Sling/packs for twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by aworre, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. aworre

    aworre New Member

    Do any of you use a sling or pack for your twins? Or maybe one for dad, one for mom? I'm looking for advice on which ones to get or if they're just too hard with two and I shouldn't bother. Any thoughts?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Some people manage it, but my body couldn't handle carrying two babies -- my muscles and spine were such a wreck from the pregnancy and bedrest, I could barely carry one at a time for the first couple of weeks. Then, when I was strong enough, they were too big.

    But someone else may have some more optimistic advice!
  3. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I bought/used 2 separate packs. Looked at slings, but didn't see how I could use 2 at once. The reason for 2 packs was I could wear both (positioned to the right or left side). Or dad could wear one as well. I used the 2 packs together until they were about 12lbs apiece (after that it was too much for my back).
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We always split them up into two separate. We didn't use them a whole lot just like the aquarium and things like that.
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I used the ergo pack for one and would carry the other one. I usually put the heaviest in the pack and carried the lighter one. It got easier when they were big enough to go on my back. I made carrying the 2nd a lot easier.
  6. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I had the Moby and would put the twins in there together when they were up to about 2 months and then once Olivia could hold her head really well, we put her in the back pack carrier and I would sling Gavin on my front. This was for when I was at home and neither one of them wanted to be put down.

    When we went out, I would sling Gavin, and put his twins sister and her older brother in the double stroller. It was sort of like a freak show! hahaha
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I also used a Moby wrap when they were really tiny. But once they got to be about two months, I would wear them separately.
    I don't remember the website now- you could probably Google it- but I did a homemade Moby because it was a lot cheaper to buy the fabric and do it myself than buying the actual wrap.
  8. aworre

    aworre New Member

    Thank you for all the advice. My DH has just informed me he won't wear a Moby, lol. I'm going to have to find something more manly for him. He has spotted the Baby Bjorn air carrier but that's $100! Any recommendations for cheaper but just-as-good alternatives (that look manly, haha)?
  9. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Aworre...I have seen a lot of Baby Bjorns and various other carriers for sale on Craigslist!

    I actually cannot wait to see what works for us when the girls arrive as will be really cold here so I am counting on the wraps to keep us all nice and warm...but we will see.

    Happy searching!
  10. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    I use the Bjorn for one of mine too. I got it off Ebay for $30 and it looked BRAND NEW!! They had only used it a couple times. I also had one of the twin carriers, but I found it way to difficult to maneuver plus it hurt me to carry two babies. Now my girls are 12ish pounds, so no way could I carry both for more than a couple minutes. I use the Bjorn the most when one is cranky and I want to do a quick walk down the street because they love to be outside but I don't want to whip out the big old stroller.
  11. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    My link Here is a link to show how to do the moby wrap and wear twin. I never did. I had a ring sling which I used with one at a time. Both the moby and ring sling are cheap and even easy to make. Check out the site. I may try the moby wrap this time, we will see. i think it depends on how big your babies are and how fast they grow.
  12. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I really like the Ergo.

    This one could hold them together when they are tiny and then you can wear one on each side or one front and one back. You can pick fabrics so maybe you can find your hubby somethings manly!
  13. foxynursejo

    foxynursejo Member

    I wouldn't reccomend a bjorn. they're uncomfortable for the wearer and puts alot of pressure on the babies hips. I second a beco or ergo. can be worn on the front while the baby is small and on the back once a bit older. I don't really like wearing both babies at once, but I have done it when needed. I use a single stroller and wear the other baby. good luck on your decision!
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