
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2scoops, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. 2scoops

    2scoops Well-Known Member

    OK am I the only one that doesn't do snacktime?

    I know a lot of you have scheduled snacktime. We don't. When they look hungry then I will give them something but they are little piggies at mealtimes!! When they are playing they are just interesetd in their toys with stacking, sorting and playing. They do sip on their water but taht's about it.
  2. stepmom35

    stepmom35 Active Member

    I am so glad you posted this b/c I was thinking the same thing. They may get a few cheerios/goldfish with water, but we really don't do snack either. They eat well at their meals.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I offer a snack, but only if they ask, which is often when they wake up from their nap. I find that if they skip their snack they are super hungry and cannot last until dinner (which is around 6pm). Snacks are small, usually some kind of protein (nuts, string cheese, yogurt, edamame) and a little veggie/fruit (carrots, raw broccoli, apple slices).
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't really start snacking until very recently, and now I SWEAR they eat constantly, when they aren't in thier highchairs they want grahm crackers, bananas, etc.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I usually give my girls a snack sometime in the morning and in the afternoon. It's not by any means scheduled but my girls (especially Lorien) will ask for something to eat about 2 hours or so after she's had breakfast. They don't drink as much milk anymore so I can't just give them an 8oz bottle like I used to between meals so they are not getting those calories. I think with their brains so busy now and they are much more active then ever before that they require more food. At least that's my theory. I never sit them down and say it's snack time. They dictate to me when they are hungry and I just do my best to make sure it's healthy (crackers, fruit, cheese, yorgurt, raisins and that sort of thing).

    If your kids seem happy and busy playing and not cranky or crying for food between meals then just go with the flow. When they need to eat, they will find a way to let you know.

    btw, my girls really only started getting into wanting snacks about 3 months ago.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Sarah, honestly it's a good thing sometimes. I think they eat better at mealtimes when they don't have snacks. I guess the only downside is they are eating 3 squares vs. 5 smaller times....I don't know.

    Mine love to snack. They'd rather snack than have real food. I have to be pretty on top of it, but some days are harder than otherS!
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I always offer a snack at regular times even when they don't seem to care at all. If they get hungry they get super-cranky, and it's not always obvious why they are cranky. So I try to make sure they can make it from one big meal to the next. Sometimes I offer a snack and they say no, and that's fine -- or sometimes we go through the whole business with high chairs, bibs, etc., and then they eat 3 goldfish. But I do think it's important to offer. You do what works for you though!
  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I only offer mine a snack in the afternoon because my eldest has a fruit snack about 3:45 every day and if he eats anything in front of the twins, they kinda freak out. I think its fine to not give a snack, unless they seem really hungry of course. But if you think they don't need it, don't sweat it!
  9. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    My pedi's office said to offer 3 snacks a day, in addition to 3 meals. phew! So I now offer 1 snack in the AM (about 3 hours after breakfast and 30-40 minutes before lunch), and then SOMETIMES in the afternoon after their nap. It's very hard to tell if they want anything because they can't tell me. But I feel better offering it at least.
    Yes it's a TOTAL pain to bring them into the kitchen (sometimes from 2 floors up) into their high chairs for snack, but I don't want food crumbs and mess anywhere else in the house.
  10. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    snack trap cups are a great way to offer a variety of snacks. i read somewhere the best snack is a carb and a fruit (for energy). Healthy crackers and dried fruit works great. plus the snack trap cups website sells tethers. so snacks are usually done in the stroller in AM and/or PM.
  11. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    Toddlers are grazers. They have small tummies and are expending a lot of energy and need refuelling. A 'snack' is only what you make it and many nutritionists suggest you look at it as giving them 5 small meals not 3 meals and 2 snacks to avoid the pitfalls of giving them empty calories. Offer something healthy that they can come and get if they are hungry.
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