Slow eating

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MommyWannabe, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. MommyWannabe

    MommyWannabe Well-Known Member

    OK so here's the deal. My girls are both eating about 3oz. every 3-4 hours. The problem being, our little one will take sometimes up to or just over an hour to finish. She sucks the first 2oz. down in no time and then plays with the nipple and takes her time with the last oz. I tried backing her down to just 2oz. thinking she really didn't want the last, but she has a fit and screams until she gets another oz. What to do? Any advice? I know some people on here do strict 30 min. feedings and I was just curious as to how that worked. Thanks in advance!
  2. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    when our daughter started taking FOREVER to finish her bottle, we moved up one stage in nipples, and that helpd a TON- took 30-45 mins. with stage 1, and 10 with stage 2! you could just buy a couple nipples to try it out and see if it works.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    We also changed nipples from a Stage 1 to Stage 2. Just take it slow and burp her a lot so she doesn't get sick on them.
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I would also recommend changing to a faster flowing nipple.
  5. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    I found out one of my girls had no cheek muscle tone and the other had no lip muscle tone which caused VERY long eating sessions!!! We have PT weekly to help with this. Also, one had reflux and doesn't want to eat.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I was going to say move up a stage in nipple, but if she sucks down the first 2 with no problem, then I am at a loss. She is sucking for soothing .... if she gets a paci, then give her that when she starts "playing" with the nipple.
  7. MommyWannabe

    MommyWannabe Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. We've already moved up to a stage 2 nipple ... believe it or not at a week old. Overachievers I know LOL. So I settled in this morning for another long stretch of feeding, deciding I was going to cut them off at a half hour no matter what (as they are both mostly done by then give or take an oz. or half) and they both sucked down their entire 3oz. in 15 mins. [​IMG] I couldn't believe it! The little boogers like to make a liar out of me. I'm sure the problem with continue, but it does kind of clear up that it's not the nipples, lack of muscle tone, or something like that. It's them. The little stinkers. Now I just need to figure out how to combat it!
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