sense)
  12. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    But why would research show that it's good to bf up until age two and not formula?

    I think a lot of moms can't wait to be done with formula, simply because it's so expensive and there's all the mixing to do. Cheaper and easier to just pour from a jug of milk. You see plenty of moms switching to whole milk as early as 9 mo, because they just don't want to do formula anymore. And as a pp mentioned, there are "next step" formulas out there for toddlers - though like pp, I don't know whether it's a good idea or just marketing. Also, by 12 mo, many babies are getting balanced nutrition at the table, so they can do without the extra boost from formula.

    As to why pedis tell you to stop bottles at 12 mo, I think it's because it can interfere with orthodontic development. (BFing uses the mouth very differently, so there's no problem that way.) But like a pp said, as long as they're not using bottles all day, or falling asleep with a bottle, it's probably not really a big deal. I mean, kids use pacis until they're 3 or older, so what's the difference?

    Anyway, I certainly see nothing wrong with continuing formula as long as you want! Especially since your kids aren't such great eaters. My kids still nurse quite a bit (though they also eat a ton of food at the table), and I think of it as nutritional "insurance" - it helps fill in any gaps if they're suddenly refusing one food or another.

    This may be one of those times when you have to just smile and nod at the pedi...
  13. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I'm presently reading a book "child of mine- feeding with love and good sense" by ellyn satter. I've heard it is highly recommended by alot of mothers on this site. I must admit I have just started into reading it so I have no idea if it will offer you much help. It does seem to re-enforce the mothers role to "read" her children and trust her instincts for what she feels is best for them and not a professional.

    I'm like you mine will be drinking formula for awhile after they are 12 months.
  14. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    I haven't read all the responses, so maybe I am repeating... BUT I think that breastfeeding is encouraged "as long as mutually desired" NOT so much for the nutritive value, but because of all the antibodies and other good things that breastmilk contains. A 2-yr-old should not be getting the bulk of their nutrients from breastmilk, but they can be getting a ton of vitamins and autoimmunities and other things that are found in breastmilk (but have not yet been replicated by any synthetic source, or cow milk). Maybe I'm wrong, but I've always thought that breastmilk beyond one year(-ish) was less of a dietary staple, and more of a "boost" of things that keep kids strong and healthy - kind of an energy drink for toddlers! :lol:
  15. AriaGirl77

    AriaGirl77 Well-Known Member

    I think what really matters is if your kids are READY for whole milk or not. And by ready I mean are they eating a solid food diet and enough variety that they don't need the formula for nutrition. Sounds to me like your kids aren't ready for whole milk based on that, and it seems to me perfectly reasonable to continue with the formula.

    I know I was terrified to make the switch, but once I did my kids really took off with their solids. I think that if I were you I'd probably start making solids the priority rather than formula. I'd sit them down for 3 solids meals a day plus 2 snacks and then I'd give them their bottles AFTER they'd eaten their meal. I think if you do this you will gradually help them move towards eating regular meals and by 18 months (or sooner) they'll be ready.

    It's really up to you to be the judge on if your kids are ready for anything or not. That Dr. you've been seeing sounds like an idiot to me. Any Dr. that tries to put everyone into a pre-prescribed box is not that bright.
  16. lah17

    lah17 Well-Known Member

    You sound educated--trust your instincts. A mother's instincts are RARELY wrong!!!! There are certain things I'm doing with my boys this time around---#4 and# 5 than I did before and I'm using my instincts as my guide--nursing past a year for one. My dr. recommends weaning, but I'll do that when the time is right for the boys not the dr. Do what's right for your children--you know.

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