
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mollyjm, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Lia from almost day one has been a snorer. When ever she falls asleep she snores, and often pretty loud. I thought she might out grow it, but now at 11 months she still is. It's starting worry me.

    Am I right in remembering that snoring can be bad? Does this justify a Dr's apt, or do you think it's normal and OK? Did anyone here have to have this checked out?

    Thanks, this one is new for me.
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It could be nothing, but I would bring it up with her doctor. Luke snores often. He has issues with his tonsils/adenoids staying enlarged all the time, so he snores & will have apnea episodes. Our doctor put him on a cortisone nasal spray which helped to bring down the swelling & stopped the snoring. Every time he gets a cold we have to start using the spray again for awhile but at least it works for him. Anyway, there are so many things that can cause kids to snore, it's worth getting it checked out, it might be fixable!
  3. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I agree. I read it somewhere that many kids have problems with enlarged adnoids. Most of them outgrow it by 4 (by then that channel is large enought to accomodate the adnoids). It did not work for us, we ended up having my daughter's adnoids removed and that solved the problem.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Justin, my oldest, was a snorer, and had enlarged tonsils/adenoids and chronic ear infections until he had surgery at age 4. I would let the doctor know.
  5. carlaj23

    carlaj23 Well-Known Member

    Definitely bring it up with your doctor. Could be nothing...

    I'm thinking 11 months is too young for this trick, but here's what my doctor said w/ my DS. Have him open his mouth and say "AHHHH". The uvula should swing back, if it doesn't and gets caught, then the tonsils/adenoids are enlarged and we'd probably need to see an ENT. We've got an appt to see an ENT for my DS b/c of his snoring. WE'll see what the ENT has to say...

    Good luck :)
  6. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    OK! Thanks!

    I thought I had heard/read somewhere that snoring could be a symptom of another problem, but really couldn't remember. Plus, who knows what's myth or what's fact. But it sounds like some of you have dealt with this.

    Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between mommy overreacting, and there actually being a problem! I will definitely get this checked out!
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sebastian does this too! It was worse when I ate dairy, but it's still bad. I think I'm going to mention it to our ped at his 4 mo. appointment, though. My dad suffered from sleep apnea WAY too long and as the kid of someone who had it, I can spot someone going through sleep cycles a mile away!

    It's good to know that it's usually the adnoids in kids, though.
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If it's loud snoring and it's not consistent (like one breath is not a snore and then the next breath a very loud snore) then I'd see the doctor about it. If it's a soft, consistent snoring then I probably wouldn't worry about it.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DS is a snorer, has been since he was a baby. My pedi gave us the same advice that Aimee ds's snores get louder when he has a cold but the rest of the time it is soft and consistent.
  10. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't say it's soft....

    Sounds like some one is blowing bubbles in a water glass, or like she didn't swallow her water. And pretty loud. But it is consistent.
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