So annoying...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Marieber, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Melissa likes to do everything for herself, but she likes to dawdle. For instance, she likes to climb into her own seat in the car, but she takes her good old time, gets up on her knees backwards, starts talking about what she's seeing out the back window...

    and here's the annoying part, you say, "Come on, Mel, sit down." And this is the new standard response, "I'm going to." "I'm going to." "I'm going to."

    and if you tell her "C'mon hurry up." It's "Don't talk to me like that, mommy, I'm GOING TO!"


    She was really grating on my nerves today.

    We definitely had a day.
  2. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    Just to let you know my dd#1 was a dawdler at that age and she still is at 7!! We call her our lollygagger.
    I bet that makes you feel better. ;)

  3. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Mine can both be at times, but Ryan is the one going through his "I do it by myself!" stage.

    So going out the door will be like a step, a pause.........another step.....pause........And if I tell him he needs to move so Colin or I can come out it just seems to make him go slower!!! (ahhhhhh, he has discovered his power!!)

    Getting in the car is the same......"I do it by myself"....and it's crawl in........hey I found a goldfish cracker!!........stand up.... look through the books......attempt to crawl up into seat........offer to help, am told again "I do it by myself!" so I go ahead and round up Colin and get him in the seat as he has no problem having things done for him!

    Usually by that time Ryan has managed to get himself into the seat....... :rolleyes:
  4. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    :laughing: :hug99:
  5. leslie

    leslie Active Member

    Oh my goodness, you just described my dd perfectly! I am glad to know others are dealing with this. She's 2 1/2 and thinks she has to do EVERYTHING herself. I think it's great until I am on a time schedule. It can be hard to deal with if you are already running late for something. She has to do all of the following herself: put on clothes, shoes, walk down/up steps, crawl in car, get into carseat, buckle up, get on and off the "big potty", brush her hair, brush her teeth.... this list could go on and on. She NEVER gets in a hurry. (She definitely gets that from her father) The one thing she WON'T do by herself is pick up her toys....imagine that!
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, yes...and they get it from their father. He is the king dawdler. The worst, in fact.
  7. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My oldest dd it like this, she lags constantly. I try to allow enough time to have her do everything herself. But when I am in a hurry it really annoys me. I feel for you!
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